Part 195

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Miles: Can we have a birthday cake?

Finn, writing a shopping list: It's not your birthday.

Miles: The cake won't know.


Miles: Here's the plan. We enter on the count of one.

Anne: That's not a good plan.

Miles: ONE!


Miles: [Brushes hand against Anne's hand]

Anne: [Grabs Miles's hand, squeezing hard]

Anne: Fucking commit.


Before I met Anne, I was 100% Gay. Now... I'm 80% Straight... but just for Anne.



Miles: Anne, do you want to talk about how you are feeling today?

Anne: Not really.

Dutch: I do!

Miles: I know, Dutch.

Dutch: I'm sad!

Miles: I know, Dutch.


Miles: Thanks again for inviting me over to eat!

Finn: That was not eating. I've seen eating. What you did in there was pure chaos.

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