Green poison

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After hours everybody woke up and didn't feel so good, Erica banging the green bottle caught Anna's attention as she ran upto the younger girl and snatched the bottle away not wanting for it to explode in Erica's hands

"Woah, easy there we don't even know what this is" Anna reminded

"Exactly, it could be useful" Erica exclaimed

"Useful? How?" Anna looked at the girl confused

"We can survive down here without food for a long time but if human body doesn't get water it'll die" Erica explained as if it was the most basic thing, well it was

"I hate to break it to you but that's... not water" Robin said as Anna agreed

"But it's a liquid" Erica protested "and if it come down to me drinking that shit or dying of thirst, I drink" Anna looked at the girl in disbelief

"I'd rather die than drink that" Anna put the green bottle away and they suddenly heard a voice from outside

Robin walked towards the door leaning her ear towards it she looked up at Steve and Dustin

"We've got company"

Anna and Robin helped Erica up before Anna helping Robin get there just then they heard the door open and Anna hid behind one of the boxes, far at back crouching down

When she didn't hear any sound she peeked and saw no guards she grabbed the bottle she snatched from Erica as she placed in between the closing door and the floor causing it to open until everyone and atlast her got out of the room

The green bottle exploded creating an effect none of the others wanted to see

"You still wanna drink that?" Robin asked Erica walking away

"Holy mother of God" Dustin said looking forward Everybody turned around and saw a 'never ending hallway'

"Turn around what did you see, a never ending hallway" Anna said in a singing manner

"Well, hope you guys are in a good shape. Looking at you roast beef" Steve said walking away patting Dustin's chest

"Why me?" He asked as he looked at his sister everybody walking towards the hallway

After a few moments of walking in silence Dustin spoke up from beside Anna

"I mean, you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone, this is impressive"

"What are you talking about its a total fire hazard. There's no stairs, there's no exit, there's just an elevator that drops you halfway to hell" Steve argued

"They are commies, you don't pay people, they cut corners" Erica spoke up

"To be fair to our Russian comrades, I don't think this tunnel was designed for walking" Robin said Anna looked at the girl beside her for a moment "Think about it they developed the perfect system for transporting that cargo"

"It all comes in the mall like any old delivery" Dustin shrugged as Anna was abnormally silent

"Then they load it up on those trucks and  nobody's the wiser" Robin shrugged

"You think they built this whole mall just so they could transport that green poison?" Steve questioned

"I seriously doubt it's something as boring as poison" Dustin expressed "It's gotta be much more valuable like promethium or something"

"What the hell is promethium?" Steve asked as Robin glanced at Anna

"Something Victor stone's dad used to make cyborg's bionic and cybernetic components" Anna spoke in a low voice

"You are all so nerdy, it makes me physically ill" Erica pretended puking

"No no no don't lump me in with them. I am not a nerd all right?" Steve spoke up

"Why so sensitive Harrington, afraid of losing cool points to a ten year old?" Anna pronounced

"No I am just saying, I don't know jack shit about Prometheus"

"Prometheus is a Greek mythological figure, but, all I am saying is it's probably being used to make something" Anna said with a poker face

"Or power something" Robin added

They kept talking for a while before Steve and Dustin abruptly stopped talking about if the Russians knew about 'something'


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