Exploring the ship with Mr Ismay

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When I arrived in my apartment, I put my paintings in a drawer. I had plenty of time till dinner. Maybe I could go explore the ship a little more. So I went back to the deck. A group of people walked past me. Among them was Mr Ismay. Pleased, he stopped when he noticed me. "Good morning, Edda. " Turning to the people, he said, "Edda is the granddaughter of our great Captain Smith, who steers this wonderful ship. Won't you come with us, Edda? I'm just showing people this masterpiece of technology. " I pinch my lips to a narrow smile. "Of course, Mr Ismay." I couldn't stand that man. He had such a self-loving way and was too predictable, but I didn't mean to be rude, besides, he was the head of the White Star Line and I'm sure grandpa wouldn't be too pleased if I was rude to Mr Ismay. I discovered a girl about my age and joined her. She had fiery red hair, porcelain-white skin and was just beautiful. "Good morning", I greeted her shyly. She gave me a radiant smile. "Hi, I'm Rose DeWittbukater. " I smiled back. "How long have you been visiting the ship?" "Feeling for two hours", Rose replied with a roll of her eye. I had to stop laughing at her tormented expression. We had stopped again and Mr. Ismay gave a talk about how great the wooden floor was at that point and that he had of course chosen it himself. "And your grandfather is really Captain Smith?" Rose whispered to me. I nodded. "Then you must have seen a lot of the world. " She added enthusiastically. "Mmh."It must be wonderful to be so free. Nothing but the horizon and the endless sea. No obligations or expectations. I envy you. " Thereupon, I didn't reply. She looked at me questioningly. "You know, I have a life of my own, independent of my grandfather. Just because he's a captain doesn't automatically mean that I love the sea and travel all the time, " I replied snappyly. My breath had accelerated because I was so upset. I hated just being pushed into a drawer. Fortunately, we went further and I tried to concentrate on Mr Ismay's explanations.

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