Meeting Captain Smith

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I didn't know where to start looking for him, so I went to the bridge. My grandfather looked like the classic picture book Captain: he had a white, bushy beard, a strong statue and always a smile on his lips. His skin was sun-tanned and his ice-blue eyes shone with joy of adventure. Finally, I found him on the bow, near the control room. He was talking to a man I identified as a shipbuilder Thomas Andrews. They seemed to be saying goodbye. Grandfather's gaze waved in my direction and got caught on top of me. A smile took bursting on his face. I accelerated my step. When I got to him, I fell on his neck. I hadn't seen Grandpa for 2 weeks, as he was a captain on the seaside a lot and little home, and yet he smelled so familiarly of salty sea air, biscuits and a warm fireplace. I missed him so much. "I was just about to go look for you", he remarked, "I hope you like the ship?" "Yes, it's so big and noble." I didn't want to tell him I almost flipped over. He shouldn't worry. I hooked up at my grandpa's, and together we strolled across the deck.  I told him about my studies and we talked a lot about the Titanic. Eventually he had to go back to duty and I went to my apartment to unpack my things. I ate dinner with my grandfather and finally fell into bed tired.

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