Chapter 17

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          You managed to get through your last class. As it ended, you gathered your things getting ready to head towards your locker. You put your things away and grab your backpack, when you see (bsf/n) walking down the hall. You give a smile and wave as she rushes to meet with you

"Hey y/n!!"

She smiles huffing a bit out of breath

"I'm so glad todays Friday"

She adds on as she turns to her locker to grab her bag this time

"Yeah me too"

You say exhausted

"This afternoons supposed to be a lot more warmer then it was this morning"

Your friend says, you look out the school windows to see a very sunny and bright outside

"Yeah I can tell"

You chuckle a bit, you guys continue to to talk, yet again waiting for the boys as usual when out comes Hinata and Kageyama, they were already wearing their bags and were talking to one another. It kinda looked like they were getting along, usually when you saw the two together (well since you've met them) they were arguing, or you seen Hinata get hit. It was usually a friendly hit, it wasn't like he was getting hard core bullied or anything... You think at least. Anyway the two boys noticed you and stopped by to chat before leaving the school

"What are you guys doing here still?"

Hinata asks, assuming you girls would've already been on your way home by now

"We're waiting for Tsuki and Yamaguchi"

Your friend said looking at the two boys in front of you

"You guys didn't pass them on the way out did you?"

You ask, wondering if they seen your friends

"No, I didn't see them passing by or anything. Maybe they stayed after for a class or something"

Hinata says reassuring the girls

"Ok, well I guess we'll wait a bit longer and if they don't  come we'll leave"

Your friend says looking at you, you both face Hinata and Kageyama bidding them farewell

"Walk home safe and see you guys Monday"

You add on waving goodbye to the  boys. You look back over to your friend and sighed

"I wonder what the boys are doing"

Your friend says

"I don't know"

You respond, as you both sit down waiting another 5 minutes to see if anyone shows up. After awhile you guys got up and headed out with another sigh

"Maybe they already headed home?"

Your friend says kicking a rock next to you. You shrug and then remember what happened in class. You make a face of realization and look at (bsf/n) gasping

"I hope Tsuki didn't get in trouble!"

Your friend looks at you confused and questions your response

"What do you mean?"

"Um, well, we had a test today and I was low-key panicking so um... Tsuki helped me cheat"

You slightly mumble out, your friends eyes become wide from shock

"He what?! Wow I didn't take him as a rebellion"

Your friend responds

"Me neither... Well he's half way there with that salty attitude and sarcasm"

You guys laugh a bit before continuing the convo

"But seriously what if I got him in trouble?"

You say slightly upset

"Well then that'd suck"

You start feeling guilty as you think Tsuki could possibly be in detention for helping you out with the test. You guys snap out of your talk when two boys run towards you shouting. You look over to see Tsuki and Yamaguchi

"Where the heck were you guys?"

(Bsf/n) yells lightly, upset with the two
you nod in agreement but give a sigh in relief

"You had y/n worried, she thought she put you in detention Tsuki"

Your friend jokes patting you on the back as you blush in embarrassment

"Sorry we were asked by our teacher to clean up the classroom, since the other students who were supposed to were absent"

Yamaguchi awkwardly laughs as he rubs the back of his head

"Well, now we can finally head home together"

Your friend drags out, laughing and patting your shoulder again. (Bsf/n) and Yamaguchi were talking when Tsuki bends down and whispers to you

"So you were worried about me huh"

He teases, your face blushes when the warm breath touches your ear causing you to shiver. You cover your ear and look at him

"It's not like that,  I just felt bad because you helped me on the test and you were late walking home today"

You pout, the two siblings upfront turn around and ask what you guys are doing. You responded with "nothing" while Tsuki looked his plain self. (Bsf/n) smiled but inside felt a little jealous as you all walked together

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