Academic scholar

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"Two hours, Two hours that's all we fucking left them for, and now they're breaking into Hawkins high how genius" Anna grunted starting her car with Robin beside her and Nancy in her own car

"Yeah I know" Robin mumbled as Anna drove to the school

"Your driving didn't change" Robin pointed out

"Oh, yea, how could it, it's the only thing I am good at" Anna replied and Robin just nodded not knowing what to say as Anna just sped up not wanting the other guys in trouble

Reaching there the three just ran as fast as they could to find Max in the hallway with Steve and Dustin

"It was here, right here" Max informed

"A grandfather clock?"

"It was so real, and then when i got closer it just suddenly, I woke up"

"It was like she was in a trance or something, exactly what Eddie said happened to Chrissy" Dustin informed

"That's not even the bad part" Max turned around they all went to the office as Max explained

"Fred and Chrissy both came to Miss Kelly for help, uh they both were having headaches, bad headaches, that wouldn't go away, and then, then the nightmares, trouble sleeping, they'd wake up in a cold sweat and they started seeing things, bad things"

Anna shook her head repeatedly as Max continued

"From their past, these visions they just, they kept on getting worse and worse until eventually, everything ended"

"Vecna's curse" Robin pointed out

"Chrissy's headaches started a week ago, Fred's six days ago I've been having them for five days" Max informed "I don't know how long I have, all i know is that for Fred and Chrissy, they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision, and i just saw the goddamn clock so" Max took a shaky breath "Looks like i am gonna die tomorrow"

"Shut up, you are not gonna die, alright? We are gonna figure something out" Anna said as she ran a hand through her hair

They heard a clang in a distance as Steve went to check it out with Anna, her holding a wooden stick, they carefully walked to, from where they heard the sound, as footsteps were heard, a running guy came in view as they all let out a scream

"It's me" he yelled

"Lucas?" Anna asked

"It's me"

"Jesus what's wrong with you Sinclair" Steve shouted

"I am sorry"

"I could've taken you out with this lamp"

"Sorry guys, sorry" he panted "I was, I was biking for eight miles, give me a second, shit" He pants, then grunts "We've got a code red"

"What?" Lucas ignoring Steve went straight to Dustin

"Dustin, I've been with Jason, Patrick and Andy and they've gone like totally off the rails, they're trying to capture Eddie and they think you know where he is you're in terrible danger"

"All right yeah that definitely sucks, but we've got bigger problems than Jason right now" Dustin replied


They were all now in the Wheeler's house, basement to be more specific Anna wasn't paying much attention rather her mind was occupied with Max, and plan on how were they gonna save her until she saw the both coming to them

"Ok so, we have a plan" Nancy said as they all gathered around

"Thanks to Nancy's newspaper minions, we are now rock star psychology students at the University of Notre Dame" Robin explains

"I am now Ruth" Nancy says

"And I am Rose"

"Ruth?" Steve asks looking at Nancy

"Rose? Seriously?" Anna looks at Robin

"Nice GPA" Dustin complimented

"Thanks, so we called Pennhurst asylum told them we'd like to speak with Victor Creel for a thesis we're co-writing on paranoid schizophrenics-"

"To which they said no"

"But we landed a 3 o'clock with the director"

"Now all we have to do is charm him and convince him to let us talk to Victor"

"And then maybe we can get rid Max of this curse"

"Yeah, about that, we've been doing our Victor Creel homework and uh we got some questions" Steve said

"Lots of questions" Lucas added

"So do we hopefully Victor had the answers" Nancy replied

"Wait, wait, wait a second uh where's mine?" Steve asked

"And mine?" Anna joked


Robin, Steve, Nancy and Anna, the four of them made their way upstairs to Nancy's room

"Nancy, you're out of your mind if you think I am babysitting again" Steve said as he followed her

"Ok first of all they're not babies anymore and Max is in real danger, she needs people around her" Nancy replied

"I know, but why me? Anna can do that too right?"

"Oh my god you have a Tom cruise poster" Robin exclaimed "You have a Tom Cruise poster" She repeated her voice now deep

"That's old" Nancy replied "Can you please not touch anything?"

"I just, I can't do anything here Nance, maybe i can be helpful with this asylum director dude, I don't know I could like turn on my charm" Steve said

"Not the charm we need"

"Ouch" Anna mocked

"No I just, I did a little digging last night and it turns out this Dr. Hatch is a distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a Harvard visiting scholar okay? This is a lifelong student of the world, and if we're gonna win him over we're gonna have to convince him we are too, that like him we're too, we're true academic scholars" Nancy explained

"Holy shit there's a little ballerina in here" Robin bit her lip as Anna's heart skipped a beat at the sight but she coughed it away

"Academic scholar? She's giving you an academic scholar vibe? Yeah"

"No, but she will" Nancy took out a pink dress as Anna let out a chuckle already knowing Robin's annoyed expression

"Oh please tell me that you are joking"

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