Chapter 27

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          *Yamaguchi's POV*

When Yamaguchi seen you texted back he was so happy, but when you confessed that was a whole different level of happiness. He sat there blushing like a mad man. You had finally got to say the words he didn't have the courage to say. And when you offered a date his heart skipped a beat, that's when he had typed something with out thinking, he had said something so forward he punched his self for doing so what if she thinks I'm too pushy? I shouldn't have said that, stupid, stupid, STUPID! He thought aggressively. But then you texted back saying "sure" and his face lit up, you actually agreed. He just found out about an ice cream shop that his aunt took him and his family too last weekend, so he decided to take you there for your first date. He looked at the last message you sent

(Y/n) 😌
Can't wait!! I'll see you then Yamaguchi 💕

10:53 am

He blushed again, you sent him a heart. But this heart meant more to him than you thought, or if you were even thinking about it at all. This was the first heart you had sent him, not just in general but as his new girlfriend.
He couldn't help himself, he was so excited to see you, but he was also so freaking nervous. He's never had a girlfriend before, he's extremely glad his first one is you though. But.. what if I mess things up? I'm already akward as is. What if I do something to make her not like me anymore? He started to panic. The words he thought bounced around in his head, you had just started dating and it could end in a snap. He took a breather and tried to stay positive. He got ready for your guys date and since he's a guy he had already finished at 11:25 am. He waited impatiently for the set time for the date, he roamed around his room for the remaining time thinking about what he was gonna say and do. This was most likely a one in a life time chance he got to be with someone as beautiful, and special as you. And if things went wrong he definitely didn't want to lose you as a friend. When he knew he was ready he told his mom he was going out for a bit and went directly to your house to pick you up like a gentleman

           When it was time for you to leave you heard a knock on your door. When you walked over to open It, you were met with a just as nervous person as you were. Yamaguchi stood there, he froze and blushed a bright red when he met eyes with you

"Y-you look beautiful"

He just barely mumbled out, you completely took him by surprise with your look. You definitely went all out for your date. It was such a cute, comfy, and casual dress outfit

"T-thanks, you look good too"

You blushed as the words came out your mouth. Both of you standing there like idiots, looking at one another

" L-let get on our way"

Yamaguchi stumbled his words a bit


He said again, moving his hand out to you for you to take. He meant for it to be gentlemanly, not even considering it looked like he wanted to hold hand. You continued to blush before taking it, his hand was so warm, and much bigger compared to yours. The walk was a bit quiet and akward as you two took glimpses of each other, looking away every now and again when you'd catch each other. Your hands still gripping each other's in embrace

"So... What about the ice cream place? Is it far?"

You being one of the two who had finally spoken

"U-uh, yeah, yeah, it's great. I went there just last week with my family. It's only a couple more blocks"

He smiled nervously, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand

"Um... B-by the way"

He added turning his head to hide his expression

"You can c-call me Tadashi"

His face certainty on the highest of red scales. You giggled and gripped his hand a little tighter

"Ok, Tadashi"

You smiled, he whipped his head over, caught off guard. But then he smiled aswell, this was exactly in life were he wanted to be, with you, holding his hand and calling him by his name

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