Ch: 2 // Ep: 1

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"So what were you doing all the way out here?" JJ asked, attempting to make small talk. Liv sat down next to the blonde boy and her eyes travelled around the small plane. It was filled with junk, paper and maps scattered around the walls.

"I got a little guide outfit in Saint Vincent," Jimmy answered, "I was spotting fish."

"What were you spotting?"

"You know the usual," He shrugged, "Wahoo."

Liv's head jerked up and her eyes widened. She made eye contact with John B, legs beginning to jump up and down at their discovery. 

"I'd hang on to something," The man shouted back, "Gets a little spicy on takeoff."

They all obeyed and grabbed the handles above them as the plane began to move.


Liv turned around in her seat to face the others. She ushered them rapidly and they moved down, towards her.

"Wahoo don't run in september," JJ whispered.

"Like ever," Liv added, "So whoever this man is, he's not a fisherman."

"Maybe the run starts earlier out here," Pope excused.

"Are you sure about that? In the Caribbean," JJ scoffed.

"No, I know what this is," Sarah sighed, looking at Liv, "He's working with out dad, and he's probably been looking for me the entire time."

"All right. Well, we gotta find out," JJ looked around the plane, "Start looking for some sort of... clues."

He nudged John B and pointed towards Jimmy. John B nodded and began to talk to the man up front.

"Yo, Jimmy!" He shouted, tapping the man on his shoulder, "How long you been flying?"

"I've been flying all my life." As John B kept up the small talk, JJ reached into the brown bag that was wrapped around the chair. He pulled out a book named 'The loss of El Dorado' and inside that book was a photograph. A familiar ship sat in the middle of the photo and Liv gasped.

"Son of a bitch," Liv muttered, giving the photo to Sarah.

"'Coastal venture'. Oh my god," Sarah scoffed, "This was the boat we were on. With Eberhimi and the cross."

"So he was looking for us?" Cleo groaned, sitting back in her seat.

"Exactly," JJ nodded.

"He's working for our dad," Sarah muttered. Liv put her hands to her face and kept her eyes closed.

The sudden shake of the plane made the group jump as Jimmy said, "Hey, y'all better hold onto something. We have some unexpected turbulence up here."

"Guys, whatever it is, it is happening fast. Look," Kiara told them, pointing out the window. Liv turned around in her seat and saw the island approaching quickly.

"That looks like Barbados. I've been there with Terrance," Cleo pointed out.

"Okay, there's six of us and one of him," JJ muttered, "You know my vote, we storm the cockpit."

"Who's going to fly the plane, dumbass?" John B hissed.

"I've seen Pope fly simulators."

"I crop-dusted for my uncle last summer," Pope rolled his eyes, "This is not the same thing."

"We don't have time to pretend this is a real option," Kiara sighed, shaking her head slightly.

"Do you have an idea?"

"Something safe."

"Why don't we just wait until the plane lands somewhere safe, sneak out and if someone comes to mess with us, we mad dog them," Pope planned.

"I like the mad dogging part," JJ agreed and they all nodded.

"Just put that pack," Kiara ordered, "Be cool."

"Hey Jimmy, is that the burning man?" John B attempted to stall as JJ slipped the pictures and books back into the bag. However, the stalling didn't last for very long as Jimmy turned around in his seat and spotted the blonde boy touching his bag.

"Hey man! What the hell are you doing?" Jimmy shouted as he swatted at the boy. His hands left the steering wheel and that sent the airplane to the side. Instead of flying the plane, the man decided to rip the papers out of JJ's hand.

The Pogues screamed, begging the man to resume flying the plane. Liv and John B grabbed Jimmy and try to tear him off their friend.

"Please fly the plane. Please fly the plane," Pope cried.

"Shit," Jimmy cursed, finally remembering the out of control plane.

But it was to late They hit the ground violently and Liv's body was thrown into the air. Her head collided with the roof and everything went dark.


The water level rose quickly. The pogues were now piled on top of each other. As they moved away while groaning in pain, the six other pogues realised someone was missing. Liv laid under the water, her arms and leg stationary.

"Shit, Liv," JJ cursed, reaching and pulling her out of the water, "Hey wake up!"

After a few failed attempts to wake her up, Kie grabbed her girlfriend's face and muttered, "She's unconscious."

"We gotta get out of here," John B coughed and he kicked open the door. He jumped out first and helped Liv out. 

"Oh no, they don't look very friendly," John B panted, struggling to keep both him and Liv above water. They all face the handful of men that had just swarmed the beach, guns ready.

"No, they look very unfriendly," Pope agreed, "We gotta go!"

One by one, each of the pogues jumped into water, plummeting down to the bottom then rising back up slowly. 

"Kie, hurry before the plane sinks!" Pope shouted at the girl.

Kie hesitated and looked back into the plane before replying, "Hang on!".

She disappeared back into the plane.

"I can't hold Liv for much longer," John B cried out, "I'm going to the pier."

And soon enough, everyone followed him. Well, everyone except Kie. So as John B laid Liv onto a rock and everyone else followed after, they didn't notice the girl drag Jimmy out of the plane window and pull him towards the shore.

"Shit, guys!" JJ cursed, "Where's Kie?"

"She went the other way," Sarah pointed at the girl who was now laying on the sand. An army of men surrounded the girl. She tried to flee and hide around a boat but there were too many of them. Two of the guards snaked their hands around Kie's upper arm and hauled her away from the crowds of people then into a car.

"What are we gonna do?" JJ muttered, "We're gonna go after her, right?"

"What... what can we do?" John B replied. Suddenly, Liv's eyes fluttered open, water piling out of her mouth as she coughed and spluttered. She laid back and let her eyes adapt to the bright light. Her head began to throb, hand flying to her forehead.

"They're all looking this way," Cleo exclaimed, swimming away slowly.

"Liv, get up. we gotta go," He grabbed Liv and pulled her off the rock. The sudden rush of cold water that hit her face gave her a shock. Another hand pulled her back out and she gasped. Like before, John B had to drag the blonde girl through the water but soon enough, Liv became conscious enough to fend for herself.

"Wait guys, where's Kie?"


I couldn't make Liv willingly leave Kie so i had to knock her out! but hope you enjoy this chapter:)

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