Ch: 2 // Ep 1

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"Let me show you a party trick," JJ exclaims, sounding excited to show it off.

"Oh god," Liv groans knowing what he will do and trust me every time he tries to do it, it always goes wrong.

"Hey pope can you go a bit faster?" JJ asks. Olivia moves around, hiding behind Kie, making sure she was not in the "Splash zone".

"It's not going to work, we've tried this like 6000 times," John B says moving to the back of the boat.

"I've got this, it's gonna work!" JJ reassures although none of the pogues believe him.

JJ gets up to the front of the boat, lifts his beer and tries to get the spilling liquid into his mouth. However, like always, he misses and it ends up smashing the others in the faces. 

"Your getting beer in my hair," Kie groans trying to use Liv as a shield.

Suddenly, the boat comes to an unexpected, sending everyone flying. JJ falls into the water, viciously while the rest of them fall around the boat. Liv is sent forward and hits her nose in the middle of the boat. She feels the blood dripping down her face as Kiara helps her up.

"Shit Liv. Your nose!" She exclaims eyes wide. Olivia doesn't seem so bothered as she lifts up here hand and wipes the blood onto her sleeves.

JJ comes up to the surface of the water and she quickly runs over to check on her bestfriend. 

"You ok, JJ?" Liv and John B shout, locking down at the boy.

"I think my heels touched the back of my head," JJ groans.

"Kie you ok?" John B asks, "What bout you, Liv?" Kie nods in response while Olivia says, "Probably have a broken nose but other than that, im ok," 

"Pope, what did you do?" JJ moans, eyes closed.

"Sandbar, the channel changed,"

"No shit," JJ and Liv roll their eyes at the boy.

"Ugh, this is probably gonna mess this whole place up," Liv gives JJ her hand, about to help him onto the boat

"Hey I saved the beer though!" He says, proudly looking up at the girl. 

Pope's face drops as he stares into the water.

"Guys i think there's a boat down there" JJ freezes, hand clutching onto Liv. The rest of the pogues disagree, not believing him.

Olivia tries to let go of JJ's hand but he has other ideas. A sudden tag of her arm pulls her into the water landing on her belly. Liv swims to the top and groans in pain. She is about to slap JJ as a punishment but she, too, spots the white boat at the bottom of the water.

"Wait guys, there is!" Liv shouts at them, agreeing with Pope. The rest of the group look down eyes widening at the discovery.

Olivia and JJ swim towards it while the others undress into their swimming costumes. The group swim down to the boat. A Grady white lays at the bottom and Liv quickly swims inside to have a look. The boat looks like its been through hell; many holes had been put into the sides and seaweed was already devouring it.

Olivia feels a tap on her shoulder making her spin around quickly. She is met with the familiar face of Kie who grabs her hand and pulls her up to the surface. They all take in a big breathe of air once they reached the top.

❛Pinky Promise❜ - Kiara CarreraWhere stories live. Discover now