Chapter 8

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"Jack?" Louise said not believing her eyes, "what are you doing here?"

"I missed you," he said looking at his ex.

"Wait this is Jack?" Hangman asked.

"Yeah, who the fuck are you?" Jack replied challenging Hangman.

"I'm-" Hangman began before Louise interrupted him.

"He's my new boyfriend," Louise lied hoping it would get rid of Jack, "This is Jake, we've been together for a year now, isn't that right babe?"

"Uh yeah, best year of my life," he smirked at Jack.

Coyote and Fanboy decided this was a good time to leave so they slipped into the house and began making themselves dinner. This left Louise and Jake outside pretending to be a couple.

"Bullshit!" Jack said looking at the 'couple'.

"What are you talking about?" Louise said rolling her eyes. Internally she was panicking, the plan to get rid of him wasn't working and if he now found out that they weren't together then shit would hit the fan.

"You guys are not together, she wouldn't move on from me that quickly," he challenged.

"Oh like you moved on from me before we even broke up? A year and a half isn't quick to move on!" She replied.

"But I was the love of your life!" He said.

"Was being the key word there pal," Hangman said.

"Whatever, I'm done entertaining your bullshit Jack. Let's go babe," Louise said just before pulling Jake into a kiss.

Jake was shocked for a moment and then played along as he guided her into the house, then watching him leave from the window.

"Quite the kiss there lovebirds," Coyote said from the kitchen.

Completely ignoring Coyote's comment, Louise began to rant. "Ugh, how dare he show up here! It's been years! Who does he think he is?"

"He just wants to get in your head Rex, don't let him win!" Fanboy said comforting his friend.

"It's just so annoying, why is he here? How long is he here for? How did he know this was where I was staying?" She said.

"Look it's done now, just forget about it, right Hangman?" Fanboy added.

"What? Oh-uh Yeah!" Hangman said coming out of his trance.

"What's wrong with you?" Louise questioned.

"N-nothing! Just tired, I think I am going to head to bed," He said abruptly before running upstairs.

"That was weird, is he not coming to The Hard Deck tonight?" Louise asked.

"Guess not," Coyote replied.

After having dinner Louise decided to go for a shower to get the last bits of sand off her before going to The Hard Deck. Once she was out she decided to make a quick pit stop into Jake's room to check on him.

"Hey Bagman are you okay?" She asked sincerely.

"Woah Rex, clothes!" He called back looking at the half-naked blonde.

"What I have pants and a bra on!" She said before realising they were both lacy meaning that not a lot was covered. She quickly took the towel from her hair and covered her body with it. "Sorry, I usually just go straight to my room!"

"Don't worry about it," he said offering a smile.

"So are you okay?" She asked again.

"Yeah I'm fine, just been a hell of a day!" He replied.

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