Chapter 7

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"Now now dear," Louise's Aunt Heather began, "that is no way to speak to your Aunty!"

"I think you lost that title a long time ago," Rooster argued for Louise, causing him to receive a dirty look from the girl as she could fight her own battles.

"Now I disagree, I think that I was everything you needed, I gave you a roof, I gave you food," she began to list before realising that was all she offered.

"Ran out of things to say? How about I fill you in, you gave me childhood trauma, you gave me depression, you gave me anxiety, need I go on?" Louise said.

"I gave you tough love, it's what your parents would've wanted," She replied.

"Oh come on Heather," Iceman said interrupting, "We both know that Liz and Wolfman would've wanted her to be loved and cared for, for some reason they thought you would do that!"

"Tom, good to see you," She said batting her eyelids in an attempt to flirt.

"Why are you here Heather?" He shot at her.

"Well this is a family barbecue, is it not?" She said sickly.

"Yes and you are not family, Louise might be but you are certainly not!" He argued.

"Well I have a purpose for coming here," she said ignoring the insults.

"And that is?" Maverick stepped in.

"Louise, you are 21 now, are you not?" She asked.

"Failing to see how this is relevant," she shot at her 'aunt'.

"Well if I am correct, you now have access to all the inheritance your darling parents left you," she snarled.

"Yes that's correct, the inheritance they left ME," she smiled sweetly.

"Well I am just here to get my share, I mean I did raise you for 11 years!" Heather said defending herself.

"Raise me?" Louise questioned, "all you ever did was shout abuse at me and shipped me off at any available time, I spent more time with the neighbours than I did with you!"

"Yeah yeah whatever, I still gave you a house to live in!" She replied.

"And that is all you did, you are never getting a penny from me!" Louise replied.

"Ugh, I always knew you were a spoiled brat!" Heather shouted.

"Oh yeah?" Louise challenged, "and why's that? Because you never gave me anything apart from many mental illnesses!"

"Oh don't blame your patheticness on me," Heather spat at her niece. This caused Rooster, Iceman and Maverick all the step up ready to kick her out before Louise waved them down.

"I am not remotely pathetic, I am strong, I am the best pilot the world has ever seen, I am what every girl and woman wants to be, I am everything my parents could ever dream of." She said eyeing up her aunt.

"Ha good joke!" Her aunt replied, "you are a pathetic slag, you are stupid, you are ugly, you will never do anything with your life and you will never get the boy of your dreams you fat bitch!" She said looking at Rooster.

"Okay listen up you old hag, I am not a slag whatsoever, I am ridiculously intelligent, I am pretty enough to be a fucking model, I am already at the top of my career at 21 and I could get any fucking boy I want. So if you want to hit me where it hurts, you are going to have to try again you swung and you fucking missed," she bluntly said to her aunt. "Now, as for you, you are a washed up, low-life, waste of space, you haven't had a boyfriend for over 11 years, you've barely had a job for 10 years and you were hated by your own sister, she only left me with you so I could grow up British. And do you know what, I love being British, but I would trade that any day to not have to have grown up with you. Now do us all a favour and get the fuck out because i can guarantee that no one wants you here."

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