Chapter three

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Warnings: Gore, strong language, self harm.

Giyuu POV:

Well, now I'm severely injured and probably have a concussion. But I must tell master about what just happened, that wasn't normal. Demons aren't supposed to band together.

Who knows, maybe it was just one demon and that was it's blood demon art. Whatever, I need to go clean this up before Shinazugawa and Obanai show up at my doorstep.

Nobody POV:

Giyuu opened the door and proceeded to walk inside of his house, closing the door behind him. He then took off his shoes and placed them next to the door. He turned around, before he went to his kitchen to make a relatively large meal for Kyojuro, to make up for the meal he never finished making the night before.

After he had finished making the food for Kyojuro, he put it inside a small bento box. The box had a picture of a wisteria tree on it. He placed the box on the counter, and his gaze landed apon a medium-sized kitchen knife on the counter.


Giyuu felt the cold metal slide across his wrist, leaving a trail of blood behind it. He didn't know why he was doing this, but it felt right. one cut, two cuts, three cuts, four cuts. He kept going.

Once he had finished, he used the sleeves of his haori to cover up his wrists.. He then grabbed the warm box of Bento and exited his house, making his way to the flame estate.

Soon he had arrived at the door of Kyojuro's home. He knocked three times, before the door burst open and he saw the man who he had made the meal for.

"Hello Tomioka! It's nice to see that you didn't forget about me!" Said the smiling man standing Infront of Giyuu.

He nodded and handed Kyojuro the box.

"Sorry about me not showing up yesterday, I ran into some.... problems." Was what Giyuu said.

Just then, it started raining. Heavily.

"How about you come inside? I wouldn't want you walking all of the way back to your estate in this weather!" Boomed Kyojuro.

"I really shouldn't, I don't want to invade-"

"It's quite okay Tomioka! I really do not mind!"

Kyojuro interrupted Giyuu before he could finish his sentence. Giyuu just simply nodded, trying to defy Kyojuro never worked out anyway.

Kyojuro POV:

I had set up both of our futons. I told Giyuu that he should probably change, but he insisted on keeping his haori on. Something's definitely wrong.

"Hey, Tomioka! Could you put your arms up n the air for a second? I just want to see something!" I said.

"Uh.. sure." Was what he responded with, before raising his arms up in the air. Just as I had hoped, the sleeves of his haori fell. However, I was not expecting to see cuts going from his wrists to his elbows. He was one of my closest friends, and I didn't like what I saw.

Nobody POV:

"Giyuu I-"

Giyuu realized what had just happened, and his eyes widened. He ran out of the house as fast as he could, not caring about the rain. He needed to get out of there, before Kyojuro could say anything else. He was scared. He didn't want anyone to know about this. "Shit, shit, shit, shit! I should've covered these up before I went to Rengoku's estate! I'm so fucking stupid!" Giyuu hadn't realized that he was already back at his estate, but he was glad. He quickly opened the door and ran inside, closing it behind him. He was breathing heavily. He slid his shoes off and put his hand on his chest, gripping his shirt. He tried to slow his breathing but it wouldn't work. every time he tried he just ended up feeling like he was suffocating.

His body collapsed to the ground and he passed out.

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