Chapter 117

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Chapter 117

Strong winds swept up the gravel and dust on the ground, mashing the world into a chaotic, fuzzy mess. Even if there is sunshine today, the visibility of the field of vision is constantly declining, and the sand and dust in the air prevent the sunlight from shining in.

The survivors lay on the ground, covering their mouths and noses with their clothes, starving and praying for a new round of disasters to pass quickly.

Shao Shengan found a car with only the front of the car. There were no tires and no doors. The surface was rusted and the iron sheet made a crisp sound. When he probed, the seat inside was also removed, but he was still ecstatic. . Although this tattered front is ventilated on all sides, the shelf is still there.

They worked together to move the front of the car to the side of the ruins, stuck the cutout of the car body against the biggest hole in the ruins, and then tried to pick up some stones and wood nearby, throwing the stones in to increase the weight of the front of the car, don't let the wind easily blow it down, and then Use wood to seal the left and right windows as much as possible, the gap in the front windshield can't be helped, only the first aid blanket can be used to fill it.

"Mom and dad, you go up first!"

Shao's father and Shao's mother squeezed together, making room for their son to sit. After Shao Shengan came up, he began to look through the backpack. There was no clothes in the backpack, but five emergency blankets were placed in the backpack. This thing does not take up space when folded, but it is very practical. He opened two, and gave one to Father Shao, and asked him to hold the other side. The two pressed the emergency blanket with their hands and bodies, barely blocking the wind and sand outside, and the three were able to breathe for a while.

"What if there is an earthquake?" Mother Shao said worriedly.

Shao Sheng appeased her: "Let's run after the earthquake. Let's rest now, and we can run fast if we have the strength. Mom, I can't move, you can give me a drink."

"Hey!" Just like the task, unscrew the bottle cap and gently feed it to Shao Shengan. He took a sip of wine and turned his head: "I've had enough, give it to Dad."

"I don't drink, I'm not thirsty! Drink it yourself!" Father Shao didn't look back.

Mother Shao twisted the bottle cap and put it away.

The wind and sand slapped on the emergency blanket, like the destruction of banana leaves by a strong wind and rain, which made people feel a sense of trepidation.

That night, none of the three people in the front of the car fell asleep, and it was only until dawn. The situation did not improve after dawn. They hid in the front of the car all day, feeling dizzy from the stuffiness.

At noon, the wind was at its strongest, and Shao Shengan found that the emergency blanket had cracks, and his heart was heavy. The number of emergency blankets is limited, and they are kept warm. Without them, their family would freeze and fall ill at night, and they couldn't stand such wear and tear, especially when it was unknown how long the sandstorm would last.

"Mom, put on the mask, we're going to take off the first aid blanket. Mom, sit with your back to the windshield. Dad, let's count one, two, three and collect the first aid blanket together."

Mother Shao hurriedly put on masks for them, Next to Shao Shengan.

"Three, two, one!" The

first aid blanket was removed at the same time, and a large amount of sand and dust poured in instantly. Shao Shengan took advantage of the situation to put the first aid blanket over his body, turned his back to the window, and was about to straighten up to block the wind and sand. Hold him and press his head into a warm embrace.

Mother Shao hugged her son tightly and closed her eyes to keep the sand from getting into her eyes.

Shao Sheng'an's eyes were wet all of a sudden, he moved, and his mother's voice came from above his head: "Don't move, Sheng'an."

He stood up firmly, hugging his mother to his chest, preventing her from looking up.

"Go to sleep for a while, Mom, just wake up." He said softly.

He didn't close his eyes, and looked out through his father's window. The sun couldn't penetrate the thick yellow-brown sand in the air. It was yellow-brown everywhere. The sand and dust rolled happily in the air. His eyes began to sting. He closed his eyes and pulled the emergency blanket over him and his fucking head.

This sandstorm lasted for six days and six nights, and there were three aftershocks in the middle. Fortunately, the power was not strong, so that humans would not be exhausted. As long as you stay away from the ruins and cracks in the ground, and find a flat and complete ground to avoid, you can ensure safety.

The tent was under a lot of pressure, and there was no way to go out to reinforce the tent. Qiao Qingqing pressed four buckets of water in the four corners to increase the weight.

On the day the sandstorm ended, Qiao Songzhi rejoiced: "Fortunately, it wasn't a sandstorm on the day of the earthquake." Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Cough cough." It was night when the movement outside stopped, Qiao Qingqing and the others did not go out, and Qiao Qingqing was the first to climb out when the sun poured over the earth to dispel all the haze the next day.

The tent door could hardly be opened, and the sand accumulated outside was too thick. After opening the tent door, a large pile of soil was poured in. Qiao Qingqing looked down and saw that the sand and gravel polymer accumulated on the ground had been buried in a thick layer. Taking the tent door as a reference, it was at least fifty centimeters deep. No wonder it couldn't be opened just now. tent door.

"It's so deep! I touched it last night, and the cloth at the bottom of the tent was falling, and the sand and soil were all pressing on the tent." Qiao Songzhi looked at it with a worried expression, "I don't know what it's like outside. ."

Qiao Qingqing had already crawled out and stepped on it with one foot, her knees were invisible. Looking around, there is a thick layer of sand everywhere, and no one has come here in the past few days, otherwise there will be deep footprints on the ground. No, maybe someone passed by, but the footprints were quickly buried by the wind and sand.

Qiao Songzhi then got out and was shocked by the gloomy scene in the sky, "It's the same as in the news, cough! The air is full of dust."

"Mom, put on the mask, and let the big brother wear the mask before coming out."

The three walked out of the tent and looked at the new environment outside with surprise and shock. They only felt like they were dreaming.

As far as the eye can see, it is dark and yellow, no vegetation, no survivors, and the weak wind swept up sand and dust. It seems that this world no longer belongs to human beings.

There was an overwhelmed cry from the tent behind him, Qiao Qingqing recovered and said, "Let's have breakfast first, then put the tent away." Qiao Qingqing said that if the sandstorm continued for two more days, the tent should be completely scrapped , fortunately it held up.

Qiao Qingqing was reluctant to throw away the badly damaged tent. If there is a chance in the future, it should be repaired, and it should be able to deal with it and continue to use it. After breakfast, Qiao Qingqing put this set in the space and planned to get a new set next time. Before leaving, she said to Qiao Songzhi and Shao Shengfei, "Let's roll around on the ground and get our clothes dirty. "

After soiling the clothes, hair, exposed neck, hands and feet, and backpack, Qiao Qingqing grabbed some soil and made some disguise on Qiao Songzhi and Shao Shengfei's faces: "Okay, what about the masks? The outer layer of the masks is also a little dirty."

As soon as they cleaned up, the three of them looked almost the same as the others.

"Let's go." Qiao Qingqing exhaled and said to them with a smile, "Let's go to Sheng An and the others."

They have no material pressure and no fundamental existential crisis, so what can they do? Crouching aimlessly day in and day out? No, they can go to find their lost family members. People live in this world without ties, and that ties are her current anchors, which prevent her from losing all directions and goals.

"Okay! Find my brother and my parents!"

Qiao Songzhi took Shao Shengfei's hand and said to Qiao Qingqing, "Then how should we go? Do you have an idea?"

"I have an idea. Let's look for Ye Shan's location first. Ye Shan looks for the location outside the base, and then walks around the periphery, maybe he can find the place where we were separated, if Sheng An and the others are looking for us, they may do the same."

Qiao Qingqing wanted to do the same again after looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Okay, it's fine if you have an idea."

"Brother, stop playing, put on your windproof glasses." Qiao Qingqing looked at Shao Shengfei.

"Oh, I'll wear it now!" Shao Shengfei quickly put on the glasses hanging around his neck. Qiao Qingqing saw that there was a rope on the glasses, and the rope hung around Shao Shengfei's neck like a necklace. She smiled and said, "You did this?"

Qiao Songzhi said, "I did it, I was afraid Feifei would accidentally drop the glasses." She arranged the necklace for Shao Shengfei so as not to strangle her neck, and took out another one to give to Shao Shengfei. Qiao Qingqing, "It's yours."

The three of them set off in a hurry. There were still traces of the sandstorm in the air, and the line of sight was still obstructed. It was only after walking for a hundred meters that the other survivors were seen. The survivors were rummaging for the materials that came down from the soil layer. But the dust covered everything. A few days ago, they could find plants, even mice and other living things to feed their hunger, but now they can't find anything.

There was a cry of despair in the wind.

Qiao Qingqing and the others passed one survivor after another.

Shao Shengfei was holding Qiao Songzhi in one hand and Qiao Qingqing in the other. He saw a man sitting motionless on the side of the road, covered in dirt and looking like a statue.

But he vaguely knew that it was not a statue. So he looked back and glanced, and couldn't help but cry.

After walking for a while, there was a three- or four-meter crack blocking the way. Qiao Qingqing saw someone on the other side of the crack was cooking something. Qiao Qingqing and the others went around, and the wind brought the smell of cooking food on the other side of the crack, like some kind of rotten barbecue.

"Stop." Qiao Qingqing said, taking out the binoculars and looking over.

There were seven or eight people there, they surrounded the fire, a few people were eating with their heads down, and a few people were roasting meat--

she was breathing heavily when she saw here, and when she looked to the side, she saw a dirt bag with something like hair. Something leaked out of the dirt bag. When a person finishes eating what is in his hand and throws away what he does not need, it is a human hand bone.

"What did you see?"

"They are roasting human flesh, I don't know if it's a living person or a dead person." Qiao Qingqing put down the telescope, she put it away without showing it to her mother.

Qiao Songzhi's eyes widened.

"Mom, I told you before that eating people outside the base is not uncommon. After the earthquake, there will be more people who have nothing to eat...Mom, you have to be careful with strangers, big brother, don't talk to strangers, Don't let them come near you, do you remember what I taught you before?"

Shao Shengfei nodded and patted the bow and crossbow on his back: "I still have this, I will shoot the bad guys when they bully us!"

"Okay." Qiao Qingqing smiled at Shao Shengfei, but she was worried that Shao Shengfei would be bullied in the future, he was too simple Now, I just hope that the natural disaster will not separate the three of them, so that they can still take care of each other.

"Let's keep walking." Qiao Songzhi didn't dare to look in that direction again.

Qiao Qingqing nodded, holding one in each hand, and the three continued to walk forward.

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