Chapter 1

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Today was the day that Louise "Rex" Jones returned to Top Gun, she was beyond excited. She loved Top Gun, not only because she was the record holder of the highest score there, but also because it brought back so many great memories. Memories like hanging at The Hard Deck with her class, and making other memories like the ones that caused her to get her call sign, but that was a story for another day. Or thanks to Hangman, a story for about 20 minutes time.

After putting her bags down in the accommodation assigned for her she began to get ready for a night at The Hard Deck. She assumed whoever she was staying with was already there as there was no one in sight. She put on some high-waisted shorts, a plain cropped vest and a cute checkered shirt as a jacket before she left the house. She quickly threw on a light bit of makeup and let her loose blonde curls flow naturally.

She hopped in an Uber she ordered as she knew for a fact that she was going to get drunk, it is the British way after all. Once she arrived she strolled over to the pool table where a group of Pilots stood playing.

"REX!" She heard one scream, she looked over and it was her former Top Gun best friend Fanboy.

"Fanboy! How are you?" She smiled. Before he even had the chance to reply a tall, muscly, sexy blonde man cut in.

"So you are the infamous Rex?" He asked.

"I wouldn't say infamous, but I am Rex. And you are?" She asked politely.

"Mesmerised by your British Accent, you sure you are in the right place sweetheart? Not meant to be at Buckingham Palace?" He joked.

"Ah, you're a funny lad aren't you? Or is it just that Buckingham Palace is the only British place you know? It wouldn't surprise me, I have seen the American education system." She shot back.

"Hangman." He bluntly said.

"I'm sorry?" She replied confused.

"Jake Seresin, call sign Hangman." He repeated.

"Oh how lovely, I'm Louise Jones, call sign Rex." She responded.

"Rex, this is Phoenix, Bob, Payback and you know Coyote." Fanboy said introducing the gang.

"Nice to meet you all, and good to see you again Coyote!" She said.

"How did you get the name Rex?" Hangman asked.

"Now I don't think that's a story for now," she replied knowing damn well how she got the name.

"How about a game of pool? If I win you tell me, if you win I'll buy you a drink." Hangman proposed.

"Fine," she replied. The pair began an intense game of Pool, but it didn't help that Louise was absolutely terrible, she tried distracting Hangman as much as she possibly could. She brushed her ass up against his crotch when she walked by, revealed her cleavage as she was taking shots, and even tried to bend over in front of him when he was taking his shot as she had 'dropped her phone.' although it did distract him, it didn't take away from the fact that Louise was truly terrible at pool.

As Jake was about to take the winning shot she bent over one last time to 'tie her shoes' just as she heard someone call, "Hold on, I'd know that ass anywhere!" Louise immediately recognised that voice and shot up. She ran over and jumped into the arms of her former best friend.

"Bradley! I missed you so much!" She said.

"I've missed you too Loulou, how have you been?" he asked.

"I've been good! Better for seeing you," she jokingly flirted.

"Hold on, if you have a boyfriend why the hell am I trying here?" Hangman interrupted.

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