Ch: 26 // Ep: 8

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"How's it feeling?" Pope calls up to Kie while Liv grins up at her from below.

"Feels good."

"And I'm liking the view from down here," Liv smirks while Kiara winks at her as she looks down.

"Get a room," Pope pretends to be sick but then says, "I'm taking you down." 

"John B pulling a houdini," JJ calls out to them, dangling his feet in the hot tub.

"Yeah where is he?" Pope sighs, "I got my scholarship interview tomorrow. We gotta get this done." And as if on queue, John B walks past them, ignoring every call they make to get his attention.

"Speak of the devil hey! Dude, I set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything!" JJ says to him but John B just walks past him heading straight towards the house.

"No he did not. I did that," Pope argues back.

"Hey Johnny you okay?" Liv asks worried as he runs into the house.

"Uh what was that all about?" Pope asks just as confused as the others.

"I was gonna ask you the same question," JJ shrugs, climbing out the hot tub.

All four of them follow John B into the house to see him rummaging through the drawers and opening all the cabinets. 

"You alright man? What's up?" Pope asks, walking up to him.

"What are you looking for?" Kiara demands.

"Whats going on?" JJ asks just as John B pulls the gun out from the sofa.

"Johnny why do you need a gun?" Olivia asks cautiously walking up to him but JJ quickly pulls her back and walks up to him instead. However, John B grabs him and pushes him out the way. 

"John b what the fuck!" Liv shouts but is knocked back by JB who purposely bumps into her sending her back into the wall. When Pope tries to block him, John B grabs him and throws him into the table.

"Shit you ok?" Kie and Olivia help up the boys and they all run outside after John B who climbs on top of his bike, revving the engine.

"John B what the hell!" Liv shouts.

"Ward knows about the gold!"John B shouts back, making them stop in their tracks.

"He killed my dad!" Liv lets out a sob in shock pressing her palm against her mouth. Without another word, he drives off leaving the four confused and shocked.

"I gotta go," Olivia whispers, stumbling backwards and running off, ignoring the calls of her friends.


"Ward!" Olivia shouts as she runs through the Cameron's house, slamming the door behind her.

"Ward cameron!" She repeats stomping up the stairs and barging into his office. Sarah and Ward stare at her with wide eyes but she doesn't care and she walks straight up to ward and shouts, "Did you kill big John?"

"What no," He quickly answers.

"Don't you fucking lie to me!"

"Oh my god..." Ward sighs, rubbing his forehead with his hand and says, "Sit down Olivia."

"I-" Liv starts but Ward shouts, "Sit down!" and Liv reluctantly obeys, sitting down next to Sarah. 

"Look Sarah I wanted to take the boy fishing. You saw all that, right?" He carries on, "I did it because the boy needs a father figure. So out we go and it was great. It was and then he starts... drinking.

❛Pinky Promise❜ - Kiara CarreraWhere stories live. Discover now