Ch: 3 // Ep: 1

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Olivia sat at the front of the class, writing in her history book when 4 phones- including hers- buzzed loudly. The teacher turns around, pointing at the 'No phone zone' sign on the board.

"Who's phone was that?" He asks, eyes scanning the room. Liv quickly looks around trying to seem innocent but once he had his back turned, she grabbed her phone out of her pocket and looked at the notification from an unknown number. Her eyebrows furrow in confusion as she looks around the classroom to the three familiar pogues who are also looking at their phones.

She types in her password and her heart stops at the sight of the image she was sent. An unexpected sob comes out of her mouth as she stares down. Sarah and John B look back at her, smiles wide, posing for the picture. Pushing her chair back, she runs out the classroom, Kie, Pope and JJ not too far behind. As the four run along the hallway, JJ trips up and falls to the floor causing Olivia to laugh.

"Oh you think that's funny do you?" He asks still on the floor as Liv runs back to them.

Smiling, she holds out her hand to pull him up while the teacher stands in the hallway ordering them to come back. They disobey him and run towards the door, hand in hand.


"Is that even possible, i mean Shoupe said he didn't make it? He said that!" Kie exclaims slamming open the door.

"Okay but i think we're over reacting right now, i mean we can't rule out the possibility that this is all some kind of weird, cruel hoax," Pope paces.

Liv glances towards the blonde boy, leaning on the wall with his hand clutched to his chest. She starts to walk up to him but Pope gets there first, intertwining his hand with his.

The girl looks towards Kie excitedly and Kiara says, "I'll tell you later," grinning wider when Liv jumps onto the bench next to hers. It felt like the weeks of separation had not happened.

"I'm just gonna ask," Kie shrugs pulling out her phone.

"What if it's actually him though?" JJ asks.

"Then my boy is immortal," Liv grins, "Of course only John B would be able to survive a storm like that."

Kie sends a text on the group chat and within a few seconds the mysterious person starts typing back.

"Is he responding?"

"He's typing," Kie answers looking at the girl with a shocked expression while Liv shakes her head, not wanting to get her hopes up.

Is liv there? the text message reads and Olivia quickly typed back i'm here

Did JJ pimp my shirt board?

"Yep that's him." They all start to laugh as the realisation of their best friends being alive settles in. Olivia feels a tear descend down her already tear stained cheek and she leans her head on Kiara's shoulder, the beautiful laughter of Kie filling her ears.

JJ jumps into Pope's arms as Kie and Liv stand up on the table wrapping their arms around eachother.

"He's alive," Liv sobs, "He's alive, I didn't kill him."

They let go and Olivia jumps of the table into JJ's arms, JJ twirling her around.

"I'm so sorry, JJ... for everything I said."

"Me too," JJ cups her face in his hands, "I love you."

"I love you too."

JJ lets go, walking towards Kie as Liv heads towards Pope. She opens her mouth to say something but before she could, Pope engulfs her in a hug, clinging onto her tightly. His sobs are muffled as he puts his head in her hair.

"Laying super low in Nassau," Kie reads out and the pair separate, "How the hell did they get to the bahamas?"

"You can't kill a pogue," JJ grins and Liv returns to her place next to Kie. She looks over the girls shoulder to see the text message John B had sent Can you clear my name? Wanna come home

Liv smiles sadly and says, "Oh yeah we'll clear your name, boy."

"Be in touch, P4L," Kie smiles.

"P4L baby!" JJ screams.

"Fuck yeah!" Liv shouts. The four embrace into a hug and for the first time since she had last seen John B, she felt at home.


"I love what you did to the house," Olivia laughs as the pair sit on the dock infront of the chateau. After earning a confused look, she elaborates, "The graffiti. It definitely did it's job, Ward was pissed."

Kiara throws her head back with laughter and then looks down at the sea, smile turning into a frown.

"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?" Liv's smile also dropping.

"What you said about us..."

"Oh Kie," Olivia moves up and grabs Kie's chin forcing her to look up at the girl, "I was in a bad place then, I blamed myself for what happened with John B and Sarah and I took it out on you guys. I love you, I've never stopped loving you."

Silence spreads over the girls and Kie mutters, "You love me?"

"What?" Liv says, taken aback from what she took from that whole speech.

"You said you loved me," Her frown turns into a grin as she looks up at the girl.

"What are you- Of course I love you, idiot. I've loved you ever since you shouted at me because i didn't put my plastic cup in the recycling. I love everything about you, your obsession with turtles," She moves closer, hand caressing Kie's hair, "Your care and love for the environment. How your never afraid to to be your real self." Attaching her lips onto Kie's, she mutters, "I love these lips." Her lips move down to her neck, "I love this neck." They then moves further down Kie's body until someone screams behind them. The pair look behind them to see Pope conversing his eyes.

"Get a room, you two!" He screams walking into a tree. The two girls laugh at the boy as he runs away quickly.

"Well i guess the moods ruined," Kie grins, turning back to the sea.

"So what's up with them?"

"A few weeks ago, i walked in on them making out," Olivia's mouth falls open, "Yeah i was just as surprised as you were."

"So are they dating?"

"I don't think so," Kie shrugs, "JJ says they're 'Friends with benefits' but you should see how they look at eachother."

Liv holds her hand at her heart and says, "Oh i'm so proud, my ship has finally sailed," dabbing her eyes, sarcastically.

Hey so i just wanna say tysm for 48k reads this is crazy!! And i'm sorry for any intimate scenes as i know i'm not very good at writing them lmao!!

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