Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

The next day, people from the housing management office came over to clean up a room downstairs in Building 20. The new tenants moved in within half an hour.

Qiao Qingqing went out to see after hearing the movement. After all, she lived in a building, and she always had to know what the new neighbor was like.

After she went downstairs, she heard from the housing management office that all the original owners of the house had died, so the house was re-sold under public ownership.

"There is still one person in this house. Wasn't he taken away by the security team for education?"

"The head of the household has died. He participated in the cult holy bath activity in Xifeng Square last acid rain season, and he couldn't be rescued. "

Neighbors groaned.

Someone said, "It's better to leave, the family is reunited."

"Yeah, it's scary for him to live in this building, I think he's crazy .


Qingqing felt a little depressed after hearing this. She glanced at the new neighbors a few more times. Seeing that there were elderly people and children in this household, she went upstairs knowingly.

Even if the rain stopped, Qiao Qingqing and the others still didn't go out. Qiao Songzhi felt that those "doctrines" that could incite a person to die in pain were very scary. Going out would risk being brainwashed, so it's better not to go out.

During the chaotic and terrifying acid rain season, Qiao Qingqing made a lot of crossbow arrows at home, and fell asleep with the sound of rain and corrosion every day.

With a solid and safe place to live in her life, she doesn't find life difficult.

After half a year of acid rain, the delivery of materials is no longer an aircraft. The trucks re-equipped with new tires and full-body skins are no longer afraid of acid rain, and can transport materials throughout the acid rain season. The security team is no longer constrained by the acid rain, and can patrol as usual during the acid rain season. The crime rate of the base has been effectively controlled, and the cult activities have also been severely hit. Once, there was a cult gathering at the gate of the Ping An community again, and this time it was stopped by the police. The team successfully stopped them, and everyone was caught and loaded into the car and taken away.

"God bless, it's fine to be taken away. I hope their illness can be cured by the doctor." Mother Shao only recited Buddha, she didn't want to hear the horrible screams like before, it was really scary.

A month later, the acid rain-resistant material developed by the institute was finally mass-produced, and the new community was the first to lead the new umbrella.

"I think the clothes and shoes worn by the security team are also specially made. They look silver like this umbrella." Qiao Songzhi couldn't put it down, and asked Qiao Qingqing expectantly, "Let's try it?

" try.

Qiao Qingqing opened the door of the rooftop, stepped on the 20 cm wooden soles, and stood out carefully. The roof of the acid rain season is actually very scary. The rain makes a large amount of fine blisters appear on the ground of the roof, corroding the ground all the time. Qiao Qingqing stepped out, only to feel that the moment the wooden thick soles stepped on, the soles were also screaming that they were being eaten.

Mother Shao and Qiao Songzhi stood nervously inside, staring intently at Qiao Qingqing.

The acid rain fell on the umbrella surface and then flowed down. One minute, ten minutes, the acid rain could not damage the umbrella surface. Qiao Qingqing turned her head and smiled and said, "The effect is very good, Mom, do you want to give it a try?"

Qiao Songzhi was heartbroken, the first attempt, she carefully walked a few steps on the rooftop with an umbrella in her heart, the haze in her heart seemed to be cloudy. As these few steps were also dispersed, she raised the umbrella slightly and looked at the sky in the distance, only to feel that her mood was unprecedentedly broad.

No one wants to be bound at home every day. Being able to stand and walk under the sky is the instinct of every human being to pursue freedom.

"Axia, come and try it too." Qiao Songzhi suppressed the wetness in the corners of her eyes and said to Mother Shao with a smile.

With some umbrellas, it is more convenient for Shao Shengan and the others to go home.

Shao Shengan and his son work in the canning factory. The three of them have two days off every month, but not every vacation comes after the acid rain season. Opportunity to use again. Therefore, in the past six months, the three have only returned twice.

After getting the umbrella, the father and son returned smoothly even though the holiday was also in the acid rain season. At this time, Shao's mother is very happy, walking around, arranging this arrangement and that, it is bound to make them feel the warmth and consideration of home.

But every reunion is very short, and the two-day vacation ends in a blink of an eye. In order not to delay the morning shift the next day, they usually only sleep at home for one night, and return to the factory the next evening while the sky is still bright. It's too dangerous to go out.

The hard work has brought rich rewards. With the wages of three people, the family has a lot of supplies.

Of course, Qiao Qingqing and the three of them have also made some achievements in the vegetable growing business. There are a lot of fresh vegetables in the space. Although the variety is a little single, everyone has a sense of achievement.

The street ban on the Survivor Base has been lifted. With umbrellas, more and more people go out. Qiao Qingqing can often see from the window that many people downstairs are slowly moving with umbrellas to prevent the rain from splashing on them.

The base seems to be coming back to life, which is a lucky thing.

In the last life, Qiao Qingqing was at the periphery of the base and did not receive an umbrella until very late. As a result, the umbrella was not used after receiving it, and the acid rain season was over.

"It's been more than 20 days? Why hasn't the acid rain season come yet?" said Mother Shao.

"Twenty-seven days, the rain has never stopped for such a long time. Could it be that the acid rain is about to stop?" Thinking of this possibility, Qiao Songzhi was a little excited.

At the beginning of autumn of the seventh year of the end of the world, acid rain did not appear again after disappearing for a whole month, and the Ping An community slowly became lively. Qiao Qingqing put away another bundle of crossbow arrows, exercised his muscles and bones, and suggested: "Let's go downstairs for a walk. "

Qiao Qingqing's family has increased walking and exercise activities in the community, walking around several nearby buildings for an hour every day.

During the walk, Qiao Qingqing said, "I'm going to start hatching eggs and raise chickens at home."

Acid rain corrodes the building. Fortunately, the Ping An community where Qiao Qingqing and the others live was newly built. At that time, the insulation layer was poured very thick for sun protection. , This year, the roof has become thinner by a few inches, but it has not been pierced. The roof is now full of potholes. Qiao Qingqing thought that the sky would be threatened in the future. After the acid rain stopped, he did not plan to move the vegetable bowl back to the roof, and still kept it on the sixth floor. As for the chicks that hatch later, she plans to keep them in the room on the seventh floor, so as to minimize the impact of raising chickens on the neighbors.

In recent years, there has been no suitable breeding opportunities. Although acid rain has not entered the house, its water vapor is in the air. This year, vegetable planting has been greatly affected, and the growth is not good. I think it will also be affected by the chicks, so Qiao Qingqing Just waited until today.

Mother Shao was very supportive of this: "I used to raise chickens in my hometown, and I have good experience. You can raise chickens, but I can raise them!"

"I haven't raised them before, but I can learn them." Qiao Songzhi agreed.

When there is no man at home, Qiao Qingqing and the others can do everything by themselves. She concentrates on the egg incubator and does not waste any fertilized eggs. Mother Shao and Qiao Songzhi began to cut wood and build a fence, dividing the seventh floor into "small single rooms", and also made covers, planning to raise a few chickens in each small single room after hatching, which is more convenient to take care of.

Regarding raising chickens, Qiao Qingqing told Chi Yuxiu next door, saying that he had bought a batch of fertilized eggs from the market, and that he would raise chicks by himself after hatching.

Chi Yuxiu was also moved. Her husband had said that he would bring two hens from the farm home to raise and eat eggs, but there has been no chance for the past two years.

"Can I exchange two with you?"

Qiao Qingqing readily agreed, agreeing to exchange one male and one female with two chicks for her.

When Shao Shengan and the three of them went home from vacation, they saw a group of yellow furry.

"Chick!" Shao Shengfei cried out in surprise! "A lot of chicks! Wow! Chicks!" He held the chicks in his palms, the chicks pecked him lightly, and his face was full of joy and happiness.

The shadow of acid rain is slowly fading. People always have to live, and they can't indulge in the pain of the past all the time.

The chicken industry of Qiao Qingqing's family has developed very smoothly. Under the careful raising of their family, every chick has survived and thrived. Qiao Qingqing looked at them with gentle eyes, and had already planned eighteen ways to eat chickens in her mind.

The production has fully resumed, and the people feel that the high-level production plan is more intense than in previous years. New factories are opened, new production lines are added, and new jobs are distributed in large quantities. The whole base is like a spinning top. ! Try Harder! For food! To live!

Qiao Qingqing felt that this life was a bit different from the previous one, at least there were really not so many jobs in the previous life. She understood that the high-level officials had already believed in Yongye and the Great Earthquake, and were trying their best to accumulate life-saving supplies for the future. She was happy to see the change, but occasionally she looked up at the sky worriedly.

It was rare for Pei Yan to go home for reunion. Qiao Qingqing saw that he had lost a lot of weight compared to when he first met. The dark circles under his eyes have deepened over the years, and they have completely disappeared today. Temperament, at this time he is wearing glasses and squinting slightly to look at people, the whole person is thin and haggard, only the smile still has the shadow of the past.

"There is no way, the degree of the eyes has deepened, and there is no way to replace it with a new one. It's too expensive to bear." Pei Yan smiled bitterly.

He came to visit Qiao Qingqing's house, chatted a little about daily life, and then lowered his voice and said a message.

"There may be disasters in the future. Now the top management has put a lot of pressure on our institute. You'd better store more food and don't let your guard down."

With his character, he wouldn't tell outsiders with such so-called secrets that he speculated on. of. The nature of his work is confidential, and the rules of keeping your eyes and your mouth shut are deeply rooted. But he knew that he had changed, and he had to do it. He had to express his friendliness to his neighbors with this kind of secret that sounded predictable at first, but had no substance after careful consideration. In the past few years, who does not know the importance of storing materials? After a year of acid rain, many people can only rely on relief to survive.

The saying that a distant relative is not as good as a near neighbor has been deeply felt to him in the past two years. He has been away from home for a long time, and his brother-in-law has his own work and tasks. When they are busy, they are both equally busy, so there are only the old mother and wife at home. Not good again. Fortunately, there are good neighbors next door, and he is sincerely grateful to Qiao Qingqing's family. The people next door are prosperous, hard-working, and there is no shortage of supplies at home. There is only this news that he can use to express his friendliness.

Qiao Qingqing thanked him and reassured him that neighbors should help each other. His work is very great. As a survivor under the blessing of the Agricultural Science Institute, she is willing to do her little bit.

"The above will add a dormitory building for us. I have already applied to the above. I will try to take my mother and Yuxiu to the dormitory as soon as possible."

After Pei Yan left, Qiao Qingqing went up to the seventh floor to clean up the feces in the chicken coop. After a bucket of chicken manure came out, she went out and rode for half an hour to the nearest farm, where she exchanged the chicken manure for the farm and got four freshly dug potatoes. She didn't stay too much, she went home immediately after making the deal, and riding on the street, she felt the cold winter wind blowing on her face, the pedestrians hurried on the road, there were homeless people nesting in the corners, and when she looked up, it was exposed that the acid rain had corroded Can't see the facial features.

The bike stopped and she put a potato into the bowl in front of him.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Qiao Qingqing didn't say a word. Just as she was about to continue riding her bike, she suddenly heard a strange noise above her head. She looked up and saw only a large black shadow passing through the air.

A piece of feather fell, swaying to Qiao Qingqing, she reached out and grabbed it.

This is a piece of black feathers more than ten centimeters long, revealing the smell soaked in the rotten flesh.

She threw it into the trash can on the side of the road, took out alcohol spray to disinfect her hands, stepped on the pedals vigorously, and the bicycle sped past and drove into the safe community.

Strange flocks of birds began to appear frequently over the base, and the base, plagued by mutated and aggressive mice, quickly noticed the problem.

"They are very aggressive, and the planes that were surveyed were almost crashed by them."

"They have to be driven away or bombed. The report from the institute just came out, and they all carry a dozen or so germs on them. This is a very big challenge for the base's epidemic prevention."

"Then lead it out to the field to kill, and I will be responsible for the ammunition." Peng said.

After the high-level conference call ended, Mayor Luo put down the microphone, pressed his eyebrows wearily, and walked out of the communication room.

"Let Jianling come over."

That night, there were several explosions in the field, and the people outside the base were awakened and talked anxiously.

Eighty percent of the first group of crows that flew in was wiped out in time, and the rest failed to trap and escaped.

There was no movement in the Ping'an community, and Qiao Qingqing's family was sleeping.

In the second half of the night, Qiao Qingqing heard the sound of wings flapping close to her ear, and when she woke up from her dream, there was another heavy crash.

She woke up instantly, and her mother also woke up in a daze: "It seems like a bird is flying outside, did the bird hit our window?"

Qiao Qingqing got out of bed, leaned against the window to listen to the movement outside, turned her head and said softly Qiao Songzhi said: "It's about this time. The threat from the sky is coming, and the crows should be outside."

Twenty percent of the crows that escaped were scattered around the base and their size had doubled before the natural disaster. Aggressive, hitting walls, doors and windows, completely disrupting this late night.

There were countless screams and calls for help in the dark, Qiao Qingqing all got up and checked the doors and windows with flashlights.

"Bang Bang!"

There was a crash in the direction of the corridor, followed by the flapping of wings.

"Could it be that it flew in from the window of the corridor?" Qiao Songzhi was worried.

In the next second, they heard the sound of the door of a certain family downstairs being peeked -

"Do Do Do Do!" It was loud.

"It's alright, we have iron doors, and the windows in the corridor on the seventh floor were sealed before." Qiao Qingqing was ready, and asked her husband to nail the windows when installing the iron doors.

Next door, Chi Yuxiu leaned against the door worriedly and listened, the old lady walked slowly with the help of the wall.

"How's it going?"

"Mom, it's alright, there is an iron door outside, and the windows are sealed by the next door. The seventh floor is very safe."

"That's good, that's good, I don't know what's going on with Yan'er, it's a very eventful time!"

After checking the doors and windows, Qiao Qingqing, Qiao Songzhi, and Mother Shao sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to prepare crossbow arrows by candlelight.

Bundles of homemade crossbow arrows were taken out.

Qiao Songzhi said softly, "My arrows may not be accurate, and moving targets are always missed."

Shao's mother frowned, her accuracy was even worse, and she couldn't hit a motionless target.

Qiao Qingqing shook her head: "This time it's a crow." She held the hands of Qiao Songzhi and Shao's mother, her eyes firm.

"Just like you usually practice."

Qiao Songzhi took a deep breath: "I will do my best." Mother

Shao tried to calm down: "I, I will also work hard."

There was a great threat, and the security team searched and killed overnight, but the base was too large, and it took time for the security team to move. Qiao Qingqing didn't want to wait, she wanted to take the initiative.

It wasn't until dawn that Qiao Qingqing and the others began to act.

In order to isolate the germs that the crows may carry, they go out in protective clothing. Qiao Qingqing hung the lamp on the wall and aimed it outside the iron door, nodded to Qiao Songzhi, and Qiao Songzhi stepped forward to knock on the iron door.

Dangdang, dangdangdang ...

After knocking more than ten times, the three clearly heard the sound of crows flying up from downstairs. The crows flew straight to the iron gate with precision, and Qiao Qingqing soon saw their dark figures. Qiao Qingqing aimed at the gap in the iron gate and fired an arrow.

A crow fell to the ground and its head was pierced.

At the same time, Qiao Songzhi also shot an arrow, which pierced the crow's wings. The crow screamed and kept flapping. Qiao Songzhi held his breath and shot another arrow to kill it.

There was an iron gate blocking it, and the mother and daughter shot the flying crows one by one in front of the iron gate. Mother Shao missed a single arrow and knocked herself on the head in regret.

The bodies of the eight crows were piled under the iron gate, and Qiao Qingqing listened attentively: "There is no more in the corridor." Blood was splattered on the protective clothing of the three people. Mother Shao wiped the blood on the masks of Qiao Qingqing and Qiao Songzhi, and asked Qiao Qingqing about these crows. What to do with the dead body.

"Put it away and throw it in the trash can outside?"

Qiao Qingqing shook his head: "Put it away and put it at home, it may be needed later."

Qiao Songzhi understood. Just like the previous rat infestation, there are many "roasted rat" stalls in the market. These crows should also have a market.

Mother Shao went into the house with a bucket and a mop and came out. Qiao Qingqing opened the iron door and went out. Together with Qiao Songzhi, they recovered the crossbow arrows first. When Mother Shao took out the bucket, they threw all the crow corpses into the bucket. There was a lot of crow's blood on the ground. Mother Shao used a mop to clean up the blood. After wringing out the wet mop, the blood fell into the bucket. Qiao Qingqing sprayed some toilet water to cover up the remaining traces and smells.

The mother and daughter went home. Except for a few dirty feathers on the ground and the smell of blood mixed in the toilet water near the iron gate, no one could tell that this place had been attacked madly by more than 20 crows, and left behind. Overwhelmed with corpses.

The residents of Building 20 were surprised and surprised to find that the crow that attacked the gate just seemed to have flown away and never came back.

"Go somewhere else, it's really scary, is it really a crow? The sound of hitting the door is like a cannonball!"

"God really doesn't let people live!"

"Can crows eat? There should be meat, right? "

Do you dare to eat it? Nonsense!"

"I ate all the mice, and they didn't die! How come crows dare not eat them!"

"That's different, crows eat rotten meat, so dirty."

" That mouse still burrows into the ditch, and it eats dead human flesh if it is not kept well, so why am I afraid!"

702, Chi Yuxiu breathed a sigh of relief, and said to her mother-in-law, "It's alright, there is no sound outside, it should be gone. "

"It's scary, why are those crows hitting the iron gate all the time? My heart is beating so fast!" Madam Pei clutched her chest, and Chi Yuxiu hurried to get the medicine, "Mom, take medicine."

Madam Pei He shook his head, reluctant to eat. She said worriedly: "I don't know how Ah Yan is doing now, won't the crow also go to the farm?"

Chi Yuxiu pursed her lips and was also very worried. She knew that her husband had been working heavily on the project recently. If it was so late If her husband is still working overtime on the farm, the consequences will be disastrous. But she still comforted her mother-in-law and coaxed her to sleep.

When her mother-in-law fell asleep, she carefully opened the door and took a flashlight. There was a fishy smell and stench in the air, and the flashlight shone under the iron gate, and she saw a strange brown color on the ground. She turned her head to look at the door next door, and had a strong premonition that the disappearance of the crow had something to do with the next door.

The next morning, Chi Yuxiu's brother took time to see her, and he was relieved after making sure that she was not injured.

"We started hunting crows last night. There are too many damn crows, and they are very vicious. One bite can peck off a piece of flesh!" He was too busy, so he left after seeing his sister in a hurry. Colleagues are hunting crows in the neighborhood next door!

A group of security teams also came from the Ping'an community to hunt and kill crows. There were flying feathers everywhere, and some people in the residential building began to get sick. The crow's feathers brought the virus from outside, and the weaker people got sick quickly after touching the feathers and distinguishing them from blood, fever, vomiting, cough...

When the patient came to the door, Qiao Qingqing had nothing to do.

"I don't have antibiotics on hand. I can't cure this disease. You have to go to the hospital."

She was also very helpless. In the past few years, the medicines she had on hand have been consumed unilaterally, and there is nowhere to supply them - they found a supply channel, and the price is too expensive. . In the past few years, the environment has not been good, and there is no chance to go to the wild to find medicinal materials. She cherishes antibiotics and other drugs, not only to save resources, but also for self-protection. Antibiotics are expensive drugs now. What is the matter with her inexhaustible supply? Isn't that dangerous?

Seeing the patient's family crying and carrying the person back, she was also in a bad mood.

Worse news came. A resident carefully went downstairs to fetch water, only to find that the nearest well was blocked. The man carefully identified the warning posted next to the deep well: "The crow corpse pollutes the water source—Damn it! Don't let people live! The acid rain before was annoying enough, the water from the deep well can only be used for a month, but oh my god, it can't be used anymore!"

The person who drew the water cursed the injustice of God, and suddenly there was a flapping sound of wings in the sky, and everyone's faces turned pale. After a change, he hurried home with a bucket in his hand.

The crow has come again.

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