Chapter 5 | Warm

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Han's POV

Fear. She was struck by it like lightning. And I was the thunder responding to that spark. It took several calls and a final look in the eyes to get her to talk. Though, when she spoke it was almost in a breathless whisper.
"The blood is mine."

What does that mean? Who did it? And why?
Her next response pulls my heart in the pit of my stomach. She was so traumatized that her mind made her forget.. That must be why she doesn't remember. My mind exploded with questions. I desired so many answers from her because I was sure it pertained to my brother. Though.. It felt wrong to keep pushing Y/n. It was best to let her find it out herself and tell me when she felt up to it. If it was that bad, I was going to have to be extremely patient with her even if she wasn't alive. It was human decency to respect the dead after all.

Gently, I let go of her shoulder and stare at her. Without another word from either of us, she continues on walking until she reached a narrow trail that stretched out into the roadside. Y/n points to it and clears her throat before speaking.
"I was taken down here. From there I was dragged
into another car.. If you asked me where, I don't remember that, and like I said.. I think it's best I don't."
"Did my brother kill you here? Or someone else?"
"No." She looks at her right hand, "The president of his club cut me. They threw my blood in the fire for some traditional thing. That blood is there because I used the rock for support stumbling around."
"That makes sense. You know back in the day there was a organization here that was made to burn witches. Guess they are still doing some form of it to the day for what ever reason."
"Something about luck and brotherhood." She says sighing and walking back towards the way we came.
"Where do you think you were taken..?"
"I have a feeling it's way down that road, maybe going back into town? Or towards the some farm houses? I don't know, but do know I ended up in a ditch on the side of a highway.." she says stopping to look at me.
"Highway near here..?" I say pulling my index and thumb to my chin thinking intensely, "AH! There's one not too far from here!! It's only a 10 minute drive."
"If I go there, I'm afraid to I'll relive what happened.. I'm sure it wasn't peaceful.."

Suddenly multiple voices echoed throughout the forest.
"But none of us killed her.. she was with Tae the whole night."
"I don't fucking care just try and erase anything that could lead us to be investigated!"

We both looked at each other with wide eyes before bolting out of the area. Y/n goes towards the car, but of course I stop her and pull her towards an old extremely small shed. From there I close the door and pull her with me into a tiny closet filled with leaf blowers and propane cylinders.
"Why here-"
"Shhh.." I say putting my hand over her mouth. Rolling her eyes she pulls my hand off and speaks irritated at me.
"No one can hear me or see me, I'm dead remember?!" My jaw drops a bit.
"Right, but you still need to be quiet to listen to their steps.."

Carefully we listened in. And as we did, I slowly began getting distracted by her warm torso and chest pressing against me. Not only that, but her breath was even warm against my cheek.
"Han, I don't hear anything.." I didn't answer her, but instead I just stared down at her. My eyes glued at her lips. I still can't believe that a dead person could breath out such heat because normally it was like snow. When she realized I was staring, she moves her face a bit to where she was now looking up and breathing on my lips.

"Your so warm."

Her face becomes confused. Yet, I didn't explain any further as to not give away our position. Though she gets angry at me and questions why I would say that. I chuckle softly at her curiosity finding it amusing. With my index finger, I reach my hand up to her cheek touching it softly.
"Han.." she whined.
"I'm just as confused as you.. Is all of you really not cold? Not even a little..?" I begin to inch closer to her.
"I don't know, my skin doesn't feel any different.." she says keeping eye contact with me.
"Well.." I slide my finger to her jaw before leaning my lips closer to her's. Yet, before I could connect us to find out if she really was all warm, the door to the shed opens. New Footsteps and voices now echoed out leaving me breathless and afraid.

Beauty In Death | Han Jisung ✅Where stories live. Discover now