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They all sat close under a rock, in an attempt to hide from the bats, breathing heavily, Anna was between Robin and Eddie holding their arms, who was next to Nancy, Steve was beside her

Once the bats were out of view and hearing they carefully got out one by one, but Steve felt week and lost his balance slamming into the rock

"Steve" Nancy stepped towards him

"Jesus" Anna pronounced looking at the guy's wounds

"I am fine, I am fine" He convinced

"No no no you're not you're losing blood" Nancy took a look at his wounds

"A lot of blood" Anna added from beside Robin

"C'mon, sit Alright? Alright" Nancy made him sit and Steve removed his hand from his wound revealing an unpleasant view
Robin walked away from Anna sitting down beside Steve

"Okay, so the good news is I am pretty sure wooziness is not a common symptom of rabies, but um if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or you start feeling really aggressive like you wanna punch me, let me know" Robin rambled

Anna sighed at her behaviour, a happy sigh, she missed the girl and her scared or nervous rambling, when they were together there were often times she'd experience this, often when Anna was driving through a traffic making Robin scared for her life

"You okay, Anna?" Eddie asked her in a low voice

"Yeah, no I am good, you alright?" she hid her headache

"Yeah, yeah I am okay" she nodded at him noticing his shaky breathes she put a hand around his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down "Nice tats by the way" she complimented him to take his mind off of this

"Oh thanks" smiled at her quickly noticing a small tattoo on the girl's right wrist which looked like a semicolon "You too" he pointed making her nod and smile

"We should get matching tats once we are out of here"

"Why wait?" Eddie reached for Anna's jacket's pocket and took out a black marker "What do you want it to be?"

"How'd you know I had that?" she paused and thought for a moment "How bout '86?" she asked earning a satisfied nod from the guy

"'86 it is" Anna nodded at him multiple times bringing her left arm forward

Eddie held her arm and wrote '86 in a surprisingly good manner later he did that with his own arm, Anna helping him here and there after he was finished they looked at the it smiling in satisfaction

They turned around when Robin walked towards them, Eddie walking up a big tall rock Anna following close behind, by the end of the rock not climbing up

"So uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with like, monsters and nasty shit?" Eddie asked from up

"Pretty much" Nancy answered holding Steve, helping him to walk

"Not the vines, don't step on them" Anna warned the guy

"It's all a hive mind" Nancy added

"It's all a what?"

"All the creepy crawlies around here dude, they're like one or something, you step on a vine you're stepping on a bat, you're stepping on Vecna" Steve explained

"Shit" Eddie cursed, carefully coming down

"But everything from our world, is still here right? Except people? Obviously" Robin asked

"As far as I understand it, yeah" Nancy replied while Anna was helping Eddie down the rock

"So theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up this bat things that are guarding the gate" Robin estimated

"Yeah I highly doubt, the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin, but guns yeah sure" Steve argued

"But we don't have to go all the way downtown for guns, I have guns in my bedroom" Nancy confessed

"You, Nancy Wheeler have guns, plural, in your bedroom?" Eddie pronounced

"You don't know her well dude" Anna shrugged remembering how she found out the first time about her guns

"A Russian Makarov and a revolver" Nancy informed

"Yeah, you almost shot us with that one" Steve reminded pointing towards Anna

"You almost deserved it" Nancy turned to Steve, when Eddie suddenly threw his vest towards Steve

"For your modesty dude" he said

Suddenly the ground started moving in an earthquake like manner, loud rambling was heard making them all to fall down, Anna pulled Robin towards her and Eddie as she held on to the two, while Nancy was in Steve's arms

Anna and Robin gave each other a 'look' after witnessing the moment between the two ex lovers, soon snarling of creatures was heard making the five look in a direction

"Yeah so like guns seem like a pretty good idea to me" Eddie's voice shaking

"Yeah me too" Robin admitted

"So what are we waiting for?" Anna stood up walking forwards as the rest followed behind

After a few minutes of walking, Anna, Nancy and Robin were walking together, the two guys at a distance behind them

"So what are you still doing with guns and shit?" Anna asked the girl

"Self defence" Nancy defended herself making both of them chuckle

"Yeah, you remember you almost blew my head off" Anna reminded

"You literally climbed through my window at midnight"

"For Steve" Anna threw her hands up in defence smiling

"So what's the deal? I do know that you two are close, or were, you are not talking anymore what's up?" Nancy said to Anna in a low voice when Robin was at a distance

"I mean, we had our share of good time, but yeah that's that" she nodded

"I don't know whatever happened but if you don't mind, apologise to her, it's most likely your fault, you don't wanna lose a good friend over some stupid shit" Anna stared at Nancy dumbfounded

"No no no, can we go back to the part, where you said it's most likely my fault? What's that about?"

"Are you kidding me? You were and are like a total trouble maker" the both of them chuckled at this, Nancy feels herself become a totally different person with Anna, in a good way ofcourse

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