Chapter 16

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          The teacher hands out the tests and tells everyone to be quiet/focus on their own worksheet. You look down at it with a dropped jaw

'This shit looks hard asf we didn't learn this'

You think to yourself, you then look over at Tsuki to see he's already done about 3 questions. You weren't surprised but still. You look at your sheet again slightly panicking. You write your name and a couple of answers to questions you knew. Then you start to really struggle and super focus on what the questions are asking you. You give out a huff and a sad expression knowing you only have so little time left, and barley anything done. A hand lightly taps on your leg, you look down to see a piece of paper and then look up towards Tsuki who had his head in his other hand looking towards the window. The hand with the paper slightly shakes, you have a dumbfounded look before realizing what he's doing for you. You then smile and whisper a very light thank you before taking it. He sighs out of annoyance but hides a smirk. You hurryingly, but sneakingly write down the rest of the answers on your sheet a few minutes before the teacher yelled the time was up. You take a breath of relief knowing that you'll get a decent grade after she took your paper.

After class was over you stood up and thanked Tsuki again for helping you out

"That's the last time I help you cheat on a test. So don't expect any more favors"

He says with slight saltiness and a hint of a joking matter. You smile, giving him a giggle

"That was super sweet of you, I was surprised when you helped me"

He dramatically gasps and does the fake fainting gesture

"How could you say that, aren't we friends y/n?"

You both laugh and enjoy the moment, walking out of the class side by side. You failed to notice Tsuki in a daze looking at you in awe. He snapped out of his trance when you said goodbye to him. You had one more class for the day and had to go separate ways. He got a little sad but barley showed it, he waved goodbye and watched as you went to your next class, when Yamaguchi appeared beside him also going to their next class

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