Chapter 15

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          After the bell rang you and the rest of the table stood up to throw away your trash. You all waved good bye as the others headed a different way, well except for you and Tsuki. This was the one class you guys had together, since you guys are friends you figured the obvious and walked next to him. It was pretty silent, but it was a comfortable silence. You smiled as you walked side by side next to the tall salty blonde. As you got lost in thought, a big guy had bumped into you, Tsuki took notice and visibly got upset turning and yelling at the guy sending him running. You looked up at him confused and embarrassed

"You didn't have to do that for me"

You blush akwardly waving your hands

"Tch, whatever"

Tsuki pouted turning his head with a slight blush

You soon showed up to the class door. Tsuki walked inside first and went to take his seat, you followed right after doing the same. You took a moment to look up on the board to see what you guys were going to be learning today. You became annoyed and sighed a heavy sigh

"Ughhh nooooo"

You dramatically cry

"I don't wanna take a testtttt"

You dragged out your words, Tsuki told you to shut up and that you should've studied

"The teacher told us yesterday. You had plenty of time last night. You should of paid attention"

This time Tsuki was more stern sounding. You give another heavy sigh from his nagging just wishing class was over already

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