Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

"Be careful! Hey, be careful!"

"It's so fucking slippery, my gloves are not good!"

After finally tossing down, Chen Chenglei accidentally fell and sat down and screamed in pain. Chen Binggang helped him up and stared at the ground: "This is too hard. Before going to bed last night, there was still water here!"

"This world is too crazy." Zheng Tiehui opened his mouth wide and exhaled a white ball. Out of anger, he unfastened the kitchen knife around his waist and carefully squatted down, cutting the ice layer lightly and then hard.

Debris flew around, but the ice was unbreakable.

His eyes were terrified: "It's only been a night, this whole water area is frozen solid, this is too exaggerated! The water is ten or twenty meters deep!"

Chen Binggang swallowed: "Maybe it's just the surface layer. It's frozen, and the water below may still—"

"Help! Help, can someone come—"

The cry in the distance became louder and clearer, and everyone turned to look at it.

"Let's go take a look." Qiao Qingqing said softly, walking forward first.

The first few steps Qiao Qingqing walked unsteadily, but slowly she found the feeling of her previous life, walking slowly in small steps, with her hands open, like a penguin, she walked more and more smoothly. The ice surface is actually very flat. As long as you avoid the sundries that are inserted obliquely on the ice surface, you can actually walk faster with roller skates. Qiao Qingqing also prepared a lot of ice skates, but this was the first time she went out after freezing. She didn't want to be too maverick, so she didn't use them.

"Be careful, follow me like this." She often found time to go back to see Shao Shengan, who nodded at her and let her go her own way.

"Don't worry about me, I'll follow you." The

couple quickly distanced themselves from Chen Binggang and the others. There is a lot of snow in Huacheng throughout the year, but the amount of snow is generally not large. If you want to build a snowman, you have to do it well. It takes a while to get them together. With such a solid ice floor, Chen Binggang and the others are really inexperienced, so they can only move slowly, crouching down from time to time to stabilize their body.

Soon, Qiao Qingqing saw the location of the crying, there were two people, one was bending over and hitting the ground with the tool in his hand.

He dug out a hole in the ice surface, but obviously it would take a lot of work to continue digging down.

The cry came from a woman sitting on the ground. There was a leaking kayak beside her. She cried with red eyes while hugging the kayak, as if she could not feel the cold on the ground at all. There was a mournful cry.

"My son! My son! Help, help my son! He is only eighteen years old!..."

She heard the movement, turned around and saw Qiao Qingqing and the others, and immediately shouted for help: "Please help! Help and save my son!"

The man who was cutting the ice layer kept digging his head into the ice. The tool he used was homemade, and he tied the kitchen knife with a stick. The rough tool couldn't stand the continuous attack. fly far away. The man walked quickly to pick it up, slipped and fell after a few steps, and was crying while sitting on the ground.

The woman was shocked by the accident, stopped crying, and climbed to the direction of the pit. Her legs and feet were inconvenient and could not use any strength, so she moved forward with her hands on the ground.

"Help me." Qiao Qingqing said, taking off the shovel strapped to his waist and stepping forward.

The woman hurriedly stepped aside, looked at her expectantly, and muttered, "Thank you, thank you, my son is below, he is below!"

Qiao Qingqing silently waved the engineer shovel and let the sharp tiger shark dagger pierce the ice with skill layer, cut the gap.

On the other side, Shao Sheng'an looked solemn after hearing the woman's words. He didn't dare to think about the meaning of this sentence, but he understood that this sentence was what it meant!

With a sudden drop in temperature last night, the weeping couple's son may have just happened to be outside, trapped underwater for some reason - frozen in ice.

This guess is creepy, and the hair is standing on end.

He also took down the engineer shovel, fiddled with it a few times to reveal the tiger shark dagger, and stood beside Qiao Qingqing to help dig. During the digging process, he saw a red shadow underneath, which made his heart heavy.

Chen Binggang and the others were very strange when they arrived, and asked them what the couple were digging, but soon they also understood something from the woman's cry, and they all showed incredible shocked expressions.

"I-I'll help too." Chen Binggang took out his pig-killing knife and joined the ice slicing team. Zheng Tiehui and the others followed suit. The woman cried and thanked: "Good-hearted people, thank you good-hearted people." The man climbed back , hugging the woman, the two snuggled up and stared at the pit, unable to absorb the temperature of each other.

"It's here, be careful." Qiao Qingqing stopped everyone, squatted down and slowly digging, and quickly digged out a hand.

It was a purple-black hand, scratching upwards in a twisted way.

"Ah!" Zheng Tiehui exclaimed.

"Me, my son!" The woman rolled and crawled, shaking her hand to touch this hand, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

The man also wept silently. He grabbed his wife and pulled the corners of his mouth gratefully towards Qiao Qingqing and the others. His voice was hoarse: "Thank you, thank you, but can you help me and let us dig out the child." The

couple His grief infected everyone, and Zheng Tiehui responded, "You guys can wait by the side, we'll dig now, and we'll dig slowly."

Everyone dug and dug lightly, and finally a young man's corpse was dug out. The corpse was wearing red autumn clothes. The corpse was swollen, purple and black, and was frozen into a sculpture. He was holding it up with one hand and a bag tightly in the other.

The woman couldn't stand the shock and fainted with a scream.

The man touched his son's face lightly, and then touched his hands. The son pulled the bag so tightly that he couldn't take it out after it was frozen. The man smiled wryly and burst into tears: "Stubborn, that's his temperament, he had to go to the hospital last night to get his mother's medicine, I told him it was not safe at night, let's go again during the day, but he refused, saying he knew the way well, He can get there with his eyes closed... In the morning I went out to look, I looked, I found the kayak, I dug and dug, I dug out the kayak, I saw my son, he was wearing red when he went out, The person below must be my son...he's right below, right below! My son!"

Everyone present was unmoved, even Qiao Qingqing, who had seen and heard many similar tragedies in his previous life, faced this kind of When you are in despair and grief, you can't help but be sad.

It's too bad, the temperature suddenly drops, and the people outside are the most dangerous. The cold will erode the unprepared body, making the body stiff and hypothermic. If you are lucky, you will be able to support it back to the building. If you are unlucky, this body of water is a place where bones are buried, and once you enter the water, there is almost no survival. Opportunity now.

Under this new ice field, countless corpses are frozen. Those who go out at night for various reasons, especially the frogmen who work at night, are almost all buried underwater. When the frost thaws and this ice area turns into water again, countless corpses will float up...

Qiao Qingqing didn't want to recall that scene.

She retracted her thoughts and asked, "Is there anything else you need to do?" The

man shook his head: "Thank you, thank you, I can do it myself, I can." But

he obviously couldn't. He carried the body on his back and took a few steps before falling down. , the woman is not good, the family looks too miserable. Shao Shengan and Qiao Qingqing looked at each other, the couple stepped forward to help, Qiao Qingqing helped the woman, and Shao Shengan helped lift the body.

"Cough, since you see it, let's help. Good people will help to the end." Zheng Tiehui said.

A group of them helped get the family home. The distance is not too far, in fact, it is two streets behind Jinyuan Community, but now the ground is not easy to walk, and it is very difficult to walk a short distance.

Passing by many buildings along the way, weeping is often heard, and it is not known which family has also parted ways. Qiao Qingqing also saw many people walking on the balcony by the window, wrapping the window with cardboard plastic film and other items to block the cold air.

"Where are we going next?"

Chen Binggang asked after sending people off.

"Let's take a look at Jinyuan Primary School. I don't know what's going on with the supply ship. I'm afraid that the relief supplies will be interrupted in the future." Zheng Tiehui covered his mouth and nose with his hands and breathed, worried.

"That's right, then let's go. Xiao Shao, are you going?"

"Go, let's go together."

Walking to Jinyuan Elementary School is not easy. Except for Qiao Qingqing and Shao Shengan, everyone else has fallen. Shao Shengan almost slipped, but was grabbed by Qiao Qingqing, and the couple swayed together. It was very difficult to stabilize their figure.

"Don't worry about me, don't drag you down, I'll be fine if I fall." Shao Shengan told her.

"I can hold you." Qiao Qingqing shook his head and whispered, "Next time we go out and wear roller skates, it's better."

Shao Shengan laughed: "Okay, but we haven't skated for ten years. Now, I've been skating in junior high school."

"It's easy to get back the feeling. I always wanted to have a pair of roller skates, and I was envious of watching other people skating on the ice, just like a bird."

"It's a pity. We can buy you a lot of roller skates with the money we have saved so much." Shao Shengan, after believing in the apocalypse, also felt distressed about the savings that the husband and wife had saved in their previous life, more than one million. The husband and wife started from college. I worked part-time to save money, worked hard after graduation, worked overtime all year round, and worked overtime every day. The money I saved couldn't be spent after the apocalypse, and my wife was starving and freezing at home. Thinking about it, I would be pissed off.

"Yeah, it's a pity, I feel bad when I think about it, so I spent all of it this time." Qiao Qingqing winked at him, "I've never shopped like this before, it's so refreshing." The

two smiled at each other.

"Oh, young couples are good. The relationship is like glue. I can still laugh at this time. I'm going to cry! Look! The supply ship is frozen!"

Qiao Qingqing turned to look forward, just like in her previous life. Most of the rescue boats were frozen in the water, and only a few soldiers could be seen digging on the ice.

They caught up and asked about supplies.

"Comrades, please wait patiently. Our people have already set off to find news from Furun. The road is not easy to travel. Today's material distribution will be a little later." A young soldier replied. He was still wearing autumn clothes, just wrapped the sheets and plastic wrap around his body. Qiao Qingqing also saw traces of cardboard boxes on his collar. Looking at his face, his lips were white and his eyebrows were frozen with frost.

"What about your people? Usually there are not many people." Zheng Tiehui took out his documents to prove that he was the leader of the community volunteer group and came to inquire on behalf of the residents of the community.

"Part of them went to Furun Square, and some of them went out to rescue." The young soldier couldn't bear it. "Comrade Zheng Tiehui, everyone is facing difficulties now. I hope you can play the role of the volunteer team leader, comfort the residents in the area, and wait patiently. Further rescue."

More, Qiao Qingqing and the others couldn't inquire.

Before leaving, Qiao Qingqing asked Shao Shengan to take down the backpack and put it on the pedal of the material boat.

After they had walked some distance, the young soldier realized that it was the bag on Shao Shengan's back, and hurriedly picked it up and shouted to them: "Comrade! Comrade! The bag has fallen!

" Sheng An shouted back.

Zheng Tiehui was curious: "What are you doing, Xiao Shao's backpack was given away?"

"Just a little thought." Qiao Qingqing said.

Zheng Tiehui glanced at her and sighed, "Young man." The

young soldier handed over the backpack to the captain, opened it, and saw that it was full of high-calorie chocolates, candies, and energy bars, and the whole package was full.

"I can't catch up, it's because I'm not vigilant and found out too late." He scratched his head embarrassedly.

"You're so frozen that you can't even turn your head. Alas, everyone is the same. Captain, how do you deal with these?

" Remember their faces, right? Okay, next time the supplies arrive, I'll make it up for them." The captain took apart a piece of chocolate and rudely stuffed it into Xiaohuzi's mouth, "Eat it! Your stomach is growling, you're full. Help me dig ice in the afternoon!"

Little Huzi laughed.

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