Chapter 9 | In Loving Memory

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Black. Everyone was dressed from head to toe with it. Even Han and his friends. They stood there listening to the preacher speak of the greatness of life and how death was a new beginning for me. My dad sat towards the front staring down at my closed casket. A casket of matte black that was decorated in pretty pink flowers and small white daisies. Tears from my family members and some friends were shed. Dahlia was in shambles holding onto Zack, but of course Han sat emotionless through it all as he  held on tight to my hands.
"Y/n... A beautiful young soul gone too soon. Let us finally lay her to rest after a prayer to our father in heaven above. Dear Father.."

The wind blew a breeze across the field as the preacher's words reached every ear. It tossed Han's pretty dark brown hair and it tickled at the dresses of the many women who came to see me leave. It even brushed against my dad's hair enough to see his expression. Solemn, but no tears peaked their way from his eyes. It was like he was dead from the inside out. Maybe he was left too broken to cry like he once did for me that day or like the day he found my mom.. In which case, I didn't blame him..

My throat was choking up at the thoughts of his broken heart and misery after loosing two people he loved. I felt sorry for not doing better to stay alive. Though I was drugged up and hauled around until a frat boy murdered me.
What a way to die..

Everyone stood up after the prayer holding a single white rose in hand. And everyone lined up perfectly one after another as my casket was lowered into the ground. With a weird sensation of peace, they took the rose and threw it down as my body was being lowered. Soon the four of us walked by. Dahlia, throws hers gently and perfectly onto the top of casket while Zack tosses his a bit crooked. Han stops to stare down for second before releasing the flower from his hands. It was like his fingers gave up on holding the stem and the flower simply followed the flow of gravity.
"Ill cherish what we had.. even if it wasn't long." He whispered to me before grabbing my wrist and leading me away from my grave.
We walk towards Zack who softly comforts Dahlia.
"We wanted to pay our respects to her father.. but it seems he's busy with his immediate family.." Zack states.
"I can't image what he's going through.." Han says looking over to my father who stood talking to my family members. My father would softly smile, but he did so without making eye contact with any of them. Han was right, none of us could image what he was feeling. And I'm sure he himself doesn't know how to feel.
Dahlia softly speaks almost into a whisper, " She had a closed casket Han.. She was hurt enough to not been seen by her family.."
"I know. And I think I know who it is."
"Can't you just go to the police??" She says clutching onto Zack.
"I wish I could, but they'd just think I'm crazy..."
Zack sighs, "Then there's nothing we can do Dahlia.. Tae is just going to have to get away with murder.."
Han becomes irritated with the mention of Tae, "I don't like that thought.. I refuse. There must be something. "

"Whose that?" Zack points to a black challenger that was casually parked looking onto the cemetery.
"The windows are too tented too see." Dahlia sniffs.
"Don't tell me it's you know who.." Han says with a sigh.

Suddenly, Tae gets out of the drivers seat along with two of his cult buddies. Nonchalantly, he leans against the car. Han pulls me close to him and begins walking towards him. As soon as we get in hearing range of the boy, Han begins speaking out at him in an irritated tone.
"What are you here for?"
"Your a bit late."
"I'm not.."
"What are you really here for?!." Han whisper shouts.
"Im just here to morn a friend.."
"Like you could have a heart for some random girl you barely know..I know what you did.." Han mumbled.
"I may really like fucking around with pretty girls , but by no means did I do what you're thinking with her. You know Han, I've always had a feeling you are just projecting these days.. Maybe it's you who is hiding something.. I don't think you have the right to be here if any.."
"Pay your so called respects and leave.." Han walks off with me and as we leave Tae there, he and his buddies joking around obnoxiously. Han walks us  back towards Dahlia's car. As soon as we get there I tug on Han's shirt with my other hand.
"What if.. what if Tae didn't do anything and we are just accusing him blindly."
"Is he really getting into your head??"  Han says with a shout.
"Han.. my mind was extremely hazy that night and I lost my memory completely.. what if.."
"He was the last you remembered being alone with correct?"
"Then he's apart of it. Don't let him fool you.." I look down a bit embarrassed at my outburst. Han softly smiles before leaning down to the level of my face.
"Sorry if I came off a bit rude towards you.." He says.
"It's not that.. I just-"
"You want to know.. don't you? Despite the fear?" I nodded. He kisses me softly before simply staring at me again.

"Let's not worry to much.. let's live in the moment.. okay?"
"Live?" I scoff.
He chuckled, " I mean, let's not focus on fear for now. Let's focus on us and spend every second of today with each other.."

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