The collapsing of a family

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I think we already waited for an hour.

All of them, Lynn, Lisa Leni, Luan, Lola, Lana, her husband, and she were waiting in impenetrable silence. Nobody dared to speak.

Rita looks up from the ground looking at her beautiful children.

She saw her twins daughters sleeping while holding each other hand, Lisa sleeping uncomfortably next to them, Leni watching over them while looking expressionless, today when she came from her part-time job at the Mall Leni's permanent smile on her face disappeared, Rita wanted to ask her what happened but she knew she couldn't. Luan was looking at the ground while chewing her nails and Lynn Junior sitting on the cold chair with her knees up to her chest.

It was the middle of the night all of them were tired, worried, and... scared very very scared.

When she heard they finally found Lincoln she burst crying of happiness together with her husband but when they heard he is in a grave state in hospital it was like ton of bricks hit them directly in the head.

Her baby was finally back only to stay in a hospital bed fighting for his life.

Rita almost wanted to laugh at the stupidity of the situation they were in.

The mother of 11 children took out her phone to look if her oldest daughter responded to her calls.

Still no sight

She already called Luna telling her what happened and where they are.

She called Lori a couple of times but she didn't respond.

Rita would think is weird but when she looked at the watch she realized it was almost the middle of the night. Of course, she couldn't respond it was almost the middle of the night! The poor girl was probably still studying or passed out in her bed after a hard time at college.

In the final, she decides to leave a message for her oldest daughter.

It was important for everyone to inform everyone in the family as soon as she could, she knew how much they all care for Lincoln and how much it will hurt if they are left out.

When she sent her message a male nurse, a short man with brown hair and eyes, came in the waiting room walking toward us. Except for the twins and Lisa who were asleep all of us stand up from our seats.

"Y-you are Loud Family?"

"Yes tell us, ho-how is our son?"

Lynn Senior spoke with a bit of fear in his voice all of them could tell how scared he was at the response because all of them were the same.

The Nurse moves his tired eyes at the rest of the family and manages to force a little smile.

"Your son is finally in a stable condition but now we have to keep him under close observation and care."

After he finished what he had to say he made a sign with his hand to follow him towards their son's room.

Lynn Senior pick their twins and Rita pick out Lisa and started to walk together with the family. The halls were long, longer than she remembered, and in the final, after some couple of minutes, they reach Lincoln's room.

When they come another male nurse opens up the door getting out of the room wearing the same tired expression as the man who brought them here.

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