Chapter 8 | The Otherside

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Han's POV


Dahlia: Are you going to Y/n's funeral around 3 tomorrow?

I'm not sure..

Well, if you need a ride since Tae takes the car unannounced, I'm going with Zack and I don't mind taking you.

Read 11:45am

Right. It was tomorrow. Yet, should we even go? I'd hate to see Y/n upset. Though that wasn't my decision to make..
"Y/n, what do you think about going to your own funeral?" I say sitting myself up on the living room couch staring at the TV.
"Sounds like something someone would only dream of doing. Screaming: I'm still here!" She softly chuckled as her head laid lightly against my shoulder.
"It's not a dream though. You have a choice to go."
"I will think on it and tell you later tonight." She states.
"Okay." I don't press it any further as I wasn't sure how exactly she thought about the situation. Could not even image what it would be like.

" Jisung." My mother walks into the living room practically fuming with her arms crossed behind her back.
"Yes?" I turned off the TV and turn my head towards her.
"Did you destroy Tae's hoodie?" She pulls out a heavily stained cream colored hoodie with a brand name on it and rips along the back.
"No." I get up staring at the hoodie
"Then why did he tell me that YOU did it?" Hm?"
"He told you I did it?"
"Yes! Of course! We got this for his highschool graduation and it's his favorite. Why would he not take of it? It had to be someone! And your the only one in this house."
"Tae goes partying all the fucking time! And I don't touch his shit even though I know he goes through mine." My mother scoffs and throws the hoodie at me.
"Your grounded."
"I'm a full ass adult why ground me?"
"My house my rules. No outside contact unless your brother needs some help with stuff. Oh and your allowance for the next two months? Was used to buy his new hoodie. Think again before you think it's funny to destroy someone else's things."

She leaves her heels clicking away at the hard flooring. I sigh and look over to Y/n who sat wide eyed at the hoodie.
"That- that looks the same one he wore that night. The stains are my blood," She says softly, " But the rips.. I don't know about those since my memory is hazy still."
"Tae must be suspicious that I know what he did.."
"Clearly.." she says looking at that hoodie in disgust.

Quickly, I walked off and up the stairs into Tae's room. He sat playing video games with a bottle of green soda. As soon as I walk in he smirks.
"Why'd you tell mom I destroyed your hoodie?" I say flinging the hoodie on his bed.
"Because you did."
"I didn't-"
"Tell me what's up.. and I'll tell her it was a mistake accusing you."
"I'm sure you already know, what I know."
"Maybe, but I want to know what exactly you know. The details...." he sets down his game and walks past me towards the hallway balcony where Y/n stood. He stops in front of her and stares at her.
"Your always looking behind you Han.. Are you still relying on imaginary friends at this age?" Tae then looks back to me before walking off towards the stairs.

"Pick up.. pick up.."
"Hello! This is Wonder Lakes Asylum how may I help you?"
"I need Janis Marsh on the phone. This is Jisung her relative."
"Of course one moment.!"

I walk pacing around my room waiting impatiently. I was not proud of talking with her again, but I needed this thing I was about to do perfect..
"Hello Han.. I think I get why your calling.. Need help on your little girlfriend?"
"Well, since we both know it's not completely safe. You can start by closing every curtain and blocking out every light besides one candle." I began rushing as she spoke doing exactly what she suggested, " The board should be at the center of the room. And you have to smear a drop of your blood onto a piece of paper. Make sure this paper is thick enough where the blood doesn't seep through too much. And of course, you know the time to start.. 3:33. Good luck kid."
She hangs up and I look down at the board and then to Y/n.
"Why the change in plans? Why are you using this method?"
"I have a strange feeling I need to do this before your laid to rest.."
"So this is an Ouija board?"
"It's not an Ouija board, it's a Venta Board. It's far more dangerous because the demons, or who ever come out from the other side, physically come to hurt or talk to you. And to mess with it, it needs a specific energy.. a medium's energy.."
" I see.."
"Let's get this over with.. But first I need you to leave the room."
"Just- it's dangerous.."
She nods and walks out of the room quietly.

I breath in deep with closed eyes and touch the board with both hands. Constantly I try and manifest a Angel to come through. As soon as a light whisper is heard and the air starts to pick up a odd wind, I open my eyes. I look at the board which now had weird symbols and such around my hands. Frantically, I look up too to see a humanoid sliver creature with 6 large cream colored wings and four eyes.
" You've summoned me which is surprising for a human of your caliber.. What do you wish to know?" they spoke with a almost staticky voice. Like a radio focusing in and out of reach.
"The girl I have with me.. Where will she be going after she's laid to rest?"
"I'm afraid I cannot tell you the plan for this child. But I assure you she will be given proper judgment."
"Could you at least tell me why she is warm only to me?"
"My orders are to tell you to figure that out on your own."
"I see.."
"You have one last question to be answered."
"I have no more questions to ask."
"Very well. Summon me again when you find a question to ask young sinner.."
The Angel disappeared within the blink of an eye and I quickly reverse everything and close the board before a demon could come crawling out. As soon as I close it I run to turn on all the lights before letting Y/n back in.

"We didn't get one question answered." I say sadly.
"Well, that is okay, Han! We can figure it out together. We have a bit more time. The board wasn't a total loss!" She assured.
"Right. We should be more positive about things.."
"Right! You should get some sleep. We have to go to my funeral tomorrow.." she says touching my chest.
"So you want to go?"
"I might as well.."
"Alright, I'll text Dahlia.."

Y/n is so much like the sun.. I don't ever want that gravitational pull she has on me to disappear. Though, as hopeful as she is, I know her force will fade instantly and I will be left stranded out in space for good one day..

:: Author's Note! ::

Here's two more (uninteresting) chapters for now since it's been a good while!! I'm on spring break right now, so I'll have plenty of time to figure out what kind of surprises I want to throw in next with these stories💕

See you later!~

Beauty In Death | Han Jisung ✅Where stories live. Discover now