Reefer Rick

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The three opened the door stepping inside the record store

"Hey Steve, how many phones do you have?" Dustin asked the guy as Anna and Robin looked at each other

"Someone was murdered" Steve said

"How many phones do you have" Dustin asked again

"Two, why?"

"Technically three, if you count Keith's" Robin informed

"Three works" Max said as they nodded to each other, Dustin slid his bag and himself over the counter knocking off several tapes

"What are you doing man?" Steve asked

"Setting up base of operations here" Dustin replied sitting in front of the computer

"Base of operations?" Robin asked as Anna stepped beside her helping her with the tapes on the ground

"Here" Anna handed her a tape which was still on the ground Robin took it

"Seriously you guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around here like toddlers but it's a Saturday, it's our busiest day" Robin said fixing the tapes on the counter

"Alright, Robin I totally empathize, but this cannot wait until Monday" Dustin replied

"And how are you in Hawkins Anna?" Steve questioned the girl

"It's my company and stuff- wait, shit shit shit" Anna cursed as she ran out leaving everyone confused "Call me if you find anything" she said pointing at Dustin as he nodded in response

She got into her car and drove back to the company's store where she left the guy alone to deal with a ton of customers

"Bash I am so sorry" she said getting in

"Listen we've talked about this and it's completely alright" He said making the girl smile at him as both of them got to work

After some time it was almost time for them to leave as Anna heard the phone ring

"Hey Anna, we got a lead" Dustin spoke through the phone

"Wait seriously?" Anna asked in disbelief

"Yea can you uh can you come to 2121 Holland road?"

"Uh by the lover's lake?" she had a clue they were going there to get Reefer Rick guy, the drug dealer

"Yes we are headed there right now"

"Sure I'll be on my way" She said getting into her car as she tried to get it started

"Need some help?" Sebastian asked knocking on her car window

"If you have gas yes"

"In my car, c'mon I'll drop you" he said as opened the door for her and she got out of her car then got into his as he drove away to the address she told him

He didn't mind the long ass ride as it was all dark by the time they reached, Anna saw her brother, Steve, Max and Robin getting out of Steve's car as she jogged to them followed by Sebastian

"Hey" She said

"Hey, uh.." Dustin pointed at the guy

"Oh he's Bash, Sebastian i mean, he gave me ride here" She informed

"Hi" Sebastian said as he waved a little

All of them made their way to a house as Dustin rang the doorbell multiple times

"Okay, well, that's settled i guess he's not here" Steve estimated as Dustin banged in the door calling Eddie "Great"

Robin stepped away looking through the window as Max followed her then Anna, Max saw something weird as she called them all

They all went towards that little place as Robin opened the door

"That's dangerous" Anna held the door and entered first being very careful "Anyone home?" She called out

"What exactly are we looking for here?" Bash asked his voice slightly shaking

"A man, Eddie, Edward Munson" Anna explained

"Oh, okay" Bash said staying right behind Anna

"What a dump" They heard Steve when they all were in, he grabbed a stick and started hitting the tarp

"Just take the damn tarp off" Anna said as she snatched the tarp and someone from the under the tarp screams pinning her to the wall

"Woah, woah woah, Eddie stop" Dustin screamed "Eddie! Eddie! It's me, It's Dustin, This is Anna, she's not gonna hurt you, right, Anna?" he asked

"Ofcourse I won't hurt you" Anna spoke

"She's cool, she's cool" Dustin emphasized when Eddie got more intense at her response

"What are you doing here" Eddie asked

"We're looking for you"

"We're here to help" Robin added

"Eddie these are my friends, you know Robin, from band" Dustin said as Robin imitated playing an instrument "This is my friend Max, the one who never wants to play DND" Max lifted her hand up "And it's Sebastian, it's Anna's friend" Seb scared, waved at the guy "It's Anna, she's my sister, I told you about her, you might know her through drugs and this is Steve, Steve Harrington" Dustin paused "Eddie, we're on your side, I swear on my mother, Right guys?" He said as all of them agreed

"Yeah, we swear, on Dustin's mother" Anna spoke and Eddie let her go

"Are you okay?" Robin asked approaching the girl as Anna bent a little sighing

"Yeah, yeah I am perfect" Anna said as she sat down slowly breathing as Dustin talked to Eddie

"Eddie, listen, you might not remember but you were my first drug dealer okay? It was years ago" Anna reminded the guy

"Anna, wait, you were scared I was gonna charge you a lot or tell your parents" Eddie smiled at the girl remembering the memories

"Yeah, yes exactly I was" Anna chuckled

"It was so many years ago, how do you remember it so clearly?" Eddie asked

"I never forget my firsts" Anna shrugged as she made eye contact with Robin for a brief second

"Now, I need you to tell me exactly what happened" Anna put a hand on his shoulder

"You won't believe me" Eddie sniffled

"Try us" Max said

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