No shit genius

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"Erica do you copy?" Dustin asked through the walkie

"Yes I copy, you nerds in position or what?" Erica questioned

"Yeah we are in position and it's all quit here so it's a green light" Robin said through the walkie as Anna arrived and went beside Robin looking down

"Green light, Roger that, commence operation Child Endangerment" They heard Erica say

"Are we calling it that?" Anna questioned as she took out a cigarette from her pocket placing it between her lips she looked at Robin and removed the cigarette throwing it away

"See you on the other side nerds" They heard through the device and waited for a while until another voice was heard

"Alright nerds I am there"

"Do you see anything?" Robin asks

"Yeah, I see those boring boxes you are so excited about" Erica said

"Any guards?"


"Booby traps?"

"If she could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps wouldn't they?" Anna side glanced towards Robin

"Exactly" Erica's voice was heard she sounded impressed

"Thank you for that" Robin looked at Anna and she couldn't lie, even if she wanted to, she felt pretty bad at the moment but, jealousy was driving her at the moment so she couldn't feel bad fir long as she saw Erica opening the big door a smirk resting on her face as Erica

"Free Ice cream for life!"

Anna quickly made her way downstairs to Erica not wanting any kind of booby traps making the place explode while Erica was alone down there.

Steve opened one of the boxes inside the big room

"That's definitely not Chinese food" He said as Anna stood beside him her hands on the silver box ready to open it

"Uh, maybe you guys should stand back" Anna suggested as Erica took a step back and Steve placed hand on Robin's torso making her step backwards

Seeing that Anna closed her eyes for a moment as she inhaled sharply leaning her neck backwards and opened them only to see Dustin still there

"Just step back okay?" Anna demanded to the guy

"No! If you die I die!" Dustin argued as Anna sighed again just to mumble an 'okay' as she removed the lid only to find four more small boxes of the same type she removed one's life and took out a green substance

"What the hell" Dustin mumbled as the room suddenly started to shake

"Was it just me or the room actually shake?" Anna asked

Grabbing the boxes for support and taking her brother's hand to support him and that's when she lost her cool when she saw Steve and Robin holding each other's hands

"It was not just you" Robin replied

"Mmh hmm shows" Anna said not really bothering how rude she sounded

"Booby trap" Erica added

"You know what let's just take this and leave" Robin said taking the substance from Anna's hand as the room shook again

"Erica which one do I press?" Dustin asked from where he was trying to open the door

"Just press the damn button nerd"

"I am pressing the button but it isn't working" Dustin panicked

"Just press open door"  Erica shouted as Dustin continued to press the button then Steve pushed him out of the was and started pressing the button

It was right then, that they noticed a new door as the room started moving downwards

"We are going down!" Steve screamed

"Yeah, no shit genius" Anna said annoyed

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