Never Ending story

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Anna drove as fast as she could when she saw Billy's car approaching Nancy 

"Hold on tight" She instructed as she hit Billy's car at a full speed which caused them to abruptly stop "You guys ok?"

"Ask me tomorrow" Robin said as they got out

"You okay?" She asked the same to Nancy as they now saw the mind flayer which freaked them out

"Get in the car!" Nancy shouted as they got into the back of her car Jonathan driving them away from the creature as fast as she could

"This is terrifying, and I am in the back seat and I can't even do anything" Anna yelled

"First time?" Steve and Robin said at the same time

"Dusty bun do you copy?" A girl's voice was heard from the walkie as Anna mouthed 'Suzie?'

"Yes I copy Suzie poo the voice is much better now, thanks" Dustin spoke "Okay so do you know, plank's constant?"

"Do you know earth orbits the sun?" Suzie said sarcastically

"Ok, so I know it starts with two sixes and then a... what is it?" He questioned her

"Okay so let me just be clear on this, I haven't heard from you in a week and now you want a mathematical equation so you could.. save the world?"

"Suzie poo I promise I'll make it upto you as soon as possible"

"You can make it upto me now"


"I wanna hear it"

"Not right now"

"Yes, now Dusty bun" Robin Steve and Anna exchanged confused looks

"Suzie poo this is urgent"

"Yes, yes you are saving the world I heard you the first time, but Ged is also saving Earthsea and he's about to confront the shadows, so this is Suzie, signing off"

"Wait, wait, wait! okay! Shit!" Dustin mumbled "Turn around look at what you see" Dustin started singing "In her face"

"Wait, what?" Anna whispered as all of them held a confused look

"The mirror of your dreams, make believe I am everywhere, in the light" They continued singing as

Anna rested her head on Robin's shoulder sighing who quickly looked at the girl raising her eyebrows as she just shook her head, Robin then pushed some of the girl's hair behind her ear

"Do you guys just have to remind me how single I am?" Steve spoke in a low voice

"Plank's constant is 6.6260700" They paid attention when they heard it

"You just saved the world!" Dustin exclaimed

"Gosh, I miss you Dusty bun" Suzie spoke

"And I miss you more Suzie poo"

"I miss you more multiplied by all the stars in out galaxy" At this Steve, Robin and Anna gave each other a look

"It's turning around" Steve exclaimed after a few moments

"What?" Jonathan asked

"The mind flayer, it's turning around!" Anna exclaimed looking back

"Maybe we wore it out" Lucas estimated

"I seriously doubt that's the case" Anna argued

"Hold on" Jonathan said as he turned the car around

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