Chapter 4 | Here again

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Han's POV

"No?! Wait please-." I place my foot in the door to stop the boy from closing it, "A girl was murdered after leaving your so called party. So, as far as I'm concerned that makes you a huge suspect. Just let me walk around the basement, I'm trying to prove the real suspect because the police aren't quick enough and I'm running out of fucking time."
"Alright, chill, just make it quick..."
"Thanks." I walk in with Y/n and the guy following behind.
"You won't really find anything in there evidence wise. Everything has already been cleaned up since my parents are on their way.."
"It's okay, I just need to have a look around. You mind if I look at it in private?"
"Uhh I guess.." he furrows his brows obviously judging me.

As soon as I step inside, I looked to Y/n who immediately starts looking around. She trails her hands along the shelves until she reaches a small couch. Casually, Y/n sits on the exact spot they once sat at with my brother. I sat on the other side of that same coach.
"You were here too.." She says.
"Yeah, I was waiting for my jack ass of a brother."
"I remember you talking about that with him."
"I remember you sitting here. And I remember feeling your eyes on me, you seemed so out of it."
"I was getting dizzy.. so I sat and I got distracted looking at your face..." she stands up walking towards the door.
"You're remembering?"
"I fell here.. but Your brother and his friends caught me.. I don't remember much of the specifics, but I do know I was offered a ride. I refused it, but of course.. I was forced."
"Where did they take you..?"
"The.. back road." She leaves the basement and I follow her all the way outside. The boy who let us in trys talking to me, but I ignored him and continued to follow her out. I followed all the way until she stops at the road.
"The van..?"
"Black, two in the front seats three with me. I don't remember much conversation from here either, but I do remember something about a "brotherhood.""
"Brotherhood.. maybe your death and that sorority thing have a connection..."
"I think so too..."

Immediately, I texted Zack.

{ Hey, uh do you know anything about a meeting for Kappa Douche?}

[ Yeah according to a buddie of mine name Tyler, they had a whole meeting in the woods.]


[Whats so important about a bunch of dumb asses in the woods?!]

{Because Y/n was murdered.. and I think my brother had something to do with it. }

[Oh shit.. yeah let me try and send you the address.. ]

He immediately sends me the address his buddie had accidentally leaked. It was in the middle of absolute nowhere in outskirts of town.
"Look familiar?" I say showing the map to Y/n. She leans over leaning on my arm looking attentively.
"Kinda.. I do remember a lot trees and no bright city lights.."
"HEY DON'T-" I back away from her realizing she was touching me.
"You we're leaning on me.."
"Oh right, I'm sorry.. Wait.. I have a big question before we go..."
"What's that?" I say softly.
"Why are you the only one I can actually touch, and why can you feel me?"
"Well.. It comes with being a 'Medium' of course."
"You realize it took you more than a second to freak out though.. I think you'd have reacted sooner with the way you talk about how disturbing it is too touch someone like me.. So, What's with that?"
"You asking a lot of questions for a dead girl. If we are going, we have to go now. I can't drive well at night, and your in danger in dark spaces."
"You didn't answer my question."
"I'll tell you when we get there, we just have to get going now."
We then walked back to my car and start off to that sketchy location. The whole drive over to the location we didn't speak a word. It was quiet, but my mind was too much of a mess trying to understand everything and make casual conversation all at once.. I especially kept replaying her questions she just had asked. Ignoring her was the best choice with the last one, because it would only cause more confusion and concerns. So, I refused to tell her why I didn't completely freak out.

Beauty In Death | Han Jisung ✅Where stories live. Discover now