Lost in the freezing water

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It was true that I was terribly afraid of the sea, but I had enough theoretical knowledge. Grandfather had often explained to me how to steer a boat and I could row too. "Miss I think it's not the right time for jokes." The officer looked at me displeased. "I really can steer a boat. " I got up and wanted to climb back on the Titanic. "A smaller officer rushed to the first. It was Officer Moody. He whispered something in the other's ear. The first one turned to me again. "Are you Smith's granddaughter?" I nodded. He held out his hand and helped me back to the ship. "Then she should be able to do it, " he muttered as we rushed to a lifeboat further back. "Ah, are you the officer?" a lady exclaimed with pleasure. He shook his head and pointed at me. The passengers in the boat began to talk indignantly. "That's a girl."What's the point? " I'm getting out of the boat! " " Calm down, " appeased the officer, who was already in the boat. "Isn't that Captain Smith's little girl?" he asked the officer who had accompanied me. He nodded. When I tried to climb over the railing into the boat, a new wave of dizziness came over me. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. I had to work now. In the boat, most people looked at me suspiciously. "When we get to New York, I'll send a complaint to the White Star Line. This is unreasonable and completely out of line with etiquette, " said one lady. "I can get out again and they'll go down with the ship", I shot back sharply. She gave me another angry look, but said nothing more. Our boat's been scrapped. I noticed that the officer was examining me. When we landed on the water, I helped him untie the boat. I explained to people how to row. Slowly we started moving. "We have to get as far away from the ship as possible, otherwise we'll be swept away by the suction", said the officer. We rowed a good distance away from the ship and stopped. Our boat was one of the few that had been completely filled. I found some blankets under a bench, which I distributed. Finally, I sat forward to the officer. Now it was time to wait. We didn't talk much and I was thinking about it. Would Harold and Grandpa survive? They had to make it. Suddenly all the lights on the ship went out. The Titanic began to point upwards before it broke apart. I had to look the other way. How many people must have been on the Titanic. I didn't look around until the keel sank down. One could hear the helpless cries of the people who were now in the ice-cold water. I was paralyzed in the boat. "We have to help them!" I finally shouted. The officer chewed on his lip. "They'll tear us down when we go back." He was right, but we had to do something.  "Can't we row back at least a bit?" an older gentleman intervened. The other passengers agreed quietly. The officer nodded. "But we can't go in the middle of the crowd. We need to get close enough for them to swim here. " And so we rowed back. The screams of the people grew louder and more cruel. Goose bumps had formed on my arms. Some people swam to our boat with their last strength. "Help, help. Please help me, " pleaded a panicked voice beside our boat. I leaned down and saw a young woman swimming on the spot. Her lips were blue and she had great difficulty keeping herself above water. I held my hand out to her and had to lean far out of the boat. She grabbed her, but instead of pulling herself up, she pulled me down. I screamed as I dived into the ice-cold water.

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