Chapter 18 / You

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Han's POV Continued..

The black filmed door envelopes me like Jell-O until I push my way to the room in which God was to be..

It wasn't like any throne room you would see in royalty movies or books. It was one that was without a ceiling. Though it's sky wasn't blue or covered in gold and white. It was colorful and bright. This sky was designed in such a way that it reminded me of star dust in a far Galaxy. Though it was unlike any picture taken by any human. The room's dark golden floor  guided right to a endless drop off. Beyond that drop off was a floating grand pillar. 

Slowly, I walked a meter away from the drop off. I then speak loudly creating an usual echo, "I am here to see you for judgement."

"You have already been judged.." I turn around to see the Angel that had taken Y/n.

"Where are they?"

"The One is busy."

I scoffed, "With what?"

"Listening to the prayers of the living.. Like this one..." The angel says pulling out a amber glowing paper that starts to project out my mother's voice:

" Dear God, why did you have to take my boys? They both had so much to live for.. They were still so young and had so many dreams.. Why?.. Why take them now..?"

I frowned hearing her cry in prayer. As much as I had resentment, I still felt so bad for leaving her and Dad to mourn in that way. "Where. is. the. One." I snapped.

"I told you. So hurry and leave."

"I refuse."

The angel growls and within seconds is in front of me. They pull me off my feet and drag me at the edge of the drop off, "You will leave with your tail behind your legs and go back to being a dirty little fallen."

"Fuck you.. I will not leave until I speak with them."

" Suit. Your. Self." The angel than lets go of me and I start falling back. Though I stop as if a barrier was laying at a tilt. The angel walks backwards and I was then pushed back onto the dark golden floor. My balance was thrown off as I tried to stand back up, but thankfully I was able to catch myself. The angel bows but starts to stutter, " T-t-the One! I was helping our guest-"

"Please report to the gate of hell. Your service is not needed with me."

With caution, I turned around to see the being they called The One/God. They stood at the top of the pillar with angels that flew above him humming out tunes. The One was a very large one eyed glowing angel with elegant gold horns that branched like a tree. He wore a silk like toga and in his hand laid a staff that was almost as big as him.

The angel that was behind me was than transported out within the blink of an eye despite his struggle. And I was pulled toward The One gracefully.

"I apologize for that. I am aware that Archangel manipulated you and your lover's recent lives in hell. However, I didn't stop it as it was a great learning experience for everyone.. So, I too am to blame for such a happening. Therefore, your judgement is not complete.. I believe you only need one more life before you are truly ready for judgement.."

"I feel like there is something missing after all of this.."

"Your memory of your past life is slowly fading.. No worries, I know what you desire. You will be transported by a more qualified Angel until you reach the gate."

One of the angels above that once floated besides The One, gracefully grabs me and leads me towards another door that was far from the door I had entered through. Before we enter the Angel places a hand on center and mumbles words in a language that was almost close to Latin. As soon as they were done, the door opens to a bright room that seemed as if it was filled with endless sunlight. The moment we enter that sunlight fades away and it seamlessly turns into a field of green grass and wild flowers.

Beauty In Death | Han Jisung ✅Where stories live. Discover now