Lovers lake

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They all followed Dustin who was following the directions of the compass, it led them to the lover's lake, it was dark by now

"Whenever the demogorgon attacked, it left an opening, maybe Vecna's the same way" Nancy guessed

"Yeah, only one way to find out" They approached a boat setting it into water Robin got in followed by Nancy then Eddie and Anna, Dustin tried getting in but was pushed by her sister

"Hey hey hey, you tryna sink us?" Eddie asked the younger guy "This thing holds four people tops okay?"

"It's better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max, keep an eye out for trouble" Nancy commanded

"You keep an eye out" He gave her a look "It's my goddamn theory"

"You heard her" Anna said

"Who put her in charge?"

"I did" Robin mentioned

"Just stay here alright, protect everyone, you know what to do if anything happens, I trust you, and be careful, of the police, later cap" Anna told her brother in a worrying tone as he nodded at her words

"Cap?" he asked her

"Cap? Short for captain? Also you're wearing a cap" Anna shrugged "Fits"

"Compass" Nancy reached out her hand as Dustin unwillingly gave her the compass as Steve pushed the boat into the water getting in as well

They went forward for some time until Nancy told them to slow down when she saw the compass flickering, Anna's head started hurting, but she chose to keep quiet about it, a headache was the least of their worries right now

"Uh Dustin your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital "ahh"" Robin spoke through the walkie

"Steve what are you doing?" Nancy asked when she saw the guy taking off his shoes and then socks

"Somebody's gotta go down there and check this thing out, unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins high swim co captain and a certified lifeguard for three years then, it's gotta be me, no complaints alright?"

"Alright" Anna said as she held back a groan

"I am not complaining, i do not wanna go down there" Eddie said as Anna patted his shoulder as a way to tell him she felt the same about it

Anna handed him a flashlight covered in cloth so it doesn't get wet as he mumbled a thanks, Anna put a cigarette between her lips and pulled out her lighter as Robin snatched that cigerette away

"Gross" She said as Anna smiled the memory of Robin doing it for the first time hitting her

Steve didn't come out for a while, making them all worried, he suddenly reemerged from the water making them all curse

"I found it" He exclaimed

"You found it?" The others asked, Anna held her head between her hand

"I found it yeah I found it"

"Dustin you are a goddamn Einstein, Steve found the gate" Robin spoke into the walkie

"It's pretty wild, It's more of a snack size gate than the mama gate but still it's pretty damn big" Steve said and suddenly was pulled into the water as they all panicked

"Steve! Steve!" Nancy yelled

"No! No!" Eddie shouted

"What in the Jesus Christ was that!" Anna cursed

"Nancy really what happened" Robin yelled


Upon not getting any response from Steve Nancy didn't waste another second getting ready to jump right in

"Wait wait wait, you're not going in there are you?" Eddie asked

"Just wait here" Nancy jumped in the water

"Nancy!" They all tried to stop her

"Goddamn it" Eddie cursed

"No no no no no no no" Eddie trailed off when he saw Robin getting ready to go in there

"Robin" Anna looked at her

"What are you doing? She said wait"

"Yeah I heard her"

"She's in charge"

"He's right, Robin we don't even know how dangerous that is"

"Are you kidding me, I made that shit up" And she tilted back till she hit the water and went

"Oh fuck me" Anna cursed as she went forward but was grabbed by Eddie

"You are not going"

"Steve was pulled in by something, not like i care but I don't know" and she jumped into the water

She swimmed until she heard someone behind her, turning around she saw Eddie struggling in the water, she grabbed the guy's arm and pushed her body downwards, until she could see the gate, she swimmed them both in the gate where she saw Robin and Nancy with boat paddles, the two newly arrived ones took one paddle each as they began fighting the creepy bats

"Hey there" Nancy said hitting a bat that was on Steve

Anna and Eddie stood there while Nancy and Robin tried to hit a bad that was entangling Steve's neck, Anna heard a something, turning around she hit the flying bat with the paddle

"Nancy behind you watch out" Eddie warned

Robin tried getting that bad off of Nancy's back, Eddie hit the flying ones, Anna stepped closer to Steve and tried hitting the bat that was entangling his neck, she put her foot on the bat's mouth and hit its tail looking thing multiple times until it left him and Steve grabbed it, hitting it multiple times on the ground, and separating its tail from it's body

"Oh my god Steve" Nancy called out

"Jesus H. Christ" Eddie shouted

"Are you okay?" Nancy asked him, Anna approached Robin letting the two have their moment

"Hey, you alright?" Anna asked checking her for any injuries

"Yeah" Robin assured "But do you think these have rabies?" Anna gave her a look

"What?" Nancy asked

"Oh it's just that, rabies are her biggest fear" Anna spoke "Nah, I don't think these have rabies" Anna said moving a dead bat with her foot

And they saw and heard more bats coming near them, stopping near the gate

"Alright there's not that many" Steve pronounced "We can take 'em right?"

"You were saying?" Robin said when a huge number of bats came into view

"The woods c'mon" Nancy said running in a direction Anna sighed grabbing Eddie's arm and pulling him as she didn't want something serious happening to the obviously new and scared guy

They carefully ran following Nancy, where she was headed and stopped once they reached a cave type place

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