Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

When it got dark, Qiao Qingqing climbed up first. At the end of the rope, Father Shao pulled her up with force, saving her a lot of climbing effort. After that, Shao Shengan, and finally the assault boat was brought up.

"You guys are back, you've been out all day! Are you hungry or tired? My mother has boiled hot water for you, so hurry up and take a bath." Father Shao greeted with concern.

Qiao Qingqing and Shao Shengan quickly took a hot bath and ate a hot meal. During the meal, Qiao Qingqing said something about Yuan Xiaowen. Qiao Songzhi sighed: "She is still pregnant with a child, she is suffering."

"We came up just now . When I arrived, I found that the water level has risen a lot, and depending on the situation, the sixth floor will be flooded by tomorrow." Shao Shengan changed the subject.

"Yes, yes, your elder brother has been staring at it for a day, and it is rising." Shao's mother was very worried, and Shao's father reiterated: "Is there really no need to move out first? The house is only on the eighth floor."

"Not for now, here is the The highest place in this area, even the tenth floor elsewhere, has long been flooded, we have an assault boat, and we can wait until we have to."

Shao Shengfei interjected: "It's so good to go around here, the car, go around the big circle. Climbing the mountain!"

He still remembered the passing of the bus in Huacheng, and every time he came, he shouted with excitement in the bus, and he had to be disciplined by his father before covering his mouth with his hands and widening his eyes. Looking out the window.

Qiao Songzhi came to Huacheng with her husband to work hard in the early years. She has complex feelings for the city and is familiar with her at the same time.

"Thirty years ago, there were mountains everywhere, and you had to climb slopes wherever you went. Later, roads and ladders were built one after another, and houses were built. By the way, Huacheng used to be called Mountain City, and it was renamed twenty years ago. "

Huahua sounds good!" Shao Shengfei said loudly.

Everyone was amused, and there was a cheerful atmosphere in the home.

In the next two days, the stagnant water completely submerged the sixth floor. The water wave finally stopped at the entrance of the stairs on the seventh floor. The broken basin wrapped in the flood hit the wall. dripping wet.

After that, the water level stagnated, neither rising nor retreating, and the flood era began.

As the water level stopped fluctuating and the rain stopped, people trapped in the building finally began to go out. Many people have kayaks in their hands. After all, they have to continue to work when the water level is not that high. There is no way to go out without a kayak. But kayaking is not a daily necessities in normal times, and the output is limited. Even if the work is accelerated later, but the number of floods in the country, the number of inland flower cities is not large, and many people still cannot buy them, so they can only use Tools such as pots or buckets.

When I came to the road, I looked around in a daze, there was water everywhere, the whole world seemed to have been raised by more than ten meters, all the landmarks disappeared, and only the few floors of the high-rise buildings that were above the water could be seen, which made people feel unfamiliar.

"Communication is still not good. My house has that radio, and it's strange that there is no signal."

"This is too strange, even the radio can't be used, but the radio is wireless..." In the

corridor, the residents gathered to discuss , but everyone is a commoner, unable to discuss more complicated things, and more focused on the current predicament. Soon, everyone was discussing going out to find fuel. The natural gas supply in the community has been out for a long time, and no one can stand eating cold food all the time.

"I remember that there was a store behind the farmers' market in front of me that was selling gas canisters. I don't know if I can find it now."

"I think it's hard. It's on the first floor, and it's been flooded."

"Just because it's on the first floor. So it was flooded early, and I thought that there might still be gas tanks flooded in the store."

Chen Binggang looked at Zheng Tiehui: "Can you lend me your assault boat, and if I can find a gas tank, I'll give you a bottle. "

Grandma Wang also immediately looked at Qiao Qingqing: "My family can also."

Qiao Qingqing nodded: "Yes."

Zheng Tiehui smiled: "Of course, it is possible, they are all neighbors, everyone help each other."

Qiao Qingqing and his family didn't go out. They only said that the alcohol fuel they bought when they went to the Furun supermarket last time has not been used up, so they are not in a hurry for the time being.

"They can't go down, the water is too deep, it's impossible to dive to the shop on the first floor without equipment." Shao Shengan said that when he went into the water to get Lin Mingyong's treasure chest, he dared to go down after wearing a full set of equipment.

"Zheng Tiehui has equipment." Qiao Qingqing looked at the rippling water outside the balcony and smiled coldly, "This time he won't take it out, he will first let others feel the necessity of diving equipment, and then act like a savior. Take it out the same."

Interesting? There are only four families left in this building, but Zheng Tiehui regards it as a battlefield, calculating people's hearts and "developing strategies". Maybe in a closed environment here, it's really interesting.

How many Zheng Tiehui are there in this apocalyptic waters?

Sure enough, Zheng Tiehui and the others came back with nothing, all of them were wet from the water, and their expressions were heavy. At night, everyone had a meeting in the corridor again. Chen Binggang pointed out: "Without diving equipment, no one can dive to such a deep place empty-handed

." Grandson Wang Jiale complained, "If you want me to say don't be too busy, even if you dive in, you may not be able to find the gas tank. Now the weather is not cold, and it's okay to eat cold food. Now that the rain has stopped, the water level will definitely drop. Today If it doesn't land tomorrow, it will definitely land in the future, so don't worry."

"How can you not worry, although there are rescue planes to deliver supplies, it is obvious that the supplies are lacking, and all the supplies are compressed food, the situation is not optimistic, you can look at this water level Is it normal? It's not normal! If I don't take advantage of the water level when it's not raining and go out to find supplies, I'm afraid I won't even be able to eat cold mineral water with compressed biscuits." Zheng Tiehui said.

The atmosphere was solemn, and everyone's faces were not good-looking under the candlelight.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace, not to mention the current situation is not "safe".

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost ready, Qiao Qingqing sat beside Shao Shengan, she saw Zheng Tiehui wink with her son, Zheng Liangdong rolled his eyes reluctantly, and was about to speak with a cough.

She knew that Zheng Liangdong was going to be the same as his previous life, saying that he secretly hid a set of diving equipment at home, and then Zheng Tiehui first falsely criticized his son for such a big thing. , and finally Zheng Tiehui began to use this diving equipment to take advantage of the people in the building.

"My family has diving equipment, I can lend each of you a set." Qiao Qingqing said.

The candlelight flickered, and there was silence, and then Chen Binggang asked excitedly: "Really? Your family actually has one, can you borrow a set from each family?"

"Why didn't you say it yesterday?" Wang Jiale blurted out.

Qiao Qingqing didn't seem to feel the awkward atmosphere: "Because I feel like I'm taking too much initiative to pay, and now the world is like this, I have to plan for my own family. If your family has diving equipment, wouldn't it be when the neighbors don't need it yet? Do you take the initiative to donate and ask your neighbors to borrow your own equipment? Yesterday, you went out to inquire about the importance of this thing, and I think now is the most suitable time."

Her words were too straightforward and calm. Acknowledging selfishness makes it impossible for others to criticize.

Wang Jiale touched his head: "You're right, Qingqing, then what conditions do you need to borrow equipment from us?"

Zheng Tiehui said, "They're all neighbors, Xiao Qiao, you're too outlandish, this time we are here. It would be a big sin to go out, you should have said that you have equipment, alas!"

"Uncle Zheng, when you moved back that day, I seemed to see diving equipment in your luggage, it seems that you don't need to borrow it from me. Let's go." Qiao Qingqing smiled, Zheng Tiehui scolded mother in his heart, he felt that the eyes of others looking at him were wrong.

Damn, the opportunity was robbed by Qiao Qingqing, now what's the use of saying that his family has equipment?

Yesterday, he deliberately let other people go into the water, let them experience the difficulties of underwater, and come back to be kind. He thought very clearly, they would definitely suspect that he did it on purpose, so he couldn't let him uncover the diving equipment issue, he had to let his son come, and if he pretended to criticize his son a few more words, it would be over. As long as he is holding the equipment, what other people dare not say even if they are muttering in their hearts, that is his power!

Who would have thought that Qiao Qingqing would suddenly pop up, and directly admit that she only stood up when the neighbors needed help, not for anything else, just to "don't look like a big head". Is this reasonable? Also reasonable! The result made the performance that he and his son negotiated so clumsy and ridiculous!

Zheng Tiehui immediately decided to deny it and put on a puzzled expression: "I don't have diving equipment at home, Xiao Qiao, you must have read it wrong, haha."

"That's right, I must have read it wrong." Qiao Qingqing said with a smile, "Then let's talk about the details of the rental equipment, I have no other requirements, you give me a gold product, that set The diving equipment is yours."

"Gold products? Gold rings and gold necklaces?" Chen Binggang asked. "Can't money? Can I give you ten times the original price of equipment?"

"Uncle Chen, you know that money will work. Now money is useless. Where can I spend it? Even if it is ten times, Materials are so scarce now that I have nowhere to buy if I have money. It didn't make sense to me before. All I wanted was gold, or something like a jade bracelet. A set of professional diving equipment was not cheap in the past. , if you really think about it, it may not be enough to exchange gold products, equipment can be used, but gold can only be enjoyed at home on an empty stomach, let's think about it." In the

end, everyone changed, and each household changed a set. , Qiao Qingqing got two rings and a gold chain.

After the transaction was completed, she put things into the space and felt the cheerful mood of the space will again. She looked at the slightly larger space, and felt happy in her heart. It was mutually beneficial. She would make full use of the space and get through this difficult time with her family.

"Zheng Tiehui's face was ugly. He was too good-faced. He even insisted on denying that he didn't have diving equipment at home, and even changed it with us." Shao Shengan said.

"He is such a person. From another point of view, he is not a 'successful' person. No matter what the situation is, he has a heart. I actually admire him, as long as he does not affect my life."

"He doesn't seem very tolerant, I will pay attention to him in the future."

Qiao Qingqing said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will pay attention too."

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