The Terrors of Loneliness - Chapter 3

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Lucas sat at his desk writing up a report on what had happened the day before.  He was struggling to concentrate and found his mind kept returning to a pair of pale green eyes and a mass of dark curls.  He was roused from his daydream by Dimitri tapping him on the shoulder. “What’s up mate?  You look like you’re miles away.”

“Nothing’s up, just making sure I haven’t forgotten anything,” he smiled casually.

Dimitri raised his eyebrows, “Since when did you forget anything?”

Lucas looked at him and sighed.  “Do you ever wonder how the people who get caught up in what we do cope with it?”

Dimitri perched on the edge of Lucas’ desk and folded his arms, “Are we talking about the girl?”

Lucas nodded, “She was so…” he searched for the word “innocent.  She has no-one to help her through this.  I know there’s Victim Support but…” he trailed off.

Dimitri got up and squeezed Lucas’ shoulder briefly, “She’ll be all right mate.”  He moved away leaving Lucas to get on with his report.

Lucas wondered whether he should have mentioned arranging to take Hannah home, then he wondered why he hadn’t.  He just felt that if nothing else, they owed her some kindness.  He was only too well aware of how easy it was to become complacent.  It had been a while since he’d come across the kind of blind terror he’d seen in her face as Selby held the gun to her head.  He’d recognised it instantly because he understood how it felt.  He wasn’t sure the others would understand why he felt compelled to help her.  He wasn’t entirely sure himself.


Lucas arrived back at the hospital about half past four to find Hannah sitting on the bed wringing her hands again and chewing on her bottom lip.  “I’m so sorry I’m late.  The traffic was a nightmare.”  She looked up at him and he could see her green eyes glistening with unshed tears.  His heart lurched but he ignored it.  “Are you ready?”

She nodded and said haltingly, “I thought…maybe…maybe you weren’t coming.”

He smiled softly, “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you.”  He ushered her out of the door and down the corridor and they walked in silence through the hospital.  

When they reached the exit for the car park Hannah hesitated.  Lucas looked down at her.  She was frowning and chewing on her bottom lip again.  He placed a gentle hand on her arm, “It’s OK.  I promise you’re safe with me.”  She took a deep breath and let him lead her outside.

When they reached the car Lucas opened the passenger door for her and then shut it firmly before walking swiftly around the other side and climbing in.  He started the car, “If you want some music on then please feel free to put the radio on or you’ll find some CDs in there,” he pointed at the glove box. 

Hannah shook her head “No…thank you.”

As Lucas drove to Hannah’s house he tried starting a conversation with her but all he got were one word answers.  She was withdrawn and he could still sense her terror and it troubled him greatly.  


Hannah didn’t know what to say to him.  Daniel was being so kind taking her home but the thought of being alone in her own home in a very short while terrified her.  As the inevitable moment drew nearer she was feeling more and more terrified.  At least at the hospital there were people around.  At home she’d be truly alone. 

She started biting her nails.  Daniel was trying to make conversation but she found she couldn’t speak more than one word at a time.  The terror was like a heavy ball in the pit of her stomach and it was all consuming. 

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