Chapter 118

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Chapter 118

On the other side, Shao Shengan and his parents also got out of the car.

After hiding in the car for a few days, his back was sore and his feet were numb. Before getting off the car, Shao Shengan moved his joints, but the muscles and joints were so stiff that he almost fell when he climbed down.

"Sheng An!" Shao's father and Shao's mother called worriedly.

"I'm fine! Parents, wait a minute, I'll pick you up when I move." Shao Shengan hurriedly moved his limbs, only to feel that his whole body was rusted. When he felt that his hands and feet were no longer numb, Shao Shengfei raised his hand to help his parents.

"I don't need to help you, just help your mother!" Shao's father waved his hand and gestured to get out of the car by himself, and Shao Shengan moved to the other end to help Shao's mother.

Shao's father came down by himself, stepped on it and exclaimed: "Ah!"

Shao's mother trembled, and Shao Sheng'an's heart was beating wildly.

"What's the matter, Dad?"

"I stepped on something - it's a person! There's a person here! It scared me to death!"

Shao Shengan rushed over and saw a person sitting next to the front of the car. The sand and dust completely buried him. A footprint, which should have been accidentally stepped on by my father when he got out of the car.

"Are you still alive?" Mother Shao grabbed Father Shao's arm.

The man moved a bit, and the sand and dust on his body slipped off. Like a rusty robot, the man slowly raised his head, stretched his hands and feet, and when he was halfway through, the whole man fell down and remained motionless.

"Sheng An! It seems that she is still alive!"

"Let me see." Shao Shengan stepped forward and turned the person over. The man was lying unconscious, breathing weakly, and his lips were chapped.

"Her emergency kit is on the ground, it's empty." Mother Shao picked up the emergency kit that had fallen from the woman, flipped it over, and said.

The emergency kit was empty, and the woman must have fainted from hunger.

Father Shao touched his head: "What should I do, Sheng An?"

"Mom and dad, you bring your things first, I'll deal with this person."

Shao Shengan carried the woman into the front of the car, fed the woman a bottle of water, and then pinched a small piece of compressed biscuit and stuffed it into her mouth .

"I can only help you here." Shao Shengan saw the woman's throat swallowing something unconsciously, her eyes were shaking under her eyelids, and it looked like she was about to wake up, so he turned and left, and soon the three of them were lucky.

Three or four minutes later, the woman woke up completely, but she had no strength, her whole body was numb and sluggish, and it took ten minutes before she regained her strength and slowly chewed the compressed biscuits in her mouth. Chewing and chewing, strength returned to her limbs, she vaguely remembered that someone was talking just now, but there was no more impression.

"I, survived..." The woman observed the front of the car and understood that it was probably a kind-hearted person who passed by who saved her. She remembered that she was walking and walking. I don't know when she fainted, and when she lost consciousness, she thought she was going to die.

There still seemed to be a taste of cookie crumbs in her mouth, and she licked her dry lips, tears running down the corners of her dry eyes. The woman climbed down from the front of the car and started looking for supplies. She found a wilted weed under the front of the car, holding the weed, she couldn't help showing a smile.

Although the front of the car and the first aid blanket were used to cover them, Shao Shengan and the three still had a layer of sand on their bodies, and they rustled as they walked.

Mother Shao felt very uncomfortable. The sand and dust formed a shell on her face and hair. She felt that the hair on her head was wrapped in hundreds of pounds of cement, and her face seemed to be covered with a layer of cement board. It's earthy.

Now that water resources are precious, and drinking is not enough, where would you be willing to use it to clean up your body. She couldn't help scratching her neck as she walked, and Shao Shengan

felt itchy when she saw it: "I hope I can see a small river, I can burn some hot water to wipe my face and neck."

The river, but saw a crack.

"Do you think there might be water in it? The ground is cracked, will there be groundwater coming out?" Father Shao asked expectantly.

"Let's take a look."

Near the crack, the smell of rotting corpses was very strong. In that hastily glanced, Father Shao seemed to have seen several corpses.

"Go around and look for water elsewhere," Shao Shengan said.

It was not until they were farther away that Mother Shao asked her son where they were going next.

"We don't have many supplies, but we have a lot. At least this time we don't have to worry about food." Shao Shengan said that each of them carried a wild survival bag, and there were thirty pieces of compressed biscuits in it, enough for them to eat. a month. But the water is not enough. They can drink it for three days at most. They need to plan ahead and find water when they are on the road. There are water purification tablets in their bags.

"The base can't go back. The base has a large population. Although the weather is not too hot now, if there are too many corpses and there is no time to deal with it, there may be a plague... Qingqing, they must also be looking for us. I think we need to find the direction of Yeshan first. Then walk around Yeshan, you may meet Qingqing and the others."

After listening to Shao Shengan's careful analysis, Shao's father and Shao's mother had no opinion: "Then do as you say, we will listen to you."

Shao Shengan raised his head , the sun was shining today, but the sun was weak, and through the dust and sand in the air, he could see that the sky to the east, southeast, and south was very dark, as if there were large black clouds gathered there. He pursed his lips and retracted his gaze, and continued to walk forward firmly.

In the coastal area of ​​more than 1,000 kilometers, a monstrous water wall with a height of 100 zhang is being raised at this time. If anyone faces this scene in the vicinity, they will definitely be scared to death.

It has been a few days since the big earthquake. The sea water retreated a few days before the big earthquake. In the past few days, there was no sound of water in the sea, but the silence is even more frightening. Silent, a strange muffled sound came from the depths of the sea, obviously brewing a bigger storm that shocked the world.

Black clouds slowly accumulated over the ocean, the air stagnant, and Bai Yan, who flew across the ocean in pieces, screamed and fell from the air, falling into the seabed without water. The seabed was the same as the mainland on the day of the big earthquake. After being cut, there are signs of cuts everywhere, the bottomless ocean trench engulfed Bai Yan, and only the falling feathers are slowly descending in the air.

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the deep sea, the seabed trembled, the gully continued to tear, and a large group of white water vapor evaporated from the trench somewhere. The rock layer burst open, accompanied by thick black smoke, red magma spurted out, and steam filled the air.

This seems to be just a signal. The underwater volcano erupted one after another, and the entire ocean became a pot of boiling red oil, revealing the terrifying atmosphere of the forbidden place of death. At the same time as the volcanoes erupted one after another, the disappeared sea water also reappeared, sweeping the seabed with a force a hundred times stronger than before. The sea water made a comeback, and the momentum was ferocious. It was out of control. When it came to the mainland, the momentum did not diminish. The furious sea and the raging waves, with the scorching breath of the volcanic eruption, arrogantly set off a huge wave of hundreds of meters, and slapped the ground fiercely—


In the early years of the flood, all coastal residents were evacuated, but after the flood receded, the convenience of production and life brought by the coast was still favored by the leadership of the survivor base when selecting the site. Mayor Luo of Xicheng Base sent someone to send letters to nearby bases. After all, if there is a major global earthquake, the seaside will become a dangerous area, and the tsunami brought by the earthquake will seriously threaten the lives of survivors.

But relocating the entire base is a very big project, and the high-level residents of Xicheng cannot relocate the dense population of residents in the new community. How could other bases be relocated as a whole because of the "prophecy letter" of the Xicheng base?

Before the tsunami, some residents went fishing on the beach but found the sea water receding. This is an extremely ominous omen. The news was sent back to the base, and some people were afraid to move inland, but more people remained at the base, and everyone was rescued and survived. However, when the tsunami hit the land with turbulent waves, the nearby bases suffered.

"What, what?"

The man who was digging up the ruins raised his head, thinking he had seen an illusion.

The monstrous waves rolled higher and higher, mercilessly smashing down in the sight of everyone's horrified eyes, screaming, and rushing.

All kinds of fish, shrimp, crabs and other aggressive marine creatures were rolled in the water waves, and they rushed towards the ground. The water splashed and scattered into countless water dragons that were squirming at high speed. They swept away the ruins in ten seconds and knocked down. The broken building is filled with deep cracks in the ground, and the survivors in the middle are so small, like duckweed being completely involved...

The tragedy that happened on the coast, people in the Xicheng safe area can't see it, and have no extra thoughts. To guess more: Is there a terrible disaster happening in other directions of the lightning beating in the dark clouds? The survivors are entangled in the predicament in front of them, and they have no other energy to survive in order to survive.

Qiao Qingqing, who was looking for the direction of Yeshan, also encountered difficulties one after another on the first day after the sandstorm ended.

First, Qiao Qingqing encountered an attack. When she heard the sound of breaking the air, the attack was already in front of her eyes. She could only avoid it by instinct.


An arrow stuck in Qiao Qingqing's arm. Qiao Qingqing didn't seem to know the pain. She rushed forward, breaking the arrow while running, and loudly asked her mother and Shao Shengfei to find something to cover.

Qiao Songzhi immediately pulled Shao Shengfei to squat down, and when the two squatted down, an arrow passed by Qiao Qingqing and wiped over their heads.

The running Qiao Qingqing's eyes were full of murderous intent. A good diet and a well-trained body burst out with amazing energy at this moment. Qiao Qingqing only allowed the opponent time to shoot the second arrow, and then found the opponent's position.

The man turned pale in shock, turned his head and ran behind an obstacle without hesitation.

What do bowmen fear most? Most afraid of enemy melee combat.

Qiao Qingqing immediately took out a crossbow from the space after forcing the opponent back—she thought that the speed of untying the crossbow on her back was too slow.

Set the arrow, aim, set the arrow, aim, Qiao Qingqing fired two arrows at the man's back.


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