Ch: 1 // Ep: 1

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The sound of the waves crashed against the large rock as the white foam made its way up, wetting whoever was around. It was calming. The idea that there was a whole world below. A world without pogues and without kooks and a world without having to struggle to even feed yourself. All the animals lived in harmony. They didn't have to worry about lost treasure or crazy brothers or fathers who try to kill you.

That was the life Olivia wanted, that she needed. But she knew she would never get it. However, she had the next best thing. A life full of peace and quiet with her friends. Even if it was for a little bit, she had what she needed.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" A voice spoke up making Liv jumped.


"The sunset," Kiara pointed towards the sun that was halfway into the ocean. Liv choked up. She was too busy looking at the sea below to even notice the sunset that blossomed upon the cloud as sweet wild clover blooms. The red that mixed into the yellow stretched wide, as far as the eye could see.

"Woah," Liv gasped but turned her head towards Kie, "Well, it's not the most beautiful thing here."

"What could be more beautiful than that?" Kiara laughed, eyes on the sunset.

"I'm looking at it right now," Liv answered with a large grin, staring at Kie's soft lips.

"That was so cheesy," Kie said, leaning into a kiss.

"I know," Liv cringed, "But I don't care."

"Hey, stop sitting around!" A familiar voice called up from below. Liv jumped, retreating from the kiss.

"What do you want, Jay?" Liv groaned as she looked down from the rock.

"Why don't you guys actually do something and help me catch some fish?" He scoffed.

"Well, not when you have that attitude?" Liv stood up, "It wouldn't hurt to just say 'please'?"

"Please," He laughed.

"That's more like it," Liv grinned and walked to the edge of the rock. She clamped her hands together over her head and dived off. It took her a few seconds to rise to the surface but once she did, she jumped up and grabbed the spear out of JJ's hand.

"Let's go!"


"Okay, remember to watch your shadow," JJ told them, "They see-"

While JJ stood next to Kie, mansplaining what to do, Liv spotted a Skate. Her feet wide apart, stance strong, she waited for the perfect moment. The skate slithered along the bottom of the sea, oblivious to what was heading towards him. And then the spear plunged through the middle of it. The animal squirmed, it's screams silent as the girl lifted her weapon, mouth contorted into a prideful grin. 

"Got it!" Liv cheered, waving the Skate into the air. JJ's mouth fell open.


"You two have fun," Liv began to skip off, "I've already got my dinner."


"Okay, John B, your turn," Sarah told him, passing the basket-looking hat, "Truth or dare."

"Truth," He announced, standing up.

"If you could do it all again," Sarah started, "What would you do different?"

"Uh, get the gold out before Ward did," JJ turned around.

"Hide the cross a bit better," Pope added.

"Not yell 'Murderer' at Ward, maybe," Kie cringed, making Liv laugh.

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