Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

The hospital was very deserted, and Shao Shengan was taken aback.

"There were a lot of people when I came to the hospital before, so why are there so few people this time?"

Qiao Qingqing thought for a while: "Maybe the medicine is not enough." A few days ago, Grandma Wang went upstairs to borrow antipyretic medicine, and the child at home went to sickness In the hospital, it turned out that there was not enough medicine in the hospital, so I had no choice but to go home and carry it, borrowing medicine everywhere. Qiao Qingqing borrowed antipyretic medicine for her, and Grandma Wang brought a large bag of fresh bean sprouts.

Sure enough, during the registration, the nurse said that the hospital's medicines were in short supply, and the hospital would not accept treatment for minor problems.

"My mother has a fever of 39.5°, does it meet the admission criteria?" Qiao Qingqing asked hurriedly.

The nurse was a little embarrassed and shook her head: "The hospital does not have admission standards. We accept all patients. It's not that the hospital is unwilling to accept it, but that the medicines in this area have been used up. As you all know, after the cooling down, the most common cold, fever, and falls are the most common. , these medicines will be used the fastest."

"I can understand, I have the medicines myself, but I just don't know how to give them to my mother. Please help me to ask a doctor to check and prescribe medicines." Qiao Qingqing pleaded. .

The nurse thought she was joking and looked suspicious.

"I think about the medicine myself. Really, I just want to ask the doctor to help my mother see it." Qiao Qingqing really didn't lie. She used to work in a foreign trade pharmaceutical company. She bought a lot of prescription drugs through her contacts, not only Western medicines, but also Chinese medicines. It's just that her mother took the medicine for a few days and her condition worsened. She suspected pneumonia and other problems and had to have a CT scan.

"I'm sorry, I can donate two boxes of antipyretics to the hospital." Qiao Qingqing took out the medicine and put it on the service desk.

The nurse took a deep breath, put away the medicine first, and nodded to Qiao Qingqing: "Come with me, I'll arrange a ward for your mother first."

Shao Shengan followed the nurse with Qiao Songzhi on his back, and Qiao Qingqing followed closely.

After arranging Qiao Songzhi to lie down, the nurse went out again and called after a while, "Dr. Zheng is free, come here."

Dr. Zheng heard the question and opened a checklist.

After an inspection, it turned out that Qiao Songzhi had bronchopneumonia due to a cold.

Dr. Zheng prescribed the medicine, frowning: "The situation is not serious, it was not a big problem before... But now the pharmacy has almost run out of medicines, and some key medicines are not available."

Qiao Qingqing took the list and looked at ten lines . , at the same time calculating in his mind.

After the calculation, she breathed a sigh of relief. She took the pen on the table and sketched on the list: "I don't have any of these three. Is there any other alternative medicine?"

Dr. Zheng looked at her in surprise, remembering what the nurse said just now, and then After writing a few words again: "These are also fine, the effect is similar."

Qiao Qingqing finally showed a smile: "Well, I will go and find the medicine, my mother is coughing a lot of phlegm, and she coughed during the examination just now. When there is bloody phlegm, do I need to do something to relieve it first?"

"I can do thoracentesis and drainage, and I can do this operation. You go to the medicine first, and I will perform the operation on your mother first."

That night, Qiao Qingqing and the others stayed in the hospital.

It was really cold in the hospital, Qiao Qingqing pretended to go out and brought a coal stove and charcoal.

"Mom, what do you think?"

Qiao Songzhi said better, and Qiao Qingqing felt more at ease.

At night, she and Shao Shengan took turns to keep vigil, and at least deal with the night. The good news is that Qiao Songzhi's condition improved significantly the next day, and she said she wanted to go home.

Dr. Zheng said that it would be safer to observe for a few more days. Qiao Qingqing knew that her mother would not see them cold and comforted her: "We are young and not afraid of the cold. Mom, you have to get well soon, you are the most important person to me."

Qiao Songzhi Coughing and laughing: "Isn't your most important person Sheng An?"

Qiao Qingqing nodded: "You two are my most important people, if you want to subdivide, Mom is even more important, I love you the most. Mom." She stroked the corner of Qiao Songzhi's eyes, the wrinkles there made her sad.

"I'm fine, don't cry." "I'm

not crying, Mom, are you hungry? I'll serve you porridge." The

hospital's pharmacy is really empty. Qiao Qingqing has met several patients in the past few days in the hospital. Family troubles. She knew that if she didn't stock up on medicines, she would be as desperate as they were in the face of her mother's sick but helpless predicament.

In the past few days with the bed in the hospital, Qiao Qingqing sometimes went to the doctor of the Chinese medicine department to answer questions. The Chinese medicine department in the hospital was completely unable to prescribe medicine, and the pharmacy had long run out of Chinese medicine. Qiao Qingqing observed it for two days and saw that the old Chinese medicine practitioner on duty used acupuncture to relieve pain for patients, and used special techniques to relieve injuries for patients with bruises. , very much admired. When I learned that she was going to be a teacher, I looked at the 60- or 70-year-old old Chinese medicine doctor and looked at her like a child, and said with a smile:

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