chapter eighteen

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Giyuu finished his hourly sweep of his estate in search of Kishi. Why did this have to happen to Giyuu of all people? He hadn't done anything wrong, had he?

Giyuu shook his head and pulled out his diary.

He hadn't written in it for a couple weeks, and needed to get some things of his mind.




Giyuu walked inside of the library door and searched the shelves for a certain category. Ah yes, the bad endings.

Giyuu brushed his hand on the books as he walked down the isle looking for the perfect one.
He stopped when he saw a book called "walk two moons".

He pulled it out and read the back of the book, before walking up to the front to purchase it.

~after he bought the book (which you should read)~

Giyuu walked out of the library and looked around. There were lots of stores here.

Giyuu's gaze rested apon one shop.


"Monitsu! I think I know where tajinro is!" Inosuke projected as he blasted through the door. Both Nezuko and Zenitsu's heads turned to him instantly, though they weren't very hopeful in the terms of it being Inosuke speaking. They both sighed, successfully dampening the spirits of the boar-boy. it only took them a moment more to realize just how serious the man was about his words, he really did know where his friend had gone.

"Really!?" Zenitsu asked as he and Nezuko stood up. The thunder breather was the first out of the door, leaving a trail of static behind him from hi sudden sprint.




Giyuu looked down at the forest below.
He was back at the cliff, but this time, it wasn't peaceful.

Many demon slayers, especially the hashira, we're in the forest more times a day than you can count.

Giyuu shook his head and walked down to his estate.

He wanted to believe that Tanjiro and Kishi were still alive, but he couldn't.
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't believe it.

There was no way that he'd ever see them again

They were gone, and as far as he knew, they weren't coming back.

~With Inosuke, Nezuko, and Zenitsu~

Tanjiro sliced off the neck of yet another demon.

He was wounded and exhausted. This place was crawling with demons.
It had been six months now. He was begging to lose hope of people finding him.

And he did, until he heard thunder and Inosuke screaming from far away.

Tanjiro tried to call out, but a demon pounced on him before he could.

Tanjiro slipped out of it's grasp, quickly drawing his blade and slicing it's neck. He needed to hurry towards the others, before he got attacked by another one.

He was too weak to kill anymore of them.

Tanjiro rushed towards the sound of Inosuke screaming. Hoping that they would be able to find him.

Inosuke came running down the hill. He was running towards him, just moments before before Tanjiro fell to the ground unconscious.


Tanjiro woke up in the butterfly mansion, with a bunch of people he knew gathered around him.

The first person to speak was Shinobu.

"Welcome back, Kamado. Tomioka missed you."

Tanjiro was surprisingly able to move his arms and legs, with the pain being the downside.

Tanjiro stood up on his unstable legs, trying his best not to fall over.

"Tanjiro, you should really visit Tomioka. He misses you alot." Said Shinobu.
Tanjiro nodded.

This was moments before Inosuke and Zenitsu pounced on him, presumably in an attempt to hug him. Nezuko joined in, along with, surprisingly, Kanao.

Tanjiro smiled warmly.
It was nice to see how much his friends cared so clearly.

After about three minutes of hugging his friends and getting reminded constantly to be more careful by Kanao, Tanjiro was on his way to Giyuu's estate.

As he was walking, he collected a gift for Giyuu.
It was Giyuu's favorite food, simmered salmon with daikon.

Tanjiro smiled as he knocked on the door of Giyuu's estate. Then he remembered what Giyuu had said to him before.

'' If you ever need anything and come to my estate, you don't have to knock, you can just come right in. I don't mind it. ''

Tanjiro opened the door to Giyuu's estate and took a step inside.



Tanjiro dropped the food on the floor.
The sight before him was horrible..

Giyuu had hung himself.

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