Ch: 29 // Ep: 10

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With a hand round her mouth, she forces her eyes shut as she leans into the wall. The captain of the ship runs past her, not even noticing the blonde girl . Once he is gone, she pushes off the wall and stalks into the cabin. Crouching down and out of sight, her eyes find the radio on the side and she runs over to it. In one swift move, she snatches the thing up in her hand and runs outside to where Sarah stands.

"Here you go," Liv grins, chucking the radio to her sister. Sarah smiled in delight and turned to run down the stairs. Liv followed closely behind until Sarah stopped, holding the radio up to her mouth.

"Hello?" She says, earning a few muffled replies, "My name is Sarah. I'm on a boat called the Coastal Venture. I've... I've been kidnapped."

Suddenly, Liv is pushed to the floor and the device was torn from Sarah's hand by the captain. Crawling back, Liv watches as Sarah is shoved to the wall, an arm placed on her neck. Sarah looked to the side at her sister giving her a look that said 'run'. Hesitantly, Liv obliges, jumping up and running through the ship. She knew that if both of them would get caught, the whole plan would be over and they would be shipped away.

"No, shit!" The man captain but upon realising he couldn't get the girl without letting Sarah go, he sighs and brings the radio to his mouth.

Liv runs up and down stairs, not keeping any track of what turns she was taking. She just ran. The girl was on the outside of the ship when her body crashed into something. She was sent to the floor, landing down with a loud thud. She looks up in fear at whoever was above her but instead of running, her shoulders relax at the sight of the boy.

"John B?" Liv gasps, her head turning to the side as she recognises the boys long, dirty blonde hair.

"Liv!" The boy grins bending down and jumping into the girls arms, "Holy shit, I thought I lost you."

"You came," Liv cries and puts her head into his hair.

"Of course I came," John B laughs, detaching himself from the girl, "Wait... where's Sarah?"

"Uh, we had this whole elaborate plan to escape... but it all went shits up and Sarah was caught," Liv explains but both of their heads turn as they hear someone shout, "Come back here!"

"Ward," John B whispers, eyes lighting up with anger upon hearing the man's voice.

"No!" Sarah cries, being cornered into the side of the boat. Liv and John B run to the edge and look down at them.

"You want them to take you?" Ward shouts, spitting in her face.

"I didn't ask to be here!"

"You're here and you're staying here. You're my daughter!" Ward grabs the girls shoulders pushing her around.

"Don't touch me!"

"I gotta do something," Liv mutters, gripping the rail so hard her knuckles were turning white, "I can't just let him do this to her."

"Liv," John B grabs the girl, stopping her from going anywhere, "It will be no help at all if you get yourself caught again, okay?"

With a sigh, Liv nods and turns her attention back to the pair below them. They watch as Sarah pushes past her father and walks away; Ward trailing behind her.

Two hands land on Liv's shoulders and she jumps back. She is spun around and forced into a tight hug.

"Liv," Pope mutters, his face buried into her long, blonde hair.

"Hey, man," She grins, feeling relieved and thankful that he was there.

"Okay, okay, enough," Pope says, pulling away, "We've got work to do. I've brought a friend."

❛Pinky Promise❜ - Kiara CarreraDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora