Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

In a certain community, Lin Weini hadn't fallen asleep. In fact, she just came back from outside, and her clothes and hair still smelled of cigarettes and alcohol. She didn't turn on the light after she came in. After carefully washing, she opened the second bedroom, but saw that the quilt was flat inside. It was obvious that her brother had not come back. She frowned, no longer being careful in her movements, and stepped back to her room, kicking and kicking off her shoes.

Her father is still working overtime and has always been critical of her grandparents who died in the acid rain, and now she is not afraid to disturb anyone no matter how loud she is.

Lin Weini sat on the bed, her face washed away in the dark, indifferent and decadent.

She was so tired, so tired. After her mother died, she seemed to have lost her support. Obviously she still has a father, how can she live insecurely? When her mother was there before, even though her father was always busy with her career, she didn't think there was any problem with the family, and she didn't think much about being busy with her work. Why could her mother never lack her mother's love and care? It wasn't until the sudden death of her mother that she realized that her life had been turned upside down. This kind of change was not the change in life, materials, and environment in the past few years when the natural disaster struck, but another kind of change that made her feel creepy but couldn't speak.

The house seems to have suddenly become icy cold.

My younger brother has always liked to play, but with his mother's control, he is usually quite well-behaved. But after losing his mother, the younger brother was sad at first, but then he seemed to have discovered a new world and indulged day by day. Grandpa and grandma spoiled her brother in the past, and since then, it has become more and more serious. Her discipline does not work at all, and she even sees disgust on the face of grandparents-disgust? At that moment she was struck by lightning.

My father was often away from home, and when he came home, his face was full of tiredness, and he only taught his brother who was in trouble. After that, she reprimanded her for not disciplining her younger brother as a sister, for being unfilial to her grandparents, etc. After that, she pushed the bowl and went back to her room to sleep.

So weird, everything is so weird. Lin Weini was unprepared for this, unable to adapt. When her grandparents disappeared in the acid rain while walking, the pain of being despised was still deep in her heart.

It was only now, two years later, that she gradually realized how important her mother was in this family, or how important it was to her.

But it was too late, everything was irreversible, Lin Wei Ni had to plan for herself. She continued to work hard along the route her mother had planned for her before, but she felt a little hatred in her heart and wanted to cling to more powerful men. The few her mother had chosen before, she felt that it was still not enough.

Although the goal has not yet been achieved, she has achieved something with her two years of hard work.

At least, if you want to give her cheap sister a little fun and relax, you can still do it.

This is what Lin Weini thought and did, she never imagined that she would fail again!

Thinking of the news she heard when she was dating one of the spare tires tonight, Lin Weini tugged at the sheets, her beautiful face twisted and unwilling in the dark.

"Nini, I really asked my cousin to cross out her and her husband's names, I don't know why there are still in the final list, don't be angry!"


Lin Weini was annoyed, but she still had to coax this idiot. She felt that she was no different from coaxing the idiot, and she was full of anger.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Weini still didn't know what the problem was. After being suffocated, she was wronged, and the grievance made her cry. She just thought of this, just to make herself happy, her life has been so hard, such a small wish can't be successful, if her mother is there...

Qiao Qingqing didn't know about Lin Weini's tears in the dark. Survival is difficult these days, and breaking one's livelihood is equivalent to killing someone. If Qiao Qingqing knew that Lin Weini took the unhappiness of life on her head, bullying the soft and fearing the hard, she would not forgive her easily. over each other. She had to find a chance to squat on her, put a sack on her and slap her in return, and then kill her to avoid future troubles - the neighbors who came to ask for trouble before, the influence of the whole family combined is no more than 1% of Lin Weini, she She wouldn't leave such a source that could leverage powerful people to do bad things to her.

Unlike Lin Weini, who fell into self-inflicted pain and couldn't sleep all night, Qiao Qingqing slept well that night. She woke up naturally the next morning before dawn. She got up first to wash and make breakfast, and then Shao Shengan also got up. The two ate breakfast first, leaving three breakfasts covered with vegetable covers.

"Are you ready?" Qiao Qingqing asked. The two had already put on protective clothing and could go out on duty.

Shao Shengan nodded, and the two opened the door and went out.

There were several crows in the corridor. After smelling the smell of human flesh, they gave up attacking the gate and flew towards them instead. Qiao Qingqing stared straight ahead, and before the crow could fly, she shot an arrow and killed it, and then three of them were also killed by them.

The two continued to go downstairs. When they walked out of the 20th building, another small group of crows swooped down. The two cooperated to kill them all, and then began to patrol. During the period, they met ten other colleagues and said hello to each other. This was the first day of work, and everyone was very high-spirited. The more crows killed, the higher the points, and the more things that can be exchanged. Everyone will calculate this account.

Twelve people guarded the 30 buildings of Ping An Community, which was manageable on the first day. In the evening, the car with the corpse of the crow parked at the gate of the community. Qiao Qingqing and Shao Shengan went over with two large buckets, and handed over after counting, and got two good points.

"What will be done with these corpses?" Shao Shengan asked. The cadre who loaded the crow corpse wiped

his sweat and said casually, "I heard that it is going to be used as feed. After all, it is meat. It cannot be wasted." The man laughed: "What are you afraid of! It won't be eaten by people. The feed made should be for chicken farms or pig farms, don't worry!" The teammates touched their noses embarrassedly. "Okay, registered. Do you want crossbow arrows? One arrow per point, your crossbow should not be broken, right? This is more expensive, one crossbow costs 100 points, you better protect it, otherwise live It's all in vain."

There are two trucks, one for collecting prey corpses, and one for supplying bows and arrows to the crossbow team and exchanging points for materials. When Qiao Qingqing and the others took office, they only allocated one set of equipment, a crossbow and twenty arrows. If they wanted to replenish them later, they could only buy them with points.

The top management spared no effort to stimulate the striving and self-motivation of the members of the crossbow team.

Qiao Qingqing nodded: "We don't need it, how about you?" The

ten team members hesitated, and eight of them decided to replace ten more arrows. Twenty arrows have been used. Although the arrows were pulled out when picking up the corpse, they were still damaged. Replenishing bows and arrows in advance would not delay the work. After exchanging bows and arrows, they also used up all the remaining points and exchanged a little food.

After watching the delivery truck leave, Qiao Qingqing smiled and said to his teammates, "I have a deal to discuss with you. Would you like to hear about it?"

"Captain, what's the deal?

" One arrow, ten points can be exchanged for one catty of rice, I have a way to make crossbow arrows, one catty of rice is exchanged for twelve crossbow arrows, do you want to do this transaction?"

"Can you make crossbow arrows? Can the quality work?"

"This It's a finished product, you can see it for yourself."

Shao Shengan took off the quiver for them to check, and introduced: "The quality is not as good as the crossbow arrows made in the military, but the quality is definitely qualified, you can try it."

"Then, I can do it. Would you like to try one? I'll give you an answer tomorrow!"


"Then I'll take one too..."

When going upstairs, Qiao Qingqing found that the window in the corridor on the second floor had been patched. That's where the crow came in.

"It should be made by the residents on this floor, but it doesn't feel very solid. I'll take a few pieces of wood down and reinforce it later." Shao Shengan said.

After returning home, the two went to the bathroom on the seventh floor to change clothes, wash and disinfect.

"Two more dead chickens." Qiao Qingqing checked the chicks and took out two dead chicken bodies from inside.

Shao Shengan fed the other chickens, and the kitchen on the seventh floor also raised chickens. Qiao Qingqing took the dead chickens to the sixth floor for disposal, one for the space and one for extra meals.

"Oh, it's such a pity, how come two more dead chickens have died in this period of time, and there will be twenty chickens in total, and they will be able to lay eggs if they are raised again, alas!" Mother Shao felt distressed and said, "I'll come Take it easy , you go to rest!"

He grabbed it and asked Qiao Qingqing to sit in the living room for a while, "It's almost time to eat!"

"I'll make it with your mother-in-law, you can go and sit."

No way, Qiao Qingqing had no choice but to go back to the living room , sit and watch Shao Shengfei loosen the soil for the vegetable pot.

The first day of work went well, and Qiao Songzhi and the others were relieved to see them come back safely. In the kitchen, Mother

Shao warned loudly: "Put on the protective clothing. The crows are very dirty, and they may get sick."

"Don't worry Mom, Sheng An and I will be careful."

The chickens were all packed up, and asked Qiao Qingqing to come and collect them.

With the remaining one, Qiao Songzhi asked, "What are you going to do with this chicken? Stew soup or stewed chicken?"

"Mom, look at the arrangement, it's delicious no matter what you do.

" There are so many dead chickens in a few days, I really don't have the appetite to eat them."

Qiao Qingqing put away both chickens and took out the beef, "Then let's cook the beef."

Dinner was golden beef soup and curry potato stew . , and then there is a fried tomato with eggs made from home-grown tomatoes.

After dinner, Qiao Qingqing and Shao Shengan went downstairs to digest food and patrolled the entire Ping An community.

The more crows killed, the more points, and the richer the bonuses that can be exchanged. This is a good opportunity to make money with a clear price. How could Qiao Qingqing miss it?

Before going to bed, they killed another dozen crows.

When she went to bed at night, Qiao Qingqing dreamed that she had made a fortune by killing crows and almost woke up with a smile.

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