Ch: 16 // Ep: 5

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After at least an hour, the pair were brought into the main office, where their fathers were waiting for them. Olivia fiddled with her fingers as they walked to them. She hadn't seen her father in more than 3 years and now he was going to pick her up from the police station. Perfect.

The two men were waiting, standing as far away from eachother as they could get. As soon as Liv walked into the room, Ward's face turned red with anger and he turned his back to the girl.

"You her guardian?" Ward nods. Olivia breathes deeply, before standing next to the man.

Ward signs a few pieces of paper before the officer says they can go. Without waiting, Ward storms out of the police station and Olivia looks back at JJ before following him. They both reach the car and get in quickly. Ward clutches the steering wheel, making his knuckles white from the pressure.

"Look if you just want to drop me off on the cut-" An unexpected slap interrupts her. She pulls her hand to her red, throbbing cheek. At first, Ward looks surprised than he smirks, proudly.

"You are coming back over to figure eight and you will come to midsummers," Olivia sits up quickly, alarmed by the thought of going to midsummers. However, before she could say anything Ward adds, "No exceptions."

Olivia folds her arms, and slumps back in her seat.


They reach the Cameron's house and Liv takes her time getting out of the car. She looks at the house she used to call home realising It looks exactly like it was when she left at 13. 

"Your daughter says shes not going," Rose says as she walks out the kitchen. She was about to walk past before she stops in her tracks, infront of Liv. 

"Olivia?" She stutters, surprised. Olivia waves slightly before walking into the kitchen.

"She's off topper," Liv hears Wheezie retort.

"Wheezie, please take Olivia to her room. There is a dress laying on her bead," Silence fills the room as the girls finally notice Liv in the corner.

"Ok," Wheezie finally says, grabbing Liv's hand and pulling her up the stairs. She leads her into her old bedroom. Liv looks around the room and gasps when she realises it looked the exact same as it was when she left. Tears threaten to spill but Liv keeps them as she says thank you to Wheezie. The girl leaves and Olivia walks to the bed. A dark green dress was laid out across the sheets. Liv smiles as she runs her hands across the soft material. There was no denying the dress was beautiful. 

She decides to slip on the dress. It took her awhile to zip it but she was finally able to do it after a lot of tries. The dress was the perfect fit. It felt comfortable around her body. It felt like it was made for her. A knock on the door pulls her out of her thoughts. She spins around to see Sarah in the doorway. 

"Dad wanted me to help with the makeup and hair," She smiles at Liv, letting herself in the room. Olivia nods and makes her way towards the desk. She sits down on the stool facing the mirror. Liv hadn't looked in the more for ages so the look of the bruises that were placed up and down her body shocked her.

Sarah starts off with her hair. They sit there in silence, not daring to say a word. She places a flower crown on Liv's head before telling her to spin around for the make up.

Sarah does a light, natural look and uses concealer to cover the bruises.

"All done," She mumbles standing up. Olivia walks towards the full body mirror and looks at herself. She doesn't even recognise the girl in the mirror. Liv just stands there, staring at herself. She didn't even hear Sarah leave. A tear rolls, slowly, down her cheek.

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