Chapter 15 / HaPpY

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Y/n's POV

"Young child, Your judgement from the One has been cast." A 'being of light' with six golden wings dressed in the brightest of whites called deeply. They hovered above the edge of the building as if they were above us both. ( Note: Angels and The One/God in this story have no set gender so 'they/them' will be used).

I shook at this "being of light" as if I had seen a ghost and I looked at Han whose eyes and mouth were wide with fear as well. Fear? In the presence of an Angel? Oddly yes it was fear far greater than anything. Though it is something we both had in common for we knew what this had meant, we knew why we felt such a way.

The Angel speaks once more, "Please come with me. Grab my hand."

"I- I am really dead?" I say my voice almost giving out.

"Yes. This is no dream. This is no lie. You are dead and you are finally able to find your meaning after death.. Its truly a beautiful cycle.."

Han grabs my wrist and calls out to the Angel, "Her being warm. I know what it means. Its some sort of indicator.."

"Took you long enough young medium."

"There was no way Y/n was going to be dragged into the abyss.. It was test for me.. A test of faith."

The Angel chucked, "It is more complex than that.. The One or what you call God, gives us all a purpose. Yours was set as one of the high arc angels, and yet, you were imperfect. You were exiled because of a sole sin. Though, unlike that of certain fallen angels, you were regretful of having that sin. Therefore, you were given a chance to be redeemed with tasks over and over again... Have you ever wondered what was behind the abyss of demons? Well of course, it is Hell. But nothing like you know. Its a series of pain and tortures before reincarnation back into this world over and over again, that cycle is hell. This world you live in, Earth as call it, is Hell. Young medium, you are finally ready to be judge after so many millennia of Hell." The Angel touches the ground and walks over to me.

"What about Y/n?" Han asks still clutching onto me.

"She's been accepted into heaven." They say lightly grabbing my hand staring blankly into my soul with three golden almond shaped eyes.

"I won't be seeing her again will I..?" Han softly says letting my wrist go.

"You will not." The Angel grabs me close and begins to walk over to the edge of the building. They walked at the edge of the railing pulling me up besides them gracefully.

"I am scared." I say looking down and back up to the being.

"You will be okay. I promise."

"Han.." I looked at him with watery eyes. I wasn't sure what he was thinking, but I could see it in his eyes that he was fearful of loosing me just as much as I was of loosing him.

And like it was in slow motion, Han makes a run to me as if he had nothing left to loose. He runs until he hits the edge knocking me off along with him. From there we entered a free fall in which everything becomes even slower. As we both looked below, the shadows open into a black abyss with a wicked claw reaching out ready to grab. Han takes my face and buries it within his chest, I close my eyes felling his warmth spread over me one last time.

This is what I'd consider the worst outcome of my death. The thought of Han being plastered on every newspaper for offing himself because of me was filling me with sorrow as we fell. However, I was happy even if we were to end up back in this hell.. At least I would be able to breath the same air again. At least we were given that chance..

Beauty In Death | Han Jisung ✅Where stories live. Discover now