Chapter five

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Warnings: Mentions of self harm, strong language, bullying, Obanai slander, gore.

Giyuu was sitting on the sofa in his living room, thinking about god knows what. His weird thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on his door. He slowly got up from the sofa, and made his way to the front door. Once he had made it there, he opened the wooden door, revealing an ecstatic love pillar standing on the other side.

"Giyuu! Are you ready for the mission?"

Shit. he'd completely forgotten about it.

"Yeah, just give me a second."

Luckily, he was already in uniform. He just needed to get his katana. Giyuu walked over to his bedroom, and grabbed the katana off of his desk. He then quickly turned around and rushed back to Kanroji, who was still waiting at his door. As he stood Infront of her, he could feel a liquid oozing out of his wrist and falling onto the floor. It was blood from a couple minutes earlier. He anxiously looked at Kanroji, who didn't seem to notice. "Thank god."


They had arrived at their destination. A city that was more alive at night than during the day, which meant that it was the perfect place for a demon to thrive in.

Giyuu could sense that there were demons here. About two or three of them, all in different places.

"Don't let your guard down, Kanroji. There's a demon in that alley over there.' He said as he pointed to a small alleyway in-between two large shops.

"Hey, Giyuu! I'm getting kinda hungry. Can we go get some udon from that stand over there?"

'Sure, let's go before it gets too dark."

After about two minutes of walking and chatting, they reached the stand.

"Hello. I would like some udon with an extra egg with it."

"I would also like some udon, but with no eggs, please!"

The man on the other side of the sand just nodded and began to prepare their meals. They both went around and sat on the bench next to them. A couple minutes of chatting later..

"Alright, two bowls of udon, one with an extra egg and the other with no eggs!"

The man said as he looked down at the two sitting on the bench. Giyuu nodded before reaching his hand out for the food, and the man handed it to him. Kanroji did the same, and got her food. They both began eating. Once they finished, they paid and left.

"I guess it's a good thing that you brought yen with you!" Said Kanroji.

"I always bring yen with me on missions. After all, you'll never know how long you're going to be there."

"Whaa- You're so smart Giyuu!" Kanroji was like the little sister that Giyuu had always wanted. It felt nice to have a sibling-like relationship with someone when your sister had already passed away.

"Thanks, Kanroji. Is there anything else you need before we go searching for the demons?"

"Nope! It's all good!"

Giyuu couldn't help but smile.

"Huh!? You smiled?!?! KAWAIII!!" Kanroji was so happy about one little smile. What was so special about it? Did he not smile enough? Dd he make Kanroji sad when he didn't smile?

"Giyuu!! Hellooooo!! We still have to complete our mission!!"

"Oh, right. Sorry Kanroji."

"Don't apologize to me!! Let's just go complete our mission!"

They walked to the destination of the first demon. (I'm not very good at fight scenes but here's this)

Tomioka was able to charge at the demon before it had any time to react, and managed to slice off it's head quickly.

"Hey, don't you think that was a little bit easy? After all, they did sent two hashira here."

"It was a bit easy, but there are still two more demo-"

The ground beneath Giyuu turned into a large, pitch-black hole. Giyuu quickly jumped out, but he did get stabbed in the leg by something.

"Giyuu! What was that?"

"It's probably some blood demon art."

Giyuu suddenly felt a sharp pain where he had been stabbed. He could feel the toxin inside the wound.


Giyuu quickly jumped, and so did Kanroji, revealing two gianormous needles emerging from the ground. Kanroji quickly slashed it, her unique sword being quite helpful in doing so. Giyuu landed on the ground, before getting pulled into the wall by two arms.

He could feel pain spread throughout his body as he got stabbed over and over. Fortunately, he was still able to move. He appeared to be inside of a pocket dimension. This must be the demon's blood demon art.

Back to Kanroji

Kanroji saw Giyuu get pulled into the wall. She ran towards it, but she was too late. The speed of this demon is incredible!

She suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her arm, and quickly slashed the needle that had emerged from the wall behind her. The demon is inside of the wall, and can probably emerge from the floor aswell. She quickly found the exact location that Giyuu was pulled into the wall. She used her sword to slash it, but it wasn't the same place that Giyuu had been sent to. This time, it was the place that the actual demon was inside. She charged towards the demon before it had and time to react, and quickly sliced it's head off. Just as Giyuu had done with the demon before.

Giyuu flew out of the wall, hitting the one behind him. Kanroji ran out of the wall and rushed to Giyuu's aid. The demon had poisoned both of them, but it was more effective on Giyuu than it was on Kanroji. Giyuu blacked out.

Kanroji was weakened by the poison, but she could still move. Just then, a third demon Jumped down from the roof of the building next to them, and attacked Kanroji. She managed to knock it backwards by kicking it, but she was in no position to fight right now. The demon charged at Kanroji, and she squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the pain.

But it never came.

Instead, she heard a loud slicing sound. She opened her eyes slightly, seeing the familiar black and white striped of the haori that belonged to the man she loved. Her eyes then went wide.

"Iguro-san! Thank you for saving me!" Kanroji smiled brightly

Iguro's face went bright red.

"U-Uhh You're welcome Kanroji!" He stood up straight, trying to make himself look taller.

"Wait, I thought you were on another mission. Why are you here, Iguro-san?"

"Uhhhh. I finished my mission early and it was nearby, so I decided to come check up on you!" "What would she say if she knew I was stalking her?!?!"

"Oh, okay! Thank you Iguro-san!" Kanroji blushed slightly.

Giyuu opened his eyes.

"What the fuck is this short ass serpentine wannabe doing here?"

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