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When Evelyn awoke, she felt pain. It coarsed around her body before she even had a chance to open her eyes, it was all she could feel. Like a fire spreading across a forest, it moved with anger, not grace, shooting down her limbs with no mercy.

"Good afternon to you too Evelyn," she heard the familiar voice of Tom call out to her. "Shame to see you lose last night."

That got her riled up, opening her eyes with a frown, she shot him a glare, "lose? Astrea went down before me!"

"Perhaps," he paused momentarily, "while that may be true, you went down too." 

"That is not the rule! I won."

"Well...." he took a breath, pausing, "as you kept it entertaining, we shall say you won, but Astrea won't be happy to hear that."

Evelyn feigned hurt, "how sad. I am truly devastated for her."

"So, we may go to the beach."

Evelyn had almost forgotten about the beach, in the heat of the duel, she had simply wanted to win for the power, for the reputation, but now she remembered the ocean and it made her heart feel full. 


"Evelyn, I always keep my word," he stood up from the end of the bed, "how about we go in the evening?" Evelyn nodded, "meet me back here at sunset."

"You mean...." She stopped to smile, "I can explore the Manor?"

"Yes," he nodded as he made his way to the door, "as long as you stay inside."

Evelyn grinned, "thank you," she whispered as he walked out of the door.

Once she heard him go back down the stairs, she emerged from the bed and made her way into the bathroom. Shivering as her bare feet touched the cobbled stone, she dropped her robe, exposing her bare body. Evelyn ran her hands across her legs, wincing as she reached the bumpy grooves of her burnt flesh. She didn't realise how much damaged Astrea had done.

Hestitantly, she made her way into the shower and let herself be free in the water. Despite the burning sensation on her legs, Evelyn felt safe. She was in a cocoon of the soothing cascade, an embrace of of the sparkling water.

It wrapped itself around her, filling her with safety like no other. She had  always adored the water, whether it was the ocean, the lake, or simply a bath, she loved the way she became weightless; it was like that in her dreams too.

When she emerged from the shower, she wrapped herself in a black silk dress and let herself sink back into the bed. Soon she would be back by the ocean, she place she had been raised, the place where her life had once been perfect.

"Evelyn," she heard Tom call her name, waking her from her daydream, "it's time to go."

"Already?" She rubbed her eyes, sliding out from under the covers into her black shoes.

He looked at her intently, "you've been asleep for hours, I thought it best to let you sleep." Reaching out his arm, he lifted her up to standing, "here is your warning."

Evelyn blinked, and they were somewhere new. She clutched her stomach, "thank you for the warning at least."

"No problem," he took her hand, "shall we?" He led her into the quaint grey cabin, "its been uninhabited since your grandmother passed," he said, as though he were a tour guide.

"It's just like how I left it all those years ago..." Evelyn ran her hands across the familiar grey wood,"it still smells like home." She took a deep breath in, inhaling the sweet salty air. 

"It's quite small." 

Nonetheless, Evelyn smiled, "it was home. I haven't had a home quite like it since."

Awkwardly, he followed her around the house as she showed him around. It wasn't much, but it was home, it made her feel young again, and when she was young, she was safe.

"Would you like to watch the sunset?" He spoke quickly, as though he wanted to leave.

She nodded at him, leading him down to the beach by the cabin. It wasn't very large, barely half a mile long, but it was still everything Evelyn needed. She sat herself down on the sun scorched grains with a yawn, leaning her head back onto the sand to watch the sun set from below. 

She looked up at Tom who stood awkwardly beside her, "lay down, we're watching the sun set, aren't we?" 

He shifted his weight between his feet momentarily before placing himself down beside her, rubbing the sand off his shoulder stiffly.  "Now what?"

"Now nothing, we just watch the sun." She pointed up at the sky, "look how the colours blend together." It was art, like fresh colours on a canvas, all mixing together just for them as if the sun rays were destined to create this art.

Evelyn sat herself up, wiping the sand off her body, "look away," she said to Tom, watching as he sat up and closed his eyes. Evelyn reached her hand to her shoulder, slipping herself out of her dress. She slipped off her shoes and smiled, making her way into the ocean before looking up. "Now I have the best view," she let herself sink into the chilly water, letting the weight of her body slip away from her. This was the bliss she had been searching for, the serenity she had been needing. And so, as she watched the palettes of tangerine, amber and rose collided, and forgot about the world around her.

She forgot about it all until she felt the waves begin to crash into her, unsteadying her heart. Turning, she saw Tom entering the water, "look away," he mimicked her, and so she closed her eyes. She kept them closed until she felt his hand on her bare arm.

"Isn't it gorgeous?" She smiled up at the sun, now beginning to hide itself behind the horizon.

"I suppose it is." He had never really had a chance to just stop and admire the beauty of it.

"It's nice to just be able to breathe, to soak it all in," Evelyn beamed as she felt her heart ease into a slower rythmn, "everything around us has just stopped now."

Tom didn't reply, instead he mimicked Evelyns body position, letting himself sink into the water. She was right, he felt safe. Lost in the traunqil waters, it felt like his trips as a child, but without the looming threat of returning to the orphanage, here, he was in control. 

He stood up, looking over at Evelyn and calling out her name, "Evelyn," he reached out his hands to her face, and without a second thought, he moved in. He let his lips crash into hers as though they were coarsing waves, rushing through the everlasting ocean.

One touch and the intoxication is instant. She took a deep breath in, the salty air mixed with his musk sending her into some kind of trance, weightless, she let herself fully bend to his will. His hands ran across her bare skin, sparking electricity inside of her and she let herself truly become his.

Unravelled² → Tom Riddle [Rewritten]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon