Last goodbye

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I went to look for my grandfather. Something was wrong here at all. I didn't have to look long, because he came to meet me with two officers in tow. He walked in haste and his whole body seemed tense. Grandfather talked to the officers who, a short time later, disappeared in the direction of the lifeboats. When they were gone, he collapsed. I ran towards him. ,,Grandpa." He didn't seem to notice me at all. Only when I stood right in front of him did he look up. I was terrified. His eyes had lost all energy. They used to glow in front of adventurers, but now he seemed like he wasn't even here. "Edda", he whispered in a dull voice.What's going on here?" "Listen to me now!" Something else had come into his eyes – determination. "The Titanic will sink and you will survive it. I want you to get on a lifeboat right now."No, this ship cannot sink, " I disagreed. I shook my head energetically. That just couldn't be true. "I wish it were so, " he replied. Slowly I began to realize that this ship was really going to sink and with it the 2200 passengers. Panicked, I gasped for air, tears of despair poured into my eyes. I had to lean on Grandpa so I wouldn't fall over. He pulled me close to him but it seemed like he needed a lot more someone to hold on to than I did. Eventually, he pushed me away, but kept holding my hands. His hands were freezing cold, which scared me even more. "Find a boat. Please. " I shook my head. "No, I won't leave you here", I contradicted in a tearful voice. His handshake became stronger and he seemed to pierce me with his gaze. "Edda, I never forced you to do anything, but this time I will. You will go into a lifeboat and if I have to carry you there " I knew that grandfather would stay on the ship as captain until the end and I knew that he was needed now. Tears came to my eyes, I would probably never see him again. I fell into his arms and he hugged me tightly. "Promise me, no matter what happens, you will never give up hope and fight to the end, " he whispered silently in my ear. "Only if you promise to be there. I need you!" I cried out. I detached myself from him and he glanced at me in pain before rushing to the bridge.  Should I get into a lifeboat?

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