Chapter 26

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          *Going back to your POV*

After you got into the car your mom asked how the game was. You explained how the boys won and how much fun you had today. She was so glad that you enjoyed yourself and had such amazing new friends. You yawned signifying that you were exhausted, your mother just smiled

"Looks likes someone's a little sleepy"

She said basically to herself, you had started to doze off closing your eyes


You responded half asleep. When you woke up you were already in your bed and the sun was shining. You don't know how you got here or when you fell asleep but you got ready for the day anyway. When you checked your phone you realized you missed a text from Yamaguchi

                               Yams 🍠
           I hope you got home safe
                              11:30 pm

Is what it said, you decided to respond back

                      I did! Thanks! :)
                            10:35 am
                     Oh! And ab last night..
   I really like you. And it sucks I didn't
     get to finish telling you in person
                             10:36 am

You threw your phone on the bed panicking after you sent it

"I-i can't believe I just sent that! I actually confessed. I wonder what he's gonna say??!"


You ran over to the phone about to look but hesitated. You tried to wait before reading but became inpatient. You opened the text and froze.... You started to blush and then squealed rolling in your bed. You sat up and smiled

                                 Yams 🍠
                  I-i like you too 😅
                             10:39 am

You do?

Yams 🍠
Of course I do!!
10:42 am

You blushed again, this was so exciting. You liked Yamaguchi for so long now and it's finally happening. Your finally gonna be with him

Yams 🍠
D-does this mean we're dating?

You blushed even harder than before and took a minute


Ig so 😅
10:45 am

Only if your comfortable with it ofc!!
10:45 am

I am 😊
10:46 am

You decided to make if official official. Now that you guys are going out with one another, it was time to plan a date

Um, so now that we are together, would you like to go out on a date sometime?
10:47 am

Yams 🍠💕
Sure! How ab today?
10:47 am

T-today?!! You thought to yourself. You guys just started going out and he wants to meet today!!! You looked at yourself in the mirror realizing you got dressed and brushed your teeth but your hair was still mess and you wanted to at least put mascara on or something. You wanted to look good for Yamaguchi, he's now your boyfriend after all... Omg.... Did I just say boyfriend?!! You blushed madly to yourself really taking in this whole "boyfriend, girlfriend" thing

"Oh, I need to text Yamaguchi back!"

You yelled to yourself before raising the phone to type

Um, sure. Of course we can meet today. Just let me get ready 😋
10:52 am

Yams 🍠💕
We can meet at 2:30 if you'd like. Ik a great Ice cream shop downtown
10:53 am

Can't wait!! I'll see you then Yamaguchi 💕
10:53 am

After you sent that text you rushingly got ready. You couldn't decide how to do your hair and since you were sitting in front of the mirror debating you realized that you didn't like the outfit you had on. You ran to your closet making a fuss throwing things around. By the time you were done it was already 12:35 pm. You had two hours before you got to see your new boyfriend Yamaguchi. You were so excited and nervous at the same time

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