five star summer ~ {a}

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𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛 - {𝚊}

𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛 - {𝚊}

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Title: five star summer*

Love interest: Callie Cassano* and Atticus Raynes*

Faceclaims: Drew Brechner* and Benjamin Wadsworth*

Time: summer of 2022*

Status: available


Ever since she was a child, Callie had loved summer. It was the part of the year that she was free of peer pressure, free of the 'friends', free of the parties and free of expectations. Free to be friends with Atticus. 

Their families were friends, so they grew up together. With inside jokes, and knowing each other inside and out, Callie and Atticus were inseparable. Until they weren't. Until they had clubs, and different friends, and different lessons and lunches. They suddenly weren't Callie and Atticus. They were Callie and Atticus

Apart from summer. In summer, the duo was back. With laughs, and smiles, and piggy backs through the buffet as they chose dessert that night. 

It was Atticus, Callie, and their families. But then, Atticus got a girlfriend. And that girlfriend wanted to come, with her little sister in tow. And it wasn't just them anymore, it was Atticus, Callie, their families, and Atticus' girlfriend and her little sister. 

It wasn't same, and with that difference, things emerged. Like jealousy, and hating your body, and feelings. Feelings that weren't there before. 


'Oh! You two are such a cute couple!'

'Oh, no, we're not-'

'No, she's my-'



Summer was their time, and then someone tried to sneak up and take it away. And as they fought for it to stay theirs, they realized that maybe the feelings they had for each other weren't friend feelings, they were more than friend feelings


 - i imagine callie as italian (but she could be any nationality) and when she gets annoyed at atticus, she starts yelling at him in this foreign language and eventually, he got sick of not understanding what she was saying, so he learnt the language.

- the girlfriend, i called her hayley but her name doesn't matter, isn't a bad person. she isn't whiny and bitchy, it's just that atticus doesn't like her like that. he likes her as a friend, and callie doesn't hate her, she hates the fact that its hayley dating atticus and not her. 

- i imagine them as always being mistaken as a couple (the quotes in the description) and try to explain that they weren't but nobody believed them so they just ended up thanking people and leaving it, which confuses their parents

- hayley has a little sister who is a few years older than callie and atticus' little sisters, which leaves her on the outside a bit

- callie's little sister and atticus' little sister are their biggest shippers

- there should be an activity (like going on a speed boat or something) and randomly, callie just starts talking about the future and the two of them having kids and getting married and living near a field or the beach, so they could get horses and atticus is like 'get married?' and she's like 'yeah, i mean you know, when we're old enough- oh! i didn't mean to each other, not that it would be a bad thing, i just meant-' and gets really flustered

- make sure they aren't just sitting around every day, some days its ok but realistically, on a family holiday, you go out and swim w dolphins and turtles and stuff so that you don't get bored

- i imagine the place to be like mexico or somewhere but its your choice (if you change it to america, maybe have callie want to go to universal and nobody else want to so atticus goes with her and then she gets a call from this boy that she met, and he starts talking into their phone about how they're having sex. like she'll be like 'atticus!' when he steals her phone, and he'll be like 'baby, just give me a minute. we'll go again soon.' and stuff like that. i read it somewhere and found it cute.)

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