Chapter 19

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           You guys had gotten to Yamaguchi's place and knocked on the door huffing. Yamaguchi opened the door to see two red faces out of breath

"I-i beat you, you pole stick"

You said between breaths with your hands on your knees

"No, I beat you"

Tsuki replied in the same way. Yamaguchi just stood there watching you two bicker before laughing

"You guys remind me of Hinata and Kageyama"

You both looked up to see the green haired boy when Tsuki responded with a "nu-uh". You laughed at his childish response and remembered when you first met the duo. That's exactly what the ginger and dark haired boy was doing when you met them, they were racing towards the gym

"Don't ever compare me to those dumb asses"

Tsuki cut through your thoughts, only half way serious with his words. You laughed again as you both started to catch your breath. You both headed inside, Tsuki continued walking deeper into the house while you stayed behind with Yamaguchi. He closed the door and greeted you properly this time. You gave him a bright and kind smile as you walked together into the living room. Tsuki was already sitting on the couch with bsf/n sitting beside him as they talked

"So what are we going to do this time"

You sit down next to bsf/n looking at her

"We could play some board games maybe"

She replied looking back at you

"Nah, board games are boring"

Tsuki added, Yamaguchi walked into the room with some drinks. You hadn't even noticed he went into the kitchen

"Here, I thought you guys would want something to drink"

Yamaguchi said with a smile, placing the drinks on the coffee table before sitting next to you

"We could watch a movie"

(Bsf/n) said

"But I feel like we always watch a movie"

You sighed

"We could go for a walk?"

Yamaguchi suggested

"Yeah, we could, today was definitely nice"

You say looking at him with a smile before grabbing a drink he had placed down earlier and took a sip

"True and there's a park near by"

(Bsf/n) added

"Ok then that settles it. Off to the park we go"

You chuckle while standing up, everyone else doing the same and starting to head towards the front door. At first you all were walking together but then bsf/n kinda started to pull you back so it was just the two of you. The boys talked and trailed off a couple feet ahead of you


She said bluntly

"I gotta ask you a question"

She began to hesitate, looking down at the ground then back up to you

"You don't....Like like Tsuki.... Do you?"

She questioned praying for you to say no. You looked at her in shock making her sit there slightly on edge. Then she heard an outbursting laugh making her jump

"Oh hellllll no"

You dragged out laughing more

"I would never like that tall salty green bean"

You straight up say whipping a tear away

" Plus, I already like someone"

You calm down looking at her in reassurance. Bsf/n felt her face heat up in embarrassment and akwardly laughed

"Oh, aha well i-i just wanted to make sure"

You chuckled once more before patting her shoulder

"Silly, did you forget? I know you like him I would never try and take him from you. Plus your my best friend"

(Bsf/n) felt Even more embarrassed and sad she doubted you. She just had to make sure y/n wasn't on her territory. You give her a smile and hug her close as you guys continued to laugh

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