Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

"Qingqing, calm down." Shao Shengan was very worried when she saw her face turning pale with anger. Seeing her staring at Hu Yanhai, she was even more afraid that she couldn't control her stab at Hu Yanhai.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault." Qiao Qingqing's questioning made Hu Yanhai wake up from the drowsiness, his face was numb, "Qingqing, I know you hate me, you kill me."



"Why should I kill you." Qiao Qingqing calmed down and turned around, "When is the funeral?"

Without a funeral, Yuan Xiaowen was simply buried.

Hu Yanhai was unwilling to bury Yuan Xiaowen in the neighborhood.

"It's too cold, it's all ice, I want to bury her in the soil of Fushan." Early the

next morning, Qiao Qingqing and Shao Shengan, Hu Yanhai and his two cousins, a group of five people, Hu Yanhai carried the body, Go to Fukuyama on skates.

Qiao Qingqing didn't know how Wang Jiale felt when they borrowed roller skates to send Grandpa Wang to Fushan for burial, but she knew that she felt like a hole had been ripped out of her heart at this time. She didn't want to speak, she didn't want to make any expressions, and her feet slid mechanically.

Even after one night had passed, Yuan Xiaowen, whose brain was bursting and bleeding all over the place, still appeared in front of her eyes, her grief continued unabated.

She even thought that in her previous life, she could not protect herself when she crossed the river, and she never went to Yuan Xiaowen. Later, I lost contact with Wenwen. Did Wenwen at that time experience the same pain in her life as she did in her entire life. She became increasingly desperate in the closed and cold environment, and finally chose to be free?

The goggles in front of him were covered with fog, Qiao Qingqing took off the goggles and let the cold wind blow away the wetness in his eyes.

Arriving at Fukuyama at noon, Fukuyama was selected as one of the shelters due to its superior terrain. From a distance, the roof and walls are all gray. The newly built shelter is made of exactly the same material as the shelter of Jinyuan Elementary School.

Before the end of the world, Fukuyama was the location of the cemetery, and usually only worshippers and cemetery administrators would come here. But floods and ice disasters followed one after another, as long as there was a high place to settle down, it was not a big problem to be neighbors with the dead.

When going up the mountain, Qiao Qingqing and the others had to be inspected, and there were troops stationed here to maintain order.

After registration, a staff member guided them: "There are no good locations, and the rest are some remote ones. You can choose one."

Finally, Hu Yanhai chose a location facing Yuan Xiaowen's hometown.

The corpse was sparked and turned into a small altar of ashes. The land was frozen, and Hu Yanhai dug it up by himself, and he would not let others interfere. When the urn was buried, Hu Yanhai's soul seemed to be buried in the ground.

"I do hate you, but Wenwen loves you, she doesn't want to drag you down, you just live well, don't let her die without peace."

Hu Yanhai didn't speak, and still sat there on his knees, but Qiao Qingqing didn't expect his response , and left after saying this.

On the way back, Qiao Qingqing remained silent. When they got home, it was completely dark. Qiao Songzhi and the others were worried and waited at home, and they were relieved when they came back.

"I guess you must be staying at Wenwen's house for one more day. You have always been in a good relationship... What's wrong?" Qiao Songzhi asked softly, "Is something wrong?"

"Wenwen is gone." Shao Shengan said.

Qiao Songzhi was shocked: "How come? She is still so young!"

"Suicide. Mom, let me rest, I won't eat dinner." Qiao Qingqing went into the room to change clothes and got under the quilt. But as soon as I closed my eyes, I remembered Yuan Xiaowen's tearful eyes. It turned out that at that time, Wenwen was saying goodbye to her.

People are strong and fragile.

Human life can be as tenacious as weeds, or it can die like morning dew.

The door of the room was opened, and she heard a rustling sound, and after a while Shao Shengan also went to bed.

She turned around and nestled into Shao Sheng'an's arms.

"Are you hungry?"

She shook her head and asked if he had eaten.

"If you don't eat, I don't want to either."

Qiao Qingqing frowned, about to get up, and was hugged by Shao Shengan.

"Don't move, I know you're in a bad mood. Let's hug. When you're in a good mood, let's go have dinner together, okay?"

"I'm fine, I'll get you something to eat."

"I want to eat beef noodles, the spicy one. Seed."

Shao Shengan got up, brought the small table up, and lit candles. Qiao Qingqing took out two bowls of spicy beef noodles from the space. As soon as the steaming beef noodles were taken out, the whole area was full of its spicy, fragrant and domineering smell.

"I still want to eat steamed dumplings, stuffed with chives, and Xiaolongbao, do you have any?" Shao Shengan ordered.

"Yes." Qiao Qingqing took not only steamed dumplings and xiaolongbao, but also a plate of fried wontons.

A small table was set up on the bed, and the couple put their heads against each other, eating this late dinner. At the beginning, Qiao Qingqing really had no appetite, but eating noodles, the spicy taste quickly opened up her appetite, she felt her stomach was sending a hunger signal to her, urging her to eat quickly.

Shao Shengan took a xiaolongbao and fed her: "Delicious, right? I remember when I was studying, you told me that the xiaolongbao near your house was very delicious. Pack one for me, and I still remember the taste to this day."

"It's still the same taste. Wenwen also likes to eat this shop's xiaolongbao. Sheng An, you don't have to worry about me too much. I'm very sad that Wenwen is gone, but I told myself that at least I can see her again in this life-" Qiao Qingqing took a deep breath and suppressed the choking in her throat. She showed a sad and relieved smile to Shao Shengan.

"I used to worry about gains and losses, but now I've figured it out. Sheng An, coming back doesn't mean that everything can be done as I want, I'm mentally prepared to face parting, parting is not scary, at least I'll be with me in this life. Wenwen reunited, it was a ten-year reunion, and every moment is worth cherishing and remembering, that's enough, it's a gift from God."

Looking at Qiao Qingqing's red eyes, Shao Shengan's heart was sour. He knew that Qingqing's thoughts were very heavy, and it was not something he could enlighten himself with a few words. The ten years of living alone, without the company of relatives and friends, must have left Qingqing with heavy psychological trauma. All he can do is try his best to make Qingqing feel his existence, he will accompany her and will not leave her.

"Okay, let's cherish every day and every second of the present together, and leave no regrets."

When leaving Hu Yanhai's relative's house, Qiao Qingqing took some of Yuan Xiaowen's relics as a souvenir.

One of her clothes, a necklace.

Qiao Qingqing packed the clothes and necklaces in a box. The box also contained the previous photo of her and Yuan Xiaowen, the letter Yuan Xiaowen wrote to her when she was a student, and the birthday present... The box was put into the space by Qiao Qingqing, cherished and preserved. . After that, Qiao Qingqing had nightmares for a long time. In the dream, Yuan Xiaowen's blood-red corpse and ice stained with blood.

The dream is cold and desperate, but fortunately, the people around her are warm and vivid. Qiao Qingqing woke up from the dream of hell and can always hold the hand that returns to the world beside her.

Time moves on and never stops for anyone.

Summer is here, winter is here again, and the world is still shrouded in ice. In the winter of this year, the minimum temperature outside reached minus 80 degrees Celsius. The temperature was too low. When Qiao Qingqing asked the master to install the floor heating, he asked for the best quality and most cold-resistant brand. That kind of heating cable is not available locally. Qiao Qingqing promised to pay three times the price and specially shipped it from the north. It can be activated in minus sixty degrees weather. Apart from being expensive and expensive, there are no other drawbacks.

In these days of using electric floor heating, it is indeed very expensive for electricity and fuel, but as long as you can sleep well at night, all the consumption is worth it.

On the day when it was minus 80 degrees Celsius, the electric floor heating could not be turned on. Qiao Qingqing had to use a traditional coal stove for heating at home. Every night before going to bed, she had to check the ventilation of the home, for fear of carbon monoxide poisoning in the family.

Her family's living conditions were considered good, but after such a cold winter, their family of six still suffered from frostbite, causing Shao Shengfei to cry in pain.

Compared with death, frostbite is already a negligible "survival cost".

More people slept in the dark night, and graves swelled up in temporary cemeteries in the wild.

Some people's doors suddenly stopped opening one day. Neighbors went to the supply ship to call the police. The police pried open the door and removed the frozen body from the stone.

Wang Jiale's daughter, Wang Jiaxin's daughter, and Wang Jiale's cousin's son, none of the three children survived this cold winter.

Death has become the most common tragedy of this period.

The economy has collapsed, countless companies and factories have closed down, countless people have lost their jobs, and social instability has been soaring. The security team of the material ship patrols day and night, trying to maintain order. only labor or the death penalty.

"A person in the next building was caught digging ice, saying that he raped a little girl who was only in her teens, alas! It's a sin!" Qiao Songzhi returned from taking out the garbage and said the news.

"Is such a bad person only caught to dig ice?" Shao's mother was very angry with the little girl, "It's time to castrate him!"

"I don't feel good digging ice. I heard that someone has been digging ice for more than ten days, and the toes are frozen, and they are all cut off from under the knees in order to survive." people.

"Qingqing, they haven't come back yet?" Qiao Songzhi listened to the movement in the room.

"No, but it's almost too soon. We'll pick it up later. My mother, go and change your clothes first. Remember to put on a scarf to cover your ears. I was shocked when I saw a person without ears outside that day. Damn it. It 's too scary to be naive."

Qiao Songzhi nodded: "I'll go right now." At the

supply ship, Qiao Qingqing, Shao Shengan and Shao Shengfei have already received the supplies, and the reason why she hasn't gone home is because she met an acquaintance.

The company that Shao Shengan worked for was engaged in software development. After a year of work, it declared bankruptcy. The foreign trade pharmaceutical company where Qiao Qingqing works has also been hit hard, and is now struggling.

The acquaintance I met today is actually an old colleague of Qiao Qingqing's former company. I haven't seen each other for a long time.

"I resigned a long time ago, and I don't want to give me the position of supervisor. This year 996 is a gamble with my life, and I take my life... I couldn't pay my salary a few months ago, although the above said that businesses are not allowed not to charge Currency, but money just can't be spent! You use money to buy things, but they won't sell them to you, so you can't do anything! A fast salary of 30,000 yuan a month, but I can't even support myself, I see, above I must also know this situation and know that we ordinary people can't live on wages, so we have been giving out relief food... Wages? Later, the boss said that I would use the company's medicines to pay, what should I do with so many health care products, and the health care medicines can satisfy my appetite? I can still wear warm clothes. It is difficult for me to take out and exchange for other materials. No one wants to ask for it these days. I think the company is trying to force us out of the sales post. Anyway, there is no need to shout these days. The benefits at the factory are so good that I wanted to change jobs, but unfortunately I couldn't..."

An old colleague complained about the company's shrewdness: "If I were paid with practical medicines, I would be reluctantly willing to do it, and now I'm looking for a box of antipyretics. It's hard... The company is making money and making money for the country and exporting a lot of medicines abroad, it's crazy..." She whispered in Qiao Qingqing's ear, "I heard that the payment was made with gold jewelry. I heard that the boss of our company has built an underground safe, hundreds of cubic meters! It's all full of gold!"

Qiao Qingqing laughed after hearing this: "It's not so exaggerated." The

old colleague laughed: "It must be a bit exaggerated, gossip? The more you say, the more exaggerated it is, but there are no safes with a few hundred cubic meters, and there must be dozens of cubic meters. Now the pharmaceutical industry is full of huge profits!"

Later, when she met this old colleague again, she said: "I heard that The company has been inspected! The boss has been arrested! It took so long to be arrested, and the boss backstage is really tough."

Qiao Qingqing seldom pays attention to external affairs, and only focuses on her own home every day. After reuniting with old colleagues and listening to some gossip news, it can be regarded as Enriched daily life. It's a pity that the old colleague didn't stay here for a long time. After a month, she said that their family was leaving.

"I came here for a while. My father-in-law has found a better place, so we have to move out again, Qingqing, see you later."

Qiao Qingqing gave her a bottle of face cream as a parting gift. Surprised, I hugged her: "Take care of yourself."

It was rare for Qiao Qingqing to be a little sentimental when he sent away this old colleague who was generally friendly. In the apocalypse of natural disasters, everyone who knows each other sees each other less than once, and does not know when they will be separated.

She understood the reason, but Qiao Qingqing never thought that the separation from Dr. Wei would come so suddenly.

The second day of picking up the supplies was Saturday, and Qiao Qingqing still went to Dr. Wei's house to study. After getting along for a year, the two have developed a relatively deep friendship. Dr. Wei's granddaughter is fed with rice noodles and milk powder brought by Qiao Qingqing. Although she looks thinner, she has grown up healthy.

"It's too cold today. Don't come and pick me up tomorrow. I'll go back by myself."

"It's not that cold. I'm used to this temperature. Go upstairs, I'll put your rations and leave." Shao Shengan She carried half a bag of rice, a bag of noodles, and some ham, dried vegetables and eggs. These are both Qiao Qingqing's rations for the past two days and her tuition fees.

Going upstairs, Shao Shengan knocked on the door, and it was still Dr. Wei's daughter-in-law who opened the door. The daughter-in-law was bleeding profusely during childbirth. She was rescued but was in poor health. The adults in the family went out to work to earn supplies to support the family. Usually, Dr. Wei was on vacation, and only the daughter-in-law brought her daughter to accompany her at home.

As soon as the door opened, Qiao Qingqing saw the haggard and pale face of Dr. Wei's daughter-in-law first, and then heard the noisy voice in the room, and the dull air in the room smelled of blood.

Her heart sank immediately.

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