Shot in the dark

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Firstly Anna drove to their store, both of them getting inside there

"How's work going?" she asked the part timers

"It's great, not much pressure" One of them spoke

"So, um handle the store the whole day we'll pay you guys double" Anna nodded at them making Sebastian widen his eyes

Anna checked some things in the store before briefing the part timers on the work, as she made her way out with Sebastian

"Double? Seriously? What will we get?"

"Double their pay is like fifty percent of our salary don't worry I've done my homework" she said starting the car "You can stay if you want"

"Yeah yeah sure, where are we going anyway?"

"To shoot in the dark, basically library"

"No way, you can go, I am gonna watch over the store, I don't wanna risk my fifty percent pay to go to a library, good luck" Bash said making Anna smile at him

She drove, and stopped right where she needed to, entering the library she saw some familiar bodies

"I don't really have a filter or a strong grasp of social cues" Anna smiled a little as she heard Robin say the sentence

"Okay" Nancy replied as Anna stood in the back

"So if I say something that upsets you, just know that I know it's a flaw, Believe me my mother reminds me everyday, and Anna said this one too" Anna now finnally stepped forward as she called out

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We are just, looking for something" Nancy replied looking at Anna 

"Victor Creel isn't it?"

"How did you know?"

"Here for the same reason"

"Oh Anna, hello" the receptionist greeted with some enthusiasm

"Hello, lovely to meet, how are you"

"I am good Anna"

"Hey can we get the keys to the basement, it for a massively important project"

"Oh give me a second" The lady said returning with a key a few moments later "Here you go"

And with that they started walking towards the basement

"The library receptionist knows you? By name?" Nancy questioned in pure disbelief

"Why? Can't she know me?" Anna looked at her

"It's just, you are not the library type"

"I am not, I just used to come here, a lot, not for books ofcourse" She smiled

"For...? Drugs?" Nancy joked


"What?" Nancy stared at her in pure disbelief "Drugs in a library?"

"Is mean, it's much safer than in a school building" she shrugged and stopped when they finnally reached there

They made their way in and started looking through newspapers


"Anything juicy over there?" Robin asked the two

"Nothing new" Nancy replied as Anna just nodded looking through papers

"Yep, same here, Victor seemed like a normal guy, dead family, missing eyes, took a plea deal, sent to Pennhurst blah blah blah" Robin informed

"Totally normal guy" Anna mumbled

"What are we looking for exactly?" Robin asked upon getting no answer she knocked the board rhythmically "Any mention of dark wizard or alternate dimensions? Things in that vein?"

"I don't know, okay?" Nancy said getting up "It's starting to seem like this was just a big waste of time and you're obviously bored so why don't you just call Steve? I am sure he'll come pick you up and i mean I am not really in danger here so" Anna furrowed her eyebrows at the sudden mention of the guy as she followed Nancy after Robin

"You do know that Steve and I are like, totally not a thing right?" Robin asked


"So I figured you and Jonathan are still going strong cuz you guys are going to college together, you are one of those unstoppable power couples but I, I just wanted to make sure that you knew that Steve and I are just friends like platonic with a capital P"

"Yeah, she's right, I mean I am pretty sure they are just good friends nothing more" Anna said looking at Robin

"Just in case it's adding any tension between us" Robin asked

"It wasn't" Nancy replied

"Sure it wasn't" Anna mumbled sarcastically making Nancy look at her as Anna made her way upto Robin shrugging at Nancy

"Holy shit the weekly watcher, I can't believe they have this" Robin said as Anna's head shot up

"Don't they write about bigfoot and UFOs?" Nancy asked

"First, UFOs are absolutely real and bigfoot I am not sure, but we're here looking for information on dark dimension and wizards and shit? If anybody wrote on them, it's gotta be these guys" Anna looked at Nancy then Robin smiling as they made their way towards the machine, Robin sitting with Anna and Nancy on either sides of her

"Elvis cloned by aliens?" Nancy read out the headline

"You never know" Robin looked at her Nancy just rolled her eyes and walked away leaving Anna and Robin there awkwardly looking through information

"Victor Creel claims vengeful demon killed family, the murder that shocked a small community" Robin read out in a weird voice as she looked at Anna

"Haha that's very funny" Nancy replied

"She's not kidding" Anna shook her head "Come" Nancy stepped towards them as Robin read out the information

"Victor believed he was spared as a punishment" Anna said

"That's pretty convenient for Victor" Nancy replied

"That's super inconvenient, Victor, he was declared legally insane by the court right?" Anna looked at the two "What if this is why?"

"It sounds insane, just didn't go public because-" Robin paused

"The plea bargain, the records were sealed" Nancy completed

"What if a demon did invade Victor's home?" Anna looked at Robin

"It's just, this demon wasn't any old demon"

"It was Vecna"

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